Seasoned Leadership in Action™! An Interview with John Heffernan, Chief Supply Chain Officer at ModusLink!

John Heffernan
John Heffernan, CSCO at ModusLink

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series at Supply Chain Game Changer.  This interview is with John Heffernan, Chief Supply Chain Officer at ModusLink.

I met John on my first day at ModusLink.  He was presenting to the Board of Directors.  John was one of the Global Operations Executives for the company.   He had complete command of his facts, situation, direction and strategy.   He was so knowledgable that his expertise and experience came shining through in everything that he said.

As John and I continued to work together we knew that we needed to make serious, game changing improvements around the world.  John and I continued to positively challenge and build on each other’s ideas and thinking.  This culminated in the deployment of a phenomenal program and the achievement of world class, industry leading results.  We raised each other’s game to the benefit of all!

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Network Optimization Success Criteria!

Network optimization is a critical issue across all Supply Chains.  In Manufacturing, Distribution, Logistics and Retail the effectiveness of your network will make the difference between success and failure.

There are many environmental factors that must be taken in to account in order to define and optimize your network.  Your business may be growing or declining. You may be expanding into new channels, such as E-Commerce, or you may be pulling back.  And you may have just received a cash infusion allowing you to invest more, or you may have enormous cash and profit pressures forcing you to ratify your network.

Whatever your situation your network must continually be optimized.  Your facilities, whether owned, rented or outsourced, are the living organism which make up your network and define how your company goes to market.

Continue reading “Network Optimization Success Criteria!”

The Thanksgiving Turkey Supply Chain!

Recently we were driving on some back roads and in the distance we saw something on the road.  As we got closer we saw that there were a bunch of wild turkeys about to cross the road.  Was this Thanksgiving turkey?

The turkeys, hearing us coming, immediately turned around and quickly went back down the side road that they had come from.  Apparently they knew that being close to humans was not a good idea, particularly at this time of year.

With this in mind, and with Thanksgiving around the corner, I got to thinking about what the Supply Chain was that brought the Thanksgiving Turkey to the dinner table.

Continue reading “The Thanksgiving Turkey Supply Chain!”

The History of Supply Chain Management! (Infographic)

Over the last 100 plus years of the history of SCM (Supply Chain Management) has evolved from an initial focus on improving relatively simple, but very labor-intensive processes to the present day engineering and managing of extraordinarily complex global networks.

We will take you through the last 60 plus years below and end the post with an amazing infographic.

Continue reading “The History of Supply Chain Management! (Infographic)”

Pallet Racking Selection!

Organization is a key component to the success of any industry.  Keeping track of inventory and supplies can dramatically effect the bottom line, depending on the amount of time and resources allocated to these aspects of the business.  Pallet racking can be a tremendous asset when it comes to meeting these needs

These racks come in many different shapes and sizes, that can be specifically designed to meet your needs.   

The pallet racking infographic that follows will give you all of the detailed information you will need to make the proper decision when purchasing shelving for your business. 

Continue reading “Pallet Racking Selection!”

Space Planning: Could You Run Out of Space in Your Warehouse too?

“We are out of space!”

“What?  We’re only in the middle of September.”

“The receiving docks are backed up.  We have trucks in the parking lot waiting to unload their goods.  There are even more containers on their way.  And we have no empty space left in the warehouse racking.”

That was the actual conversation I had with the head of the Distribution Centre (DC).  We had a big problem on our hands to say the least.

Continue reading “Space Planning: Could You Run Out of Space in Your Warehouse too?”

The Growing Expectations of Last Mile Delivery!

The latest advancements in technology have had huge impacts on the world we live in, almost overnight transforming industries such as taxi services, food and grocery delivery, and music. Sometimes this change happens so fast it’s hard to even comprehend the growing expectations and what’s happening for businesses and consumers alike.

Although many of these growing expectations have been positive, creating a more efficient and faster-moving world (can you imagine a world without Uber?), there are many that reach too far, not taking into account the realities of the industry they are frantic to establish themselves in.

Continue reading “The Growing Expectations of Last Mile Delivery!”

What is a 3PL? The Ultimate Guide Including Definitions of 1PL, 2PL, and 4PL!

Most people involved in logistics or supply chain related fields would have heard of the term 3rd Party Logistics or 3PL. But what is a 3PL?

I ‘m not sure however if many would be that familiar with the terms 1st Party Logistics, 2nd Party Logistics or 4th Party Logistics let alone even pondered the meanings of 1PL, 2PL or 4PL .

Given this blog is all about managing 3rd Party Logistics service providers it would be remiss of me if I did not provide an explanation of how the term 3PL is interpreted throughout this site.

