Seasoned Leadership in Action™! An Interview with John Heffernan, Chief Supply Chain Officer at ModusLink!

John Heffernan
John Heffernan, CSCO at ModusLink

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series at Supply Chain Game Changer.  This interview is with John Heffernan, Chief Supply Chain Officer at ModusLink.

I met John on my first day at ModusLink.  He was presenting to the Board of Directors.  John was one of the Global Operations Executives for the company.   He had complete command of his facts, situation, direction and strategy.   He was so knowledgable that his expertise and experience came shining through in everything that he said.

As John and I continued to work together we knew that we needed to make serious, game changing improvements around the world.  John and I continued to positively challenge and build on each other’s ideas and thinking.  This culminated in the deployment of a phenomenal program and the achievement of world class, industry leading results.  We raised each other’s game to the benefit of all!

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Our 2021 Top 10 List!

In the middle of our 5th year here at Supply Chain Game Changer we are proud to publish our 2021 Top 10 List. Here we are showcasing our 10 most popular articles for the first half of the year.

Since we’ve started we have amassed an extensive library of over 750 articles. There is something for everyone no matter what your interests, challenges and needs may be from one day to the next. And that fulfills our mission of sharing experiences and expertise for the benefit of all.

Still there is always more to right about to help our readers.

So let’s take some time to reflect, and look back on our 2021 top 10 list … so far!

Continue reading “Our 2021 Top 10 List!”

Leadership Techniques To Inspire Your Team!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

Leaders and leadership techniques are worth their salt are those who inspire others to be great.

Whether you’re a sales manager or a CEO, bringing out the best in people you work with is key to the success of your organization.

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6 Things to Consider Before Starting a Business Partnership!

The idea of starting a business partnership can be very exciting. It allows you to utilize complementary talents and shared resources. Diving into this endeavor also means a lesser financial burden as you can share this responsibility with your partner. 

However, business partnerships aren’t all good as there are several cons to this setup. For one, working with a partner will prevent you from making decisions on your own. Any decisions you make, whether big or small, should be consulted and approved by your partner first and vice versa.

If you’re planning to start a business partnership, think about the information below.

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™ – An Interview with Carsten Krause!

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series.

This interview is with Carsten Krause, CDO and Co-Founder of The CDO Times, a website dedicated to deliver actionable insights to our readers, explore current and future trends that are extremely relevant to leaders and organizations undertaking digital transformation efforts.

Carsten works as a CIO & CISO Executive, enabling companies to leverage technology for a competitive edge.

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Starting a Business With No Money!

Unchaining Change Leadership

Did you know that one in three new businesses start with less than $5,000 in their pocket? But there are also opportunities in starting a business for those new business starters with less money.

When starting a new business, people may worry they don’t have enough capital to do so. Luckily, that isn’t the case. 

There are ways to get around this fact and start your business. It will be challenging, but if you have the passion, it will be worth it.

Keep reading to find out how to become that one in three. Or even better, how to find success with no capital backing you. 

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Tips to Become a Successful Entrepreneur!

There’s something about startups and the successful entrepreneur that fascinates people.

Maybe it’s the idea of starting your own business with little more than an idea and a lot of hard work, or perhaps it’s the excitement of seeing that business grow and succeed.

Whatever the case may be, there’s no doubt that startup culture is alive and well – and growing every day.

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™ Interview Excerpts: Lessons Learned by Global Leaders

Unchaining Change Leadership

Our fundamental objective at Supply Chain Game Changer is to share experiences and expertise and lessons learned. As such we have focussed on curating a wide range of content and resources that will have relevance to anyone at anytime no matter what their needs may be.

We began our Seasoned Leadership in Action™ Interview series in support of our objective to share experiences and expertise. And hearing from Industry leaders in this interview format has proven to be incredibly popular. People want to hear about the experiences of others and lessons learned from those who have been successful in their fields.

With many of these Seasoned Leadership in Action™ Interviews now published we thought it would be valuable to extract excerpts from these interviews along themes, starting with lessons learned.

As such we are presenting our first compilation of excerpts from these interviews which is focussed on Lessons Learned by these leaders throughout their careers.

Enjoy and look for nuggets of wisdom in these lessons learned.

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Supply Chain at a Crossroads – Back to the Shadows or into the Spotlight?

Unchaining Change Leadership

Supply Chain has historically been considered a back office function, necessary but lacking in prestige and strategic value. The Coronavirus pandemic created a dramatic and highly visible disruption in that paradigm. Suddenly Supply Chain and its importance was on the minds of political and business leaders, and the common person, everywhere around the world.

