What is Supply Chain? According to ChatGPT!

There has been a lot of interest in ChatGPT since its launch in November, 2022. When we wrote our article, “What is ChatGPT?” in February of 2023 at which time it was the fastest app ever.

According to mlyearning.org, ChatGPT had over 1.6 billion users in March 2023. The interest in this app and technology is unprecedented.

Curious to understand more about what it is and how it worked, I asked ChatGPT to write an 800 word essay on the definition of Supply Chain Management.

Here are the results as to what is Supply Chain Management, according to ChatGPT.

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The Supply Chain Renaissance Has Begun!

The term Renaissance is widely associated with the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries in Europe, denoted by the dramatically renewed interest in, and advancement of, art, science, literature, learning, composition and exploration.

Dozens and dozens of perpetually famous individuals made their enduring mark during this period, including Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo, Shakespeare, Marco Polo, the Medicis, Martin Luther, and Gutenberg, to name but a few.

The 21st century marks a similar period for Supply Chain. Never in history have we heard so much about Supply Chain, its critical importance to every aspect of our lives, and its role in shaping the very fabric of our future.

The Supply Chain Renaissance has begun!

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Think Global Logistics! (Podcast)

We are at an interesting inflection point in the history of Supply Chain and Logistics. It is no longer sufficient to think locally. We must think global logistics!

I recently had the opportunity to talk with La Chang, CEO at Think Global Logistics (TGL). Here is that Podcast!

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13 Predictions for Logistics!

The logistics market is projected to hit $12,975.64 billion by 2027, registering a 6.5% growth rate from 2020 – and it’s no surprise why. 

As the world continues to get interconnected, consumers continue demanding readily available goods at short notice. For these demands to be met, we need resilient supply chain models along with an understanding of our predictions for logistics.

The weak link in supply chains over the years has been transportation. In response, companies are working to offer great value to customers’ demands, while keeping their transport logistics budget sustainable.

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Supply Chain Visibility Has Never Been More Important!

In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic the need for complete, end to end Supply Chain visibility has never been more important!

The necessity for visibility started with store shelves being emptied of toilet paper, food, and various household items. People were panic buying in the face of the unknown implications of the pandemic. More and more countries and jurisdictions were locking down their citizens, temporarily shutting down businesses and enforcing social distancing and self isolation.

The chronic need for Supply Chain visibility has become of utmost importance with the overwhelming strains on global healthcare systems and networks. Hospitals and support organizations have been running low on masks, personal protective equipment and ventilators.

Most alarming is that projections of the heightened demand for these items are not met with broad visibility as to the supply and inventory of these items.

Supply Chain visibility and the Digital Supply Chain has never been more important!

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An Outlook for the Future of Supply Chain!

The purpose of this article is to introduce an outlook for Supply Chain and my view on the current and future state of Supply Chain Management; aiming to continue growing my network of like-minded professionals.

Upon graduating with a master’s degree in Chemical Engineering in 2017, I started my Supply Chain career planning inventory and managing orders on Excel to fulfil online consumer and retail business demand for a haircare product.

Albeit with dynamic data to analyse and understand, the manual and repetitive nature of many tasks confirmed my interest in roles exploiting technology and automation. As a digital native born at the end of the millennial era, it is fair to say I also expect nothing less.

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What is Deep Learning? And What Does it Mean for Supply Chain?

When I start writing text messages or emails these days I automatically receive prompts for the next words that I may want to use, or even phrases to complete my sentence, as I’m typing.

The word and phrase suggestions are ones that are consistent with the type of language I would use. And the name suggestions are unique to people I know and communicate with regularly.

My Google mini recognizes family voices instantaneously and responds not only to our questions but adds custom comments directed at each of us individually.

It’s clear to me that my computer and smart phone and Google mini are learning what language I typically use. With increasing accuracy they can predict what I might want to write next based on words I am typing. And the voice activated devices are increasingly interactive.

How does this Machine Learning, or Deep Learning, actually work? And how will it shape Supply Chain now and in the future?

