Sometimes, other drivers can be at fault for truck accidents, but often, it’s the truck driver’s negligence that causes the accident. Truck drivers face various risks, like health issues, lack of sleep, and inexperience, which can increase the chances of accidents.
If you or someone you care about has been injured due to a truck driver’s mistake, it’s crucial to talk to a skilled truck driver accident attorney. They can help you understand the reasons behind the accident and determine if the truck driver or the trucking company is responsible for the harm caused.
How Unethical Driver Practices Cause Truck Accidents?
Many accidents occur involving big trucks each year, causing numerous deaths and severe injuries. Here are some common causes of truck accidents:
1. Distracted Driving
Engaging in any kind of distracted driving, such as eating, is a bad habit that many find challenging to quit. It’s important to keep your hands on the steering wheel and your focus on the road at all times. Diverting your eyes, ears, or attention from the road is not just considered poor driving but could also result in harm to someone.
2. Not Checking Blind Spots
It is crucial to check blind spots multiple times before merging or changing lanes. Neglecting to check blind spots can easily result in a truck-related accident on the road.
3. Using a Phone While Driving
Using a phone while driving is not a good idea under any circumstances. It’s risky to do so in a regular car, and it’s even more dangerous when driving a large commercial vehicle that weighs 20 to 30 times more than an average car.
Using a cell phone for anything is enough of a distraction to lead to an accident. This includes:
- Chatting
- Speaking to someone
- Sending/replying to emails
- Checking social media
- Looking for directions
4. Changing Lanes Unsafely
Switching lanes poses a risk, especially for large trucks. Big rigs have sizable blind spots, making it hard to see smaller cars. If a truck driver changes lanes hastily or fails to check blind spots carefully, it can lead to an accident.
Lane hopping, or rapidly moving in and out of lanes to navigate traffic, is a hazardous driving habit. Truck drivers engaging in lane hopping or weaving between lanes may increase the chances of accidents.
5. Ignoring Bad Weather
If you live in an area with challenging weather like snow or rain, it’s important to be ready for changes on the road. Whether that means using snow tires or learning how to slow down properly in slush, getting ready for these conditions can help prevent car accidents.
Truck drivers should have the necessary training to handle such conditions. If they don’t, their employer could be responsible for not providing the right training.
6. Drowsy Driving

When drivers have hectic schedules and are overworked, driving while drowsy becomes common. Since truck drivers spend long hours on the road, getting enough sleep between shifts can be challenging. Overworking a driver to the point of fatigue or exhaustion can make any accident the fault of the trucking company.
Get in Touch with a Skilled Truck Accident Lawyer Today
Truck drivers play a crucial role in the American economy. The need to meet tight delivery schedules often forces truck drivers to throw caution to the wind. They engage in unethical practices, putting themselves and everyone else on the road at risk.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident due to someone else’s carelessness, reach out to experienced truck accident lawyers as soon as possible. They are prepared to assist you in obtaining the compensation you are entitled to.
Article and permission to publish here provided by Paul Krett. Originally written for Supply Chain Game Changer and published on January 24, 2024.
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