Who is Responsible for the Wellbeing of Crew on a Ship?

Working hard on a ship should be under safe conditions that help productivity. If your well-being suffers, not only does this detract from your work, but the conditions can ruin your health.

It is crucial that your well-being is taken care of. When you are injured because of irresponsible leadership, you can suffer from damages that negatively impact your livelihood. 

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Leadership Techniques To Inspire Your Team!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

Leaders and leadership techniques are worth their salt are those who inspire others to be great.

Whether you’re a sales manager or a CEO, bringing out the best in people you work with is key to the success of your organization.

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™ Interview Excerpts: Lessons Learned by Global Leaders

Unchaining Change Leadership

Our fundamental objective at Supply Chain Game Changer is to share experiences and expertise and lessons learned. As such we have focussed on curating a wide range of content and resources that will have relevance to anyone at anytime no matter what their needs may be.

We began our Seasoned Leadership in Action™ Interview series in support of our objective to share experiences and expertise. And hearing from Industry leaders in this interview format has proven to be incredibly popular. People want to hear about the experiences of others and lessons learned from those who have been successful in their fields.

With many of these Seasoned Leadership in Action™ Interviews now published we thought it would be valuable to extract excerpts from these interviews along themes, starting with lessons learned.

As such we are presenting our first compilation of excerpts from these interviews which is focussed on Lessons Learned by these leaders throughout their careers.

Enjoy and look for nuggets of wisdom in these lessons learned.

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The Veteran Affairs (VA) Loan Guide and Its Importance!

If you’re a veteran, thank you for defending the country, putting your life in the line of service, and keeping all citizens protected. Everyone surely appreciates all the hard work and sacrifices you made to make this country safe. And, if you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in learning more about VA loans.

VA loans are created to help veterans purchase a home at an affordable cost. They’re one of the best benefits you may receive as a veteran. So, don’t hesitate to talk to your local financial institution, especially if they’ve given you the opportunity to request and file for a loan.

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Starting a New Job? Be a Positive Impact Player to Succeed!

I have seen many people join a new company and take a new job or leave for another company.  While I don’t have the precise statistics it is fair to say that as many as half of the people joining a new company will do well.  However atleast half of these people will struggle in their new roles and in their new companies.  Many will fail altogether.

What makes someone more or less successful when making such a career move?  What are the environmental factors which affect this outcome?  And most importantly what is it that the new employee does or doesn’t do that makes them succeed or fail?

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How STEM Professionals are Transitioning from Industry Roles to the Classroom!

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is key in today’s world, driving innovation, economic growth, and solving global challenges.

The demand for skilled STEM professionals is high, making STEM education essential for future problem solvers and leaders. However, aligning industry expectations with educational outcomes is challenging.

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4 Things Freshers Must Consider During Job Hunts!

If you’re fresh out of school or university and you’re hunting for jobs in Australia, you might be worried. 

As of May 2024, the job vacancies in Australia have decreased by 2.7% from the previous quarter. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t get a job of your preference! 

In Australia, there’s a perfect job for every fresher, irrespective of your degree. But if you want to bag your dream job during job hunts, you have to consider some key tips and tricks. Want to know what they are? Keep reading!

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Motivating Employees for Better Results!

Whether your job focuses on operating a small warehouse or you have to handle shipping on a larger scale, finding the right way in motivating employees who help you get the work done will be important. Employee engagement needs to be up, or you could be out of luck if you are not motivating employees. 

But how do you make sure that you motivate your employees the right way? What steps will work to make them feel valuable and like they are part of the team? The good news is that there are some steps that you can choose and spending a few minutes on these will make a world of difference in how well your supply chain goes.

Some of these methods for motivating employees to get better results include:

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Enterprise-Level HR Software: Scalable Solutions for Large Organisations!

The demands placed on HR departments within major organisations are always expanding. With varied workforces, complicated hierarchies, and worldwide operations, organisations have prioritised efficient and effective HR process management.

In response to these issues, enterprise-level HR software has developed as an essential tool, providing scalable solutions customised to the demands of huge organisations.

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New Opportunities for Students in Supply Chain!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

The world of supply chain management is constantly changing, helping companies to become increasingly efficient and profitable across the entire supply chain. Huge Improvements are being implemented about emerging trends in supply chain management in several respects offering opportunities for students.

In other cases, businesses are trying to change in preparation for potential developments and the business environment in general. For example, given the growing need for additional warehouses and other facilities, companies have started to explore real estate investment opportunities to accommodate the supply chain demands. They equip themselves with the real estate basics to invest in properties for logistics and manufacturing use.

That being said, students studying supply chain management have a greater opportunity to learn and seek ways to benefit from the present and future developments and opportunities.

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What is Business Acumen? (Infographic)

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

Business acumen!

It doesn’t really matter what industry, it’s the biggest thing that executives tell us they’re looking for when hiring at the sole contributor level and above. For many executives, it’s even more important than relevant experience.

“If the candidate has business acumen,” the thinking goes, “they’ll be an effective contributor to my team. I can teach the rest later.” Someone who has business acumen just “gets it.” They can figure out their place in a business and quickly learn how to provide value, even if they’ve never done a specific function before. 

The concept has taken on almost mystical overtones. 

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Driving the Need for Culture Change!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

You have determined that something has to change in your company! Customer satisfaction may be low.  Employee morale may be in the dumps.  Financial results and operating performance may be falling far short of your objectives. You need culture change!

Or maybe you don’t have any of these problems. But you view that your company is performing well now yet it is not well positioned to go to the next level and be successful in the future.

Or it could be any combination of these pressures.  Whatever the reason, you have come to the realization that the culture of your company must change to get the results you need!

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7 Things to Consider When Planning a Fundraising Campaign!

A fundraising campaign has to be strategically executed. This assertion is not necessarily about doing some complex things. It simply has to do with keeping minute details in sight while seeing the big picture – a good (fundraising) return.

And this is the perfect time to get your act together and plan towards a fruitful fundraising campaign. This is why we have decided to share some tips on how to go about it with you – in this article. So, read on and be informed.

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Supply Chain Thrives in these Challenging Times!

The challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic have supply chain professionals working harder than ever – but compensation is rising significantly to match.

As a recruitment firm specialized entirely within supply chain management, we at Argentus write about a variety of topics at the intersection of talent and supply chain – everything from career advice, to hiring advice, to supply chain industry news.

But perhaps no topic draws more interest from Argentus’ readers than salary intel, which makes sense: people in the field want to see how their current situation stacks up. Especially in a hot job market like this one.

How much are people making? How much additional compensation or vacation are they getting? What’s their level of job satisfaction?

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Public Service Loan Forgiveness!

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) is one of the known programs offered by the government to specific individuals. Here, certain qualifying student loans are forgiven after payments have been made in 120 installments (or within ten years). 

It is only available for persons who work in authorized public service establishments. The government agencies to which this applies to include the U.S Military, federal, state, local, and tribes. It is also extended to some Non-profit NGOs. You can also apply if your firm offers some services to the public.  

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