You may or may not have heard about Amazon Web Services (AWS for short), but there’s a very good chance that you have used a site hosted on their servers.
Netflix, Reddit, and Pinterest all use AWS services, as do other giants of the digital world, like Dropbox and VMWare. What’s more, The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) too picked AWS over computer giant IBM to build their private cloud.
AWS rules the world of cloud hosting. No wonder, Amazon made $45.37 billion from its Amazon Web Services (AWS) segment in 2020.
Of course, there are other players in this space too, but all of them are many country miles behind AWS. And given the kind of sales AWS is mustering year after year, its lead over others is only likely to get bigger and bigger.
According to research published by the experts in web hosting reviews and analyses Hosting Tribunal, AWS was worth $18B in 2017. No less impressively, it has recorded a whopping 50% market growth in the 2nd quarter of 2018. If anyone ever had doubts about the popularity of AWS, these figures are enough to dispel them once and for all.
That said, what makes AWS the number one player in cloud computing space?

One of the main reasons is that Amazon saw opportunity in this niche much earlier than others. While AWS was launched in 2002, Microsoft made an entry into the cloud market only in 2008, six long years later.
This head start gave AWS a huge competitive advantage. However, this is not the only reason behind its astounding popularity. AWS offers many advantages to companies that don’t want to maintain their own servers.
For starters, Amazon boasts of server farms all over the world. Its datacenters are huge and can host unbelievable amounts of data. For instance, at one point Amazon servers hosted 500,000,000 gigabytes of data for Dropbox alone.
Secondly, Amazon has flexible pricing models and doesn’t require users to deposit any security or make any long-term payment. You pay only for services that you use, and at any given point in time, you can scale up or down your plan.
Last but not the least, Amazon has a suitable hosting solution for all kinds of businesses, small, mid-sized, and big companies.
What else makes AWS the undisputed leader of cloud computing?
Check out this fact-packed infographic to learn interesting facts and figures about AWS.

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