The Toxic Workplace Response! Fight or Flight?

I have worked for many different companies in many different industries. And over the course of my career I have probably had a couple of dozen different bosses.

When I think about those bosses a few of them were great, about half were good, and the other half were bad bosses. As anyone knows your direct manager is probably the leading determinant as to whether you are working in a good workplace or a toxic workplace.

It is true that anyone can find themselves suddenly working in a toxic workplace. Depending on the situation your response, whether it be fight or flight, is your best way to deal with that toxicity.

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Creating a High Performance Organization! (Infographic)

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

We have written many blog posts about Change Leadership and Culture Change.  At its core the overall objective is creating a High Performance Organization (HPO).  For a truly High Performance Organization is one in which their will be high morale and an innate ability to achieve superior results for all stakeholders in the company.

There are relatively few High Performance Organizations.  More importantly there are many, many companies that are actively on the journey to become an HPO.

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Inspiring Olympics Quotes!

The Olympics are a tremendous source of inspiration in many respects.  Watching the incredibly talented athletes compete is truly amazing.    Whether they win or lose, whether they are favourites or underdogs, or whether they are from your home country or another country, their years of training, commitment, skill and expertise are on full display.

Seeing so many of the countries of the world come together in peace is also a remarkable sight.  Fans and supporters cheer all of the athletes whether they are winning, struggling, or just giving it their all, and no matter where they are from.

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Featuring Our 12 Best Change Management Articles!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

Nothing can be accomplished and no vision can be realized without leadership. But even the best leaders know that any goal that they are trying to achieve will inevitably mean some level of change. They need Change Management.

This change may manifest itself in changing business processes, changing job responsibilities and roles, changing organizations, changing infrastructure, changing products and services or even completely changing direction.

While change is inevitable change usually does not come easy. There is no end to the number of challenges, hurdles and barriers that will be put in front of you.

This all requires Change Management, or as we prefer to say, Change Leadership. In this “Featuring” series article we present our best articles on the matter of Change Management and Change Leadership!

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™! An Interview with Leonard Han, Freelance Consultant!

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series at Supply Chain Game Changer.This interview is with Leonard Han.  

I have had the tremendous opportunity of working with Leonard at ModusLink.  He is truly a seasoned leader having run businesses across Asia.  

Leonard very easily deals with people across all countries and cultures.  He is very pragmatic and knows how to get things done to meet all business and customer challenges while at the same time earning the respect of all those who deal with him.

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Lessons from Bad Bosses!

Unchaining Change Leadership

Over the course of a long career I have worked with and for many, many people.  As I reflect on the bosses I have had it is easy to create a list of those I considered to be good bosses and those I considered to be bad bosses.

But I have also always felt that you can, and should, learn from everyone.  Whether you  consider that they are good, bad or indifferent there are behaviours and qualities that you can see in every person.

Everyone can share similar stories, again both good and bad.  It’s how you react, adapt, adopt, avoid, change, and deal with these behaviours that is important.

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Naming a Product or Company? It’s Not That Easy!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

The organization was spinning off from the parent company within a year to become its own corporation. A lot of work had to be done to in order to get ready to be an independent, publicly traded company, including naming.

The CEO called me into his office and said, “I’d like you to lead the effort to name the company.”

Wow! This was certainly an honour. But how do you name a company and where do you start?

While it may seem easy to come up with a company, or product, name I was about to find out how incredibly difficult and complicated this process can be.

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Ground Rules for Creating a High Performance Organization (HPO)!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

A High Performance Organization is one in which there is tremendous alignment among and commitment by the team members. And as a result this motivated team is able to achieve superior results. The level of collaboration and innovation they demonstrate is remarkable.  But what are the ground rules?

There are many characteristics of the culture which allows such teams to be high performing. And when they set out to drive change and make improvements it is those cultural characteristics which allow them to succeed.

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How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Change Decision Making!

From The Terminator to Blade Runner, pop culture has always leaned towards a chilling depiction of artificial intelligence (AI) and our future with AI at the helm. Recent headlines about Facebook panicking because their AI bots developed a language of their own have us hitting the alarm button once again. Should we really feel unsettled with an AI future?

News flash: that future is here. If you ask Siri, the helpful assistant who magically lives inside your phone, to read text messages and emails to you, find the nearest pizza place or call your mother for you, then you’ve made AI a part of your everyday life.

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Lessons from the Edge of the Abyss! Surviving a System Implementation!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

The company I had just joined was nearing the finish line on the implementation of a new WMS system.  They had been working on the system change for a few years.  Now implementation was only a few months away.  There were going to be lessons from the edge of this experience.

As the implementation date drew closer one of the key Warehouse management leaders, heading the project from the beginning, left the company.  We forged ahead and implemented the system on April 1st.  That’s right, April 1st!

And that’s when the “fun” began!

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A Guide to Seamless Tech Rollouts and Installations!

New technologies streamline an organization’s workflow, improve efficiency, and enhance productivity. Nonetheless, while most firms and institutions excitingly welcome the new changes, implementing tech rollouts can pose some challenges.

It’s, therefore, reasonable to understand how to seamlessly roll out new technologies and properly install them to successfully navigate any friction, including technical difficulties, change resistance, and compatibility issues

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The Supply Chain Detective™ and the Change Paradox!

Unchaining Change Leadership

I was brought into the company to make changes happen. The company was facing overwhelming competition from a global behemoth. The product portfolio was outdated and the company needed to enter new markets with new products. And that meant that a fundamental change in processes, structure, systems and culture was required. There should be no change paradox.

The dire situation, and the need for change, was communicated first from the CEO. And it seemed that everyone in the organization, regardless of level or title, all recognized the need for change and the sense of urgency.

But when it was time to make change happen the level of resistance, from the CEO on down, was incredible.

The forces for change met with equal and opposite forces against change. This change paradox, and the resultant paralysis, could only be solved by The Supply Chain Detective™.

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Our 2017 Top 10 Blog Posts … So Far!

It’s been 6 months since we launched  Our goal has always been to share experiences and expertise.  The site has evolved.  The number of categories has continued to grow.  And the response has been absolutely tremendous. We can now present our 2017 Top 10 Blog posts.

In that time Supply Chain Game Changer was also selected by Feedspot as one of the Top 75 Supply Chain Blogs on the Internet.

So we thought that this would be a good point at which to share a list of the 2017 Top 10 Blog posts that we have published so far.  We would be remiss if we didn’t also thank the phenomenal Guest Bloggers who have given us such great content.

So here is the 2017 Top 10 Blog List, so far …

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Business Practices Disrupting Procurement!

When I was a kid, my mom had a ’93 Ford Escort.

I remember that car as clearly as I remember banging with my fist on it’s ceiling singing Tom Petty’s Makin’ Some Noise.

Days and years went by, and eventually, the ’93 Ford Escort was living in the hybrid-dominated world of the year 2004. My mom decided that the Escort had seen better days, and started a new/used car hunt. She soon selected the Prius as her car of choice for its environmentally friendly features. The Escort joined its fellow junk metal comrades in an automotive-parts junkyard a few miles away from my childhood home.

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Project Prioritization Simplified!

We had the “Call To Action” from the CEO.  The business needed to be transformed to support growth.  And the business needed to be financially stronger and much more productive.

With the mandate established we had named the change initiative that we were about to launch.  We had enlisted leaders from every functional organization.  And we had began to roll out our communication strategy.

This project involved every employee, every function, and every process in the company.  We needed a simple way to prioritize all of the projects that we were about to undertake.

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