6 Skills Accountants Should Hone to Increase Employability!

Today, the finance sector is evolving rapidly. From new payment modes to decentralized ledgers – the role of banks and financial institutions and accountants is undergoing a massive change.

Similarly, the integration of FinTech is encouraging businesses to upgrade their finance infrastructure and keep pace with emerging technologies. With evolving dynamics in the finance world, job descriptions and employment prospects are also changing. 

Employers look for accountants and analysts who can work with digital data, applications, and advanced software solutions. In addition, they also want employees with a firm understanding of budgeting, corporate finance, and law to keep up with state and federal regulations.

Therefore, you have to be technologically apt and commercially aware to continue your career as an accountant. 

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CEO Insights on Value Realization from Customer Success!

Unchaining Change Leadership

The Toronto Customer Success Executive Breakfast is a forum whereby local industry leaders get together over breakfast to discuss the still young and rapidly evolving field of Customer Success.

Co-hosted by Natasha Narayan and myself, and Sponsored by Gainsight, senior executives in this field are invited to share their knowledge and expertise amongst their peer group in an intimate and highly interactive setting.

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Mastering Remote Worker Time Tracking Tips and Best Practices!

Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to technological advancements and changing attitudes towards work-life balance. However, with the freedom of working remotely comes the responsibility of managing your time effectively. 

Remote worker time tracking is a crucial aspect of remote work, as it helps you stay on top of your tasks, meet deadlines, and demonstrate your productivity to your employer. 

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Boost Workforce Resilience with these 5 Tips!

You may have encountered a few people who consider their jobs their main stressors. Well, this is probably because they work in highly demanding jobs where burnout and stress are widespread. The good thing is that you can change how your team perceives work culture and how they react to changes by boosting workforce resilience.

Workforce resilience equips your team with the skills to adapt to job uncertainties, unexpected changes, setbacks, and workplace pressure without losing motivation. A resilient team will always find solutions to challenges, as the members are innovative and a great asset to the business.

If you’re wondering how to boost workforce resilience, here are a few pointers:

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Customer Loyalty and Employee Recognition Programs!

As a business owner, you must know that a happy customer is a key to leading a successful company. But what things make a customer happy? In addition to providing the best quality products and services, studies show that most customers appreciate being acknowledged for their loyalty. In the same way, the employees love and feel worthy of being identified for their hard work.

One way to reflect your appreciation towards your valuable customers and employees is to implement a customer loyalty and employee recognition program. More and more companies in today’s scenario can see the growing importance of customer loyalty and employee recognition programs.

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™! An Interview with Paul Kretz, Head of SCM at Church & Dwight!

Paul Kretz
Paul Kretz, SCM at Church & Dwight

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series at Supply Chain Game Changer.  This interview is with Paul Kretz, Head of SCM at Church and Dwight.

I first met Paul at Celestica.  He left to purse other interests but our paths crossed again later on.  I was at a company that had just implemented a new WMS system in the Distribution Centre.  The system cutover  was a disaster.  And the operation had been run without true Warehouse Management experience as well.  As I looked to recruit a new leader I was looking for a someone who could lead change.

I toured my final two candidates through the Distribution Centre, including Paul.  Their reactions would help me decide who to select.  The other person seemed overwhelmed and lost while looking at the mess in the warehouse.  It wasn’t clear what they would do.  Paul looked at the disastrous situation like a kid in a candy store.  He saw opportunity at every turn.  And instead of  being intimidated by the situation Paul was motivated and inspired.  I found my leader!

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These Areas of Your College Campus Need More Attention (And Why)!

Your college staff and faculty are doing amazing things, making the campus one that students look forward to coming to every semester. But there are always areas to improve, and here are some that you have not thought of yet and why they’re so important to focus on.

While your attention cannot be everywhere as the head of the college, putting more attention on these things can ultimately lead to a better college for all.

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What Soft Skills Used in Healthcare Can Be Transferred to Business?

A healthcare career is something that a lot of people feel drawn to. It’s a way of helping others that can be extremely rewarding. And it’s ideal for people who want to feel as though they are making a difference through the soft skills used in Healthcare.

Not only that, but there are many ways to progress a career in healthcare, so ambitions can also be met. 

It might even be that you want to start your own business in a healthcare-related field. Maybe you want to start your own practice and open a clinic, or perhaps you feel your skills are best utilized in administration and management.

Whatever it is you want to do with your nursing qualifications once you have them, it’s important to understand that you can gain many soft skills through studying for a career in healthcare that can then be used in other areas, namely your own business if that’s what you choose to do.

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How Personalised Workwear Enhances Professionalism on Construction Projects!

The first impression frequently determines how clients, partners, and subcontractors see a company’s reliability and professionalism in the construction sector. Wearing customized work clothes is one of the best ways to project professionalism and reliability.

In addition to promoting a feeling of cohesion among employees, branded uniforms boost a company’s brand identification by producing a visually appealing and unified image.

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Increasing the Efficiency of Remote Worker Management!

There are many people interested in remote worker management today. However, the issues often occur due to a lack of knowledge or the right principles.

Luckily, we’re here to show you how to implement it efficiently. In today’s business world, the percentage of employees who work remotely is constantly growing. If implemented properly, remote work has the potential to boost productivity while decreasing overhead.

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7 Reasons to Hire on Contract for Supply Chain!

Economists have done a lot of analysis on the rise of the so-called “gig economy.” More workers are using short-term contracts and other forms of hire on contract employment to provide additional income to supplement or replace permanent jobs – think Uber, DoorDash, etc.

But more and more companies in a variety of industries are also bringing on high-skilled contingent labour for white collar positions in a number of impactful business functions like Technology, Procurement and Supply Chain. 

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I Am Into World Class Performance!

I am fanatical about the customer journey and world class performance.

Anyone who has worked with me or been following my articles knows that.

To the point that when people think of my services, they think synonymously of journey mapping.

My messaging about the journey has worked. Check mark.

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How a Student Can Get a Business Grant!

Unchaining Change Leadership

Need to get a business grant to start business? Financial support is important, especially for students.

Some students feel they can start their own business because they have many interesting ideas. This is a good opportunity for professional growth if you receive financial assistance. Unfortunately, not every person who is 20 or a little over has enough money to realize all their dreams.

This is why a business grant is a good option for you. But how can a typical student get it? Here are some interesting ways you can do it.

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6 Reasons Supply Chain Employees Look For New Jobs!

As a boutique recruitment agency, we at Argentus are on the front-lines of the churn in the new jobs market. We speak with potential job candidates every day.

Some of them are passive, interested in moving into new opportunities when we reach out to them. Some of them are active, reaching out to us because they want to make a move.

With the economy experiencing a prolonged growth spurt, and demand for professionals in Supply Chain Management and Procurement – our area of specialty – going up, there’s a lot of activity, especially in short-term contracts where companies are onboarding talent for their change management and business transformation expertise.

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The Toxic Workplace Response! Fight or Flight?

I have worked for many different companies in many different industries. And over the course of my career I have probably had a couple of dozen different bosses.

When I think about those bosses a few of them were great, about half were good, and the other half were bad bosses. As anyone knows your direct manager is probably the leading determinant as to whether you are working in a good workplace or a toxic workplace.

It is true that anyone can find themselves suddenly working in a toxic workplace. Depending on the situation your response, whether it be fight or flight, is your best way to deal with that toxicity.

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