Seasoned Leadership in Action™ Interview Excerpts: Lessons Learned by Global Leaders

Unchaining Change Leadership

Our fundamental objective at Supply Chain Game Changer is to share experiences and expertise and lessons learned. As such we have focussed on curating a wide range of content and resources that will have relevance to anyone at anytime no matter what their needs may be.

We began our Seasoned Leadership in Action™ Interview series in support of our objective to share experiences and expertise. And hearing from Industry leaders in this interview format has proven to be incredibly popular. People want to hear about the experiences of others and lessons learned from those who have been successful in their fields.

With many of these Seasoned Leadership in Action™ Interviews now published we thought it would be valuable to extract excerpts from these interviews along themes, starting with lessons learned.

As such we are presenting our first compilation of excerpts from these interviews which is focussed on Lessons Learned by these leaders throughout their careers.

Enjoy and look for nuggets of wisdom in these lessons learned.

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How STEM Professionals are Transitioning from Industry Roles to the Classroom!

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is key in today’s world, driving innovation, economic growth, and solving global challenges.

The demand for skilled STEM professionals is high, making STEM education essential for future problem solvers and leaders. However, aligning industry expectations with educational outcomes is challenging.

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New Opportunities for Students in Supply Chain!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

The world of supply chain management is constantly changing, helping companies to become increasingly efficient and profitable across the entire supply chain. Huge Improvements are being implemented about emerging trends in supply chain management in several respects offering opportunities for students.

In other cases, businesses are trying to change in preparation for potential developments and the business environment in general. For example, given the growing need for additional warehouses and other facilities, companies have started to explore real estate investment opportunities to accommodate the supply chain demands. They equip themselves with the real estate basics to invest in properties for logistics and manufacturing use.

That being said, students studying supply chain management have a greater opportunity to learn and seek ways to benefit from the present and future developments and opportunities.

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How to Build a Career in the VR Industry!

The virtual reality industry is experiencing exponential growth, and there are several in-demand jobs within the VR industry for people with the right skills.

Virtual Reality (VR) technology seems to have taken the world by storm and affects several industries. This new technological frontier has gained lots of attention and is fast becoming an industry with much potential. If you’re looking to build a career in the VR industry, it’s crucial to know where and how to get started and the kind of jobs you can get into. 

There’s more to VR than just video games, and you need to have some basic knowledge of UX design and other related software and applications to put yourself in contention for a job in this industry.

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Critical Questions to Ask When Hiring a Temporary Staffing Agency!

A temp agency is a company that places temporary workers in short- to long-term contract positions. It is also known as a staffing, employment, or temporary staffing agency.

Instead of attempting to do it yourself “in-house,” a hiring agency can find the individuals most suited to your company’s needs and weed out those unfit. A professional staffing firm will offer well-screened candidates that could greatly benefit your company.

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Featuring Our Top 16 Human Resources Articles!

Nothing gets done without people. In your everyday life and at work it is people that make everything happen. No matter what your job or career is, no matter what company or industry you work in, and no matter where you live, Human Resources are at the epicentre of everything.

In this article we are featuring our Top 16 Human Resources related articles. Some of these articles deal with specific topics while others offer more general life lessons. However all of these articles will be relevant for you at one point or another.

Here are our Top 16 Human Resources related articles!

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The Ultimate Guide to Talent Sourcing – Unleashing the Power of Recruitment!

A company’s talent acquisition strategy is vital to achieving its business goals. That’s why it’s essential to take a big-picture approach to recruiting and look for candidates that will complement the current organization and its plans.

Talent sourcing can be done through various methods, such as advertising job openings, searching social media sites, and holding virtual hiring events. 

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6 Best Paying Medical Career Choices to Pursue After Medical School!

Finishing medical school is one of the most life-changing events that can happen in anyone’s life. This is especially true for those who endure all the hardships and stress to start a medical career and become a great doctor or an excellent medical practitioner someday. 

The path after medical school leads to endless possibilities. Possibilities that can help you fulfill your purpose in life, whether it’s to reach your dreams or help anyone in need. 

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Basics Essential to an IT Career!

Information Technology is the use of machines to help store, process, and transmit information. The term IT is most often used to refer to the computers and peripheral equipment necessary to run an organization’s data processing operations.

The term can also refer to the organization that operates such equipment or provides computer-related services. Information technology is quite popular in the modern world, and that is clear with the spike in the number of people applying for various IT courses and an IT career.

So, what is information technology? Let us talk about that in detail.

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How to Make 6 Figures Without a College Diploma!

A college diploma is often seen as the conventional route to financial success. However, with rising tuition costs and an evolving economic landscape, more individuals are exploring alternative pathways to earning a six-figure income.

This blog will guide you through various lucrative career options and strategies that don’t require a four-year degree, focusing on high-paying jobs that no longer require a degree.

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Top Tips for Choosing the Right Career!

Choosing the right career path and sticking to it has never been more difficult. In eras gone by, there were select few careers to choose from, and when you started your first job on one path, you would likely stick to that industry (or even business) for the rest of your working life. 

Although this sounds limiting – and it was – the lack of choice made it easy to decide which path to choose, and you didn’t have the agony of deciding whether to risk it all by changing occupations at certain points along the road.

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The Benefits of Hiring Rust Developers!

When your company is in the market for a software solution that promises resilience, performance, and security without sacrificing safety and reliability, Rust development may be just what you’re looking for.

Rust is a programming language designed to support safe systems programming by preventing data races and crashes due to dangling pointers.

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Is it Better to Be an Introvert or Extrovert in Supply Chain?

Supply Chain Management is perhaps the most crucial aspect of modern and future business operations, encompassing and touching virtually all business processes.

In this complex landscape, individuals with distinct personality traits, such as extroverts and introverts, play vital roles. Both personality types bring unique advantages and disadvantages to their careers in the field of Supply Chain.

This article explores the various ways in which extroverts and introverts impact Supply Chain, discussing their strengths and weaknesses. This is critical to know as we staff our organizations to define, create and operate the Supply Chain of the future!

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Are You Prepared For A Supply Chain Talent Crisis?

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

The supply chain talent crisis is a significant problem that will cause widespread disruption in the industry. More workers are retiring, and there are just not enough members from the newer generations interested in the industry.

However, demand for more products, faster and at lower costs is increasing, so supply chain executives need to start thinking about how they can prepare for and respond to the current and forthcoming supply chain talent crisis.

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The Good Jobs of the Future Belong to Supply Chain!

A new Harvard Business Review article lays out some striking research out of MIT about the role of Supply Chain Management within the broader economy. 

Written by Mercedes Delgado and Karen Mills, the study seeks to better define what constitutes the “Supply Chain” part of the economy, and what doesn’t.

The goal?

To better define Supply Chain Management’s place in the broader economy, and the role it plays in terms of innovation.

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