Starting a Business With No Money!

Unchaining Change Leadership

Did you know that one in three new businesses start with less than $5,000 in their pocket? But there are also opportunities in starting a business for those new business starters with less money.

When starting a new business, people may worry they don’t have enough capital to do so. Luckily, that isn’t the case. 

There are ways to get around this fact and start your business. It will be challenging, but if you have the passion, it will be worth it.

Keep reading to find out how to become that one in three. Or even better, how to find success with no capital backing you. 

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Starting a Business From Scratch – A Brief Guide!

Have you always had the ambition of owning a business and starting a business from scratch? 

While many have the desire to become self-employed, it’s not the easiest route to take. You’ll be faced with a plethora of responsibilities as opposed to employment, such as setting up a solid legal foundation through business incorporation and registered agent responsibilities, hiring employees, creating a professional website and more.

There is, of course, the element of risk to be aware of.

However, with that being said, becoming an entrepreneur is an extremely rewarding career route due to the time, dedication, and passion you’ll be plunging into your venture.

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