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How to Optimize Your Factory for Industry 4.0!

Believe it or not, Industry 4.0 — the latest specialization for modern factories and manufacturing plants — does factor into design and and help optimize your factory layout. That is because digitization, or the current movement to connect and bring all equipment into modern times, absolutely influences design.

In essence, that is the heart of Industry 4.0, a complete synergy between operations, equipment, properties and, of course, the people who spend their time there. If 3.0 was about automation and boosting efficiency, this generation is about injecting the human touch back into the work environment, and that means accommodating such things from a design standpoint.

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Smart Manufacturing: 5 Factors That Make Your Factory Smart!

The manufacturing industry has been changing rapidly, aided by the newest software systems and machinery. Consumers continue to demand customized products, adding to the challenge of low-cost production.

Manufacturers have been forced to look hard at their production methods, labor costs, and transportation expenses, among numerous other areas throughout the organization. This focus has resulted in the emergence of smart factories in which machines and software share information and collaborate as never before.

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How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Change Decision Making!

From The Terminator to Blade Runner, pop culture has always leaned towards a chilling depiction of artificial intelligence (AI) and our future with AI at the helm. Recent headlines about Facebook panicking because their AI bots developed a language of their own have us hitting the alarm button once again. Should we really feel unsettled with an AI future?

News flash: that future is here. If you ask Siri, the helpful assistant who magically lives inside your phone, to read text messages and emails to you, find the nearest pizza place or call your mother for you, then you’ve made AI a part of your everyday life.

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Digital Procurement Ecosystem Creation in 8 Minutes!

I was in Paris last week, touring around as people do in Paris, and visited Fondation Louis Vuitton. What does that have to do with a Digital Procurement ecosystem?

If you’ve never been before and are a fan of art, architecture, and culture, I can highly recommend adding it to any future itineraries.

The museum’s collections are magnificent, and the building itself is a true masterpiece. Beyond the artwork, Fondation Louis Vuitton offers an experience to tour the multiple levels of decks that interweave themselves between the inside and the outside of the building’s structure.

On one of the decks sits a piece of artwork named “Where the Slaves Live”. It is a living organism, composed of inorganic and organic materials, forming a ‘living sculpture’ that is a small scale ecosystem- an ever-changing work of art.

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The Industry 4.0 Ecosystem!

The Industry 4.0 Ecosystem involves leveraging the latest technologies, digital capabilities, the unprecedented dissemination of IoT (the Internet of Things) and the incredible ability to tap into data anywhere and everywhere in the Supply Chain.

The level of digital connectivity across the entire End-to-End Supply Chain, from customers through to manufacturers, distributors, logistics companies, and suppliers of all kinds enables this forward leap to an Industry 4.0 world.

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How to Optimize Supply Chain Using SQL and Big Data!

A well-optimized supply chain can deliver a wealth of benefits to businesses, and achieving this is easier when you turn to tech solutions designed to process large volumes of data through SQL and Big Data.

Those that have yet to adopt SQL databases and associated big data services may need to be convinced of their effectiveness and impact, particularly in a supply chain context.

To that end, let’s go through some of the ways you can achieve optimization with modern information handling products for SQL and Big Data.

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Supply Chain’s Moment of Truth Poll Results!

Time will prove that the global Coronavirus pandemic has marked a major inflection point across the entire history of Supply Chain Management. Largely unknown and not understood before the pandemic, Supply Chain’s visibility and importance has seen an unprecedented level of exposure during the pandemic.

Everyone now understands that when Supply Chains fail, much of what enables our personal and professional lives also stops. The fragility of Supply Chains experienced during the pandemic demands improvements in the robustness and resilience of this core function.

It has created a Moment of Truth for Supply Chain. Will companies revert back to their old ways of doing things after the pandemic or will they make the improvements needed for the future?

We conducted our Supply Chain’s Moment of Truth Poll to find out.

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™ – An Interview with Will Chu, CEO at Vector!

Unchaining Change Leadership

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series. This interview is with Will Chu, CEO and Co-Founder at Vector.

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