Why is Supply Chain Such a Great Career Path?

When I started my career the term “Supply Chain” had just been coined. As such it was many years before I actually heard of the term “Supply Chain Management”.

Regardless I pursued my interests and took on an increasingly diverse set of progressive jobs as time went on. Now as I look back on my career virtually everything I did falls under the banner of Supply Chain management.

Given the phenomenal opportunities that Supply Chain offers for personal and professional growth it is a career path which I highly recommend to anyone.

What is it about Supply Chain that makes it such an appealing career path?

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What are the Highest Paid Blockchain Jobs?

Unchaining Change Leadership

It’s been a few years since the world has been looking at the rise of new technology, specifically with the progress of revolutionary blockchain technology. This technology has become a solution to problems faced by various industries like healthcare, logistics, real estate, education, and supply chain, leading to the highest paid Blockchain jobs.

The integration of this technology is increasing at a drastic rate over many industries.  The buzz is that many popular and powerful companies are looking for collaborations and partnerships to launch pilot projects with blockchain technology.

Because of its unending advantages, blockchain has been continuously receiving offers from global leaders, renowned industry experts, and emerging entrepreneurs.

In fact, Blockchain is labeled as a portent for the upcoming industrial revolution. If you are looking forward to taking blockchain technology as a career for successful living, you are on the perfect track pursuing Blockchain jobs.

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6 Reasons Supply Chain Employees Look For New Jobs!

As a boutique recruitment agency, we at Argentus are on the front-lines of the churn in the new jobs market. We speak with potential job candidates every day.

Some of them are passive, interested in moving into new opportunities when we reach out to them. Some of them are active, reaching out to us because they want to make a move.

With the economy experiencing a prolonged growth spurt, and demand for professionals in Supply Chain Management and Procurement – our area of specialty – going up, there’s a lot of activity, especially in short-term contracts where companies are onboarding talent for their change management and business transformation expertise.

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™! An Interview with Leonard Han, Freelance Consultant!

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series at Supply Chain Game Changer.This interview is with Leonard Han.  

I have had the tremendous opportunity of working with Leonard at ModusLink.  He is truly a seasoned leader having run businesses across Asia.  

Leonard very easily deals with people across all countries and cultures.  He is very pragmatic and knows how to get things done to meet all business and customer challenges while at the same time earning the respect of all those who deal with him.

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Our New, Flexible Workforce! Are You Reaping the Benefits?

The World Has Changed! Economic realities, the concern for our environment, and the digital transformation have reshaped our views of almost everything in life, including our work lives and the flexible workforce.

Since the early 90s, when IBM had its first “layoff,” companies have become more comfortable with matching expenses to revenues by deploying new employment models.

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Quantum Leap to the Top 10 Supply Chain Skills of the Future!

There are many exciting quantum leap advances in Technology these days!

The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Robotics, Industry 4.0, Big Data and Analytics, and Digitalization are all phrases that are emblematic of revolutionary changes both today and in the future.

It is important to know that these changes are not just impacting Manufacturing, Engineering and I/T.  These technological advances will impact every aspect of our personal and working lives.  And one area that will be driving these quantum leap changes is Supply Chain!

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The Hottest Supply Chain Jobs! (Infographic)

It’s an exciting time to be involved in the Supply Chain and for Supply Chain jobs.  Across every industry, every geography and every country there are advances in Technology, the Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain and more.

But none of this can function without Supply Chain professionals.  Your expertise and experience are the backbone of developing the strategies and action plans for making these evolutionary and revolutionary improvements .

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Supply Chain is Becoming Younger, More Educated, More Diverse!

Everyone knows that the demographics of the Supply Chain industry are changing, and Supply Chain is becoming younger. They have to. Within a few years, demographers estimate that 400,000 baby boomers will be retiring in Canada every year.

Within the Supply Chain industry, the looming – and in fact, already-started – retirement of baby boomers and shifting job responsibilities brought about by technology are creating a talent crisis.

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To Infinity and Beyond! Ultimate Principles for Creating a World Class Team!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

The Supply Chain team was generally viewed as lacking in skill and capability by those outside the organization.  Customers and other internal functions viewed Supply Chain as a dysfunctional organization as evidenced by the poor Supply Chain performance metrics.  And external benchmarking placed our Supply Chain last amongst our competitors.  Going to infinity and beyond was a tall task to say the least.

Inside the Supply Chain organization there were a lot of very smart people.  But there was no trust, teamwork or synergy.   The culture was one more of complacency than of trend setting.  And there was a lack of inspired leadership.

Something had to change!

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™! An Interview with Skip Boothby!

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series. The first in our Interview series is with Skip Boothby, a colleague and good friend for many years.  

Skip Boothby is a tremendous Leader and Executive with phenomenal experience in running businesses and operations through every stage of their evolution.  Skip’s background and insights are valuable for all of us to learn from and share.

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™ – An Interview with Bronwen Hann, President at Argentus

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series. This interview is with Bronwen Hann, President at Argentus.

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Starting a New Job? Be a Positive Impact Player to Succeed!

I have seen many people join a new company and take a new job or leave for another company.  While I don’t have the precise statistics it is fair to say that as many as half of the people joining a new company will do well.  However atleast half of these people will struggle in their new roles and in their new companies.  Many will fail altogether.

What makes someone more or less successful when making such a career move?  What are the environmental factors which affect this outcome?  And most importantly what is it that the new employee does or doesn’t do that makes them succeed or fail?

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The Hidden Value of Your Intuition! It’s a Game Changer!

Imagine there was a super tool available to you at all times that would provide you with the insight to know the best direction moving forward, motivating you to take action!

Imagine this “super” tool would also give you the ability to see things differently, communicate powerfully, generate innovative ideas, and make quick decisions without getting caught up in the details and massive amounts of information.

Do you want this tool?

You already own it!

Continue reading “The Hidden Value of Your Intuition! It’s a Game Changer!”

The Good Jobs of the Future Belong to Supply Chain!

A new Harvard Business Review article lays out some striking research out of MIT about the role of Supply Chain Management within the broader economy. 

Written by Mercedes Delgado and Karen Mills, the study seeks to better define what constitutes the “Supply Chain” part of the economy, and what doesn’t.

The goal?

To better define Supply Chain Management’s place in the broader economy, and the role it plays in terms of innovation.

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What is Mentoring?

A mentor is a person who can be a sounding board, someone of experience who can listen and help development, while not losing sight of reality. That is mentoring. 

Mentorship is actually rarer than we think but true mentorship is a beautiful thing.

“Mentors should keep their protégés’ feet grounded, and support and stretch them to succeed personally and professionally,” says Debbee Dale in “How to Set up a Mentoring Scheme.” I think that is a perfect description.

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