When the pandemic winds down there is a very real danger that people will go back to doing, and viewing, things the way they were before the pandemic. They will quickly forget the pandemic’s impacts and the need for the strategic deployment of more robust and resilient Supply Chains.

Does that mean that the importance and value of Supply Chain is at a crossroads? Will Supply Chain go back into the shadows as a back office function, or will Supply Chain take its place centre stage under the spotlight which is its rightful place?

Continue reading “Supply Chain at a Crossroads – Back to the Shadows or into the Spotlight?”

The Top 8 Supply Chain Superpowers!

Working in Supply Chain is hard, and never boring. Challenges of every kind from every direction can appear without notice, disrupting the days planned activities.

Disasters, shortages, quality issues, system failures, process breakdowns, delivery delays, weather, demand changes, financial pressures, lack of cash, customer losses, supplier failures, workforce shortages and defections, competitive pressures and more all make every day interesting, to say the least, in Supply Chain.

How do Supply Chain professionals deal with all of these unplanned, yet unrelenting, fires? And how do they do it while keeping calm under pressure? In fact, how do they do it while thriving under the adrenaline rush?

They use a unique set of Supply Chain Superpowers!

Continue reading “The Top 8 Supply Chain Superpowers!”

What is Business Acumen? (Infographic)

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

Business acumen!

It doesn’t really matter what industry, it’s the biggest thing that executives tell us they’re looking for when hiring at the sole contributor level and above. For many executives, it’s even more important than relevant experience.

“If the candidate has business acumen,” the thinking goes, “they’ll be an effective contributor to my team. I can teach the rest later.” Someone who has business acumen just “gets it.” They can figure out their place in a business and quickly learn how to provide value, even if they’ve never done a specific function before. 

The concept has taken on almost mystical overtones. 

Continue reading “What is Business Acumen? (Infographic)”

Driving the Need for Culture Change!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

You have determined that something has to change in your company! Customer satisfaction may be low.  Employee morale may be in the dumps.  Financial results and operating performance may be falling far short of your objectives. You need culture change!

Or maybe you don’t have any of these problems. But you view that your company is performing well now yet it is not well positioned to go to the next level and be successful in the future.

Or it could be any combination of these pressures.  Whatever the reason, you have come to the realization that the culture of your company must change to get the results you need!

Continue reading “Driving the Need for Culture Change!”

The Change Leadership Process … And Guide!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

Eventually everyone is going to be faced with the need to either lead or participate in a process designed to drive change and transformation.

The need for change may be reactive.  Your competition may be eating your lunch.  Your company may be losing money or bleeding cash.  Or your metric performance may be well short of target.

Or the drive for change may be proactive.  Your company may be leading in your industry and have great performance.  But there is a risk of complacency seeping in.  Or your competition can’t be counted out so you need to increase your competitive advantage.  Or you may want to blow your targets out of the water.

Whatever the driving force for change is, wouldn’t it be great to be equipped  with the know-how to make that change happen.

Here is our view of the Change Leadership Process!

Continue reading “The Change Leadership Process … And Guide!”

3 Tips for Helping Your Employees Succeed!

It is a common practice for workers to complain about their bosses. In the same right, it is practically a right of passage for leaders in a company to complain about their employees when you should be helping your employees.

Let’s get this clear from the start. If you are a leader, don’t do that.

Control what you can control and do what you can to make your employees lives easier. In return, they will take notice and make your life easier as well.

It is important that any business owner or leader accept the fact that their employees will not care about the business as much as they do. This is not strange.It is not a character flaw. It is not their business. The success of the business is not as much of a priority to them as getting their paycheck and doing the work that allows them to support themselves and their family. 

Some companies are adopting a new idea, along the lines of ‘my employees do not work for me, I work for them.’

This changes the dynamic of the employer-employee relationship in a powerful way.

Continue reading “3 Tips for Helping Your Employees Succeed!”

The Art of Supply Chain Management!

For many people who work in Supply Chain Management, or for those on the outside, it functions on the foundation of processes, formulae, and metrics. This is very much the core of Supply Chain education and certification as well.

But in truth the most effective and efficient Supply Chain operations, and Supply Chain leaders, transcend these basics. How many of our current problems are because people are stuck in thinking about the mere mechanics of Supply Chain.

The best Supply Chains, and their leaders, have mastered the ART of Supply Chain Management!

Continue reading “The Art of Supply Chain Management!”