What is the Maximum Size of a Bitcoin Block ?

Unchaining Change Leadership

Bitcoin block size limit is a Bitcoin configuration feature that limits Bitcoin block volume and hence the number of transactions to be verified in the network within 10 minutes. About the fact that Bitcoin was released without this constraint, Satoshi Nakamoto added a 1-megabyte block size limit while he was already the project’s lead creator. Depending on the scale of the transactions, this converted to around three to seven transactions per second.

The block size cap in Bitcoin was substituted in 2017 by a network recommended weight of 4 million value units. This altered the way data in blocks is “counted”: certain data has a larger weight than others. Maybe more specifically, it reflected a successful block size cap increase.

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What’s the Difference Between a Freight Forwarder and a Customs Broker?

Understanding the nitty-gritty of the supply chain process, including the difference between a freight forwarder and customs broker, is extremely crucial to succeed in the international trading industry.

Regardless of how big your business is, knowing the entities that will bring your shipment to its intended destination efficiently is imperative to maintain efficient supply chain operations and meet the time requirements of your clients and the market.

For many import and export businesses, there are basically two entities involved in moving your shipment from Point A to Point B, which are freight forwarders and customs brokers.

While seemingly fulfilling the same role, both satisfy different requirements of trade businesses, and each delivers advantages which their clients would not be able to achieve in other ways.

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The Supply Chain Control Tower! An Assessment!

The concept of the “control tower” is increasingly becoming widespread in  Supply Chain Management, and Control Tower technologies are a popular topic right within the supply chain community. Every research firm and vendor has their own definition, but all share the common theme of visibility.

A supply chain control tower system is an attempt to make the outside supply chain environment visible to the enterprise, with “end-to-end” visibility being the Holy Grail.

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Turn your Brick And Mortar Stores into E-Commerce Distribution Hubs!

Retailers with Brick and Mortar stores continue to be under tremendous pressure.  Competition is intense in the fast growing Omnichannel E-Commerce world.  Every week there seems to be news about how one Retailer or another is closing more of their stores when they could be using them as Distribution hubs.

And very few Retailers with Brick And Mortar stores have been able to make a profit in E-Commerce.  Competitors who only sell online without physical stores appear to have an advantage with lower overhead costs.

So how can Brick And Mortar Retailers turn their stores into a competitive advantage plus a source of greater profitability?

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Limestone Extraction from Florida Quarries!

Limestone is a sedimentary rock that has been used since prehistoric times. One of the most common uses for limestone today is in construction.

Still, it has other uses, such as building roads and bridges, cement, and even agricultural fertilizer! The extraction process for limestone varies depending on where you are extracting it from.

This article will cover everything you need to know about limestone extraction from Florida quarries, including its history, uses, the extraction process, and more!

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All About Who’s Covered: Workers’ Comp Exceptions and Exemptions!

You’ve probably heard about workers’ compensation insurance, right? It’s that important safety net that steps in when employees get injured or sick because of their work. It’s pretty neat: it covers medical bills and even replaces wages when employees can’t work.

Plus, worker’s comp keeps employers safe from expensive lawsuits. But did you know it doesn’t cover everyone?

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Tesla or Maybach: Which Status Symbol is Worth the Investment?

Do you want to feel like a celebrity? Drive around in one of the most luxurious cars on the market. If that’s your goal, then you have two options: Tesla or Maybach. Both cars are considered status symbols, but they come with a different price tag.

So, which one is worth the investment?

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What are the Benefits of Paying Using Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that you can use to send or receive payments with no risk of fraud or third-party oversight, such as banks or other financial institutions. Economic benefits include lower transaction fees and faster transfers when trading or paying using Bitcoin.

You can purchase bitcoins on an online exchange, or you can transfer some to an address of the exchange that only you control. Bitcoins are not printed like dollars or euros, and they are produced by people (miners) who use computers to solve math problems and are issued into existence.

As the number of bitcoins in circulation approaches 21 million, the rate of production will slow dramatically from the current pace. 

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AI-Driven Inventory Management: Reducing Costs and Maximizing Efficiency!

Effective inventory management is crucial for businesses of all sizes and industries. Balancing supply and demand, minimizing carrying costs, and ensuring adequate stock levels are just a few challenges faced by inventory managers. 

Traditionally, manual inventory management processes were labor-intensive and prone to errors, resulting in inefficient operations and increased costs. However, the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized inventory management, empowering businesses with smarter and more efficient solutions. 

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of AI-driven inventory management and how it can help organizations reduce costs and maximize efficiency.

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What’s the Difference Between Freight Management and Logistics Management?

In business it is not uncommon to hear the words “Logistics Management” and “Freight Management” thrown around interchangeably.

“Logistics” and “Freight” both conjure up imagery associated with the movement and transportation of goods whether by truck, car, rail, ocean liner or any other form of transportation.

But for those who are professionals working in the Supply Chain field there can be very unique distinctions in this terminology. This is extremely important when you consider the tasks at hand, the skills required, and how to fill these types of jobs.

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Supplier Diversity in Logistics!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

The atmosphere of business representation has changed drastically over the last fifty years. A more diverse world has taken shape, and the transportation and supply chain industry is no stranger to this shift in supplier diversity in logistics.

There are many benefits to having more individuals, and therefore businesses, represented across the board. The logistics of a company can connect within all business community elements and unlock supplier collaboration, which leads to better relationships and an increased ability to handle peak season surge.

Overall, better relationships and supplier diversity in logistics lead to wealthier and more profitable opportunities.

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7 Ways to Help Raise Capital!

Unchaining Change Leadership

It’s unfortunate how many businesses fail in their very first year. No matter how good they may, they fail because they could not secure funding and raise capital for their business. 

A good cash flow is the heart of every business. No matter how much loss or profit you see, having a good cash flow can keep you running for a long time. 

However, securing capital for your business is not at all easy. That is why many business owners and entrepreneurs look for help in financing their projects

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What are Ecommerce Shipping Zones?

Carriers such as FedEx, UPS, and USPS use shipping zones to determine the shipping cost of a package. Zones relate closely (but often not exactly) to distance traveled. In the continental US, most carriers break down the country into seven shipping zones, (numbered 2-8).

ECommerce businesses need to pay attention to shipping zones. Zones affect your fulfillment costs and delivery time.

A clear understanding of shipping zones should inform your fulfillment strategy. When you use zones to your advantage, you can reduce shipping costs and even offer free shipping.

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The Final Link in Supply Chain: Start Your Own Delivery Business!

The global supply chain has so many links. The last one is the delivery of the product to the end customer. Modern technology allows everyone to order nearly anything they think of online and wait for the product on their doors.

With billions of online store users, there’s a constant shortage of the final supply chain – the delivery. Starting a delivery business, in most cases, means success. Even big companies like Amazon and Etsy constantly lack people to handle their shipments, so starting your own delivery business means working alongside them.

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Top 3 Industrial Applications of 3D Printing!

3D printing is a process that involves creating a three-dimensional physical object from a digital design. The said design is made using CAD (computer-aided design) software, and is used as a blueprint for professional 3D printers.

3D printing is used in various industries, including medical, food, and architecture, to mention a few. This article will look into the industrial applications of 3D printing in the said sectors. Keep reading to learn more.

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