Continue reading “What is a 3PL? The Ultimate Guide Including Definitions of 1PL, 2PL, and 4PL!”

Food Waste and World Hunger – The Food Supply Chain is Broken!

There are many different Supply Chains in the World covering every industry, every business or institution and every aspect of our lives.  But the single most important Supply Chain is the Food Supply Chain!  Our very survival depends on there even being a Food Supply Chain.

But there are two very opposite, yet unacceptable, problems in this Supply Chain.  On one hand there is a horrendously large amount of Food Waste.  Yet on the other hand an enormous portion of humanity suffers from Hunger!  The Food Supply Chain, the most important Supply Chain in the World, is BROKEN!

Continue reading “Food Waste and World Hunger – The Food Supply Chain is Broken!”

What is Supply Chain Management (SCM)? (Video)

What is Supply Chain Management?

The term was coined over 35 years ago but still to this day there are a large number of different definitions of SCM.

To someone who is starting out their career, or who is new to the field of Supply Chain, it is understandable that there may be confusion as to the definition of SCM.

But the reality is that there are many expert individuals and organizations who define Supply Chain differently. Are they really that different or are there just subtle nuances in what some people consider SCM that others do not?

Watch our video to learn more about how people define Supply Chain Management!

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Trade War Myopia and Supply Chain Leadership!

All of the protectionist tariffs that are being imposed are surely upsetting the world order in international trade.  The starting position that initiated all of this was that it was to protect national security in the U.S., largely from its Allies!  Seriously?

This is all politically motivated with the intent of generating more jobs within the U.S. and improving real, or perceived, trade imbalances by the richest country in the world.   Not unexpectedly those countries that have been hit by tariffs from the U.S. are responding in kind to protect their own interests.  The death spiral spins on.

While we must wait to see how all of this mess sorts itself out the Supply Chain leaders of today must create and implement the strategies necessary to combat these trade complications and ensure the ongoing integrity of their Supply Chains.

Continue reading “Trade War Myopia and Supply Chain Leadership!”

Our 2017 Top 10 List! – Part 2

It’s been a tremendous first year at  Our goal has always been to share experiences and expertise.  And in the second half of 2017 we had an ever increasing number of articles contributed by industry leaders all of whom have been very generous in sharing their intellect and insights.  This is our second 2017 Top 10 List.

Our readers and contributors come from all over the world.  They include individuals new to Supply Chain as well as Industry leaders and everyone in between.   And they work in many different industries and vocations.   But they all have a common interest in Supply Chain, Operations, Business, Leadership, Change Management, Human Resources, Transformation,  and Technology.

Most importantly they all have an interest in learning and sharing.

As we end this first year we wanted to publish our 2nd Top 10 List.  Our first Top 10 List covered the Top blog posts from the first half of 2017 so our 2nd Top 10 List will cover the second half of 2017.

Thank you for your tremendous, ongoing support.  

So here is our 2nd Top 10 List of 2017…

Continue reading “Our 2017 Top 10 List! – Part 2”

Humanless Warehousing: Tips for a Robot-Driven Future!

Mujin, a Tokyo-based company, has developed and deployed the first fully automated, humanless warehousing robotic systems, reports CNBC.

Unfortunately, significant challenges continue to plague the idea of humanless warehousing, yet the benefits of automation and robotics must not be ignored.

Supply chain leaders need to understand these facts and follow a few tips to prepare for a robot-driven future. 

Continue reading “Humanless Warehousing: Tips for a Robot-Driven Future!”

A Comprehensive Warehouse Safety Guide!

When it comes to the state of working in America, warehouses have seen a huge increase of workers with over 1,000,000 total since the start of 2018. With this trend looking to continue into the next couple of years, it’s time to examine the state of the industry, especially when it comes to safety with all of these new employees entering the field.

Warehouses, often full of moving machinery carrying heavy loads, are inherently one of the most dangerous places to work. If you’re a warehouse manager, failing to control these risks can lead to high employee turnover, decreased productivity, legal issues, and, at worst, injury or fatality.

In most case scenarios, the law requires companies to train their workers for a CPR certificate to improve workplace safety practices.

Continue reading “A Comprehensive Warehouse Safety Guide!”

The Baby Supply Chain!

We have a newborn Grandson!  A beautiful baby boy!

Aside from being a parent there is no better feeling than being a Grandparent!

A whole new world of joy and responsibility has begun for my son and his girlfriend.  It is such an exciting time but their routine will be completely turned upside down as new parents.

They will have to figure out so many things that they never had to deal with before.  Parents immediately  have to care for their child in every way.

They have also just entered the world of the Baby Supply Chain!

Continue reading “The Baby Supply Chain!”