Violation of HOS Rules: The Reason Behind Most Truck Accidents!

Commercial trucks are typically huge vehicles that can weigh over 75,000 pounds when at full capacity. If the operator of the truck crashes into a standard car, this could result in devastating consequences for the occupants of the car, not the truck.

This is why both state and federal governments place harsh rules and regulations on drivers and trucking companies alike to help prevent accidents. HOS (hours-of-service) regulations, which aim to prevent drivers from operating their vehicles while tired, are one such requirement.

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5 Types of Driver Negligence that Lead to Truck Accidents

Trucks are essential in any economy. They transport goods that keep the economy moving and provide jobs. Given their crucial role, truck drivers, manufacturers of the spare parts of these trucks, truck operators, mechanics, and all road users need to be responsible and observe all the safety measures and regulations.

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How Unethical Driver Practices Cause Truck Accidents

Sometimes, other drivers can be at fault for truck accidents, but often, it’s the truck driver’s negligence that causes the accident. Truck drivers face various risks, like health issues, lack of sleep, and inexperience, which can increase the chances of accidents.

If you or someone you care about has been injured due to a truck driver’s mistake, it’s crucial to talk to a skilled truck driver accident attorney. They can help you understand the reasons behind the accident and determine if the truck driver or the trucking company is responsible for the harm caused.

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