Our 2021 Top 10 List!

In the middle of our 5th year here at Supply Chain Game Changer we are proud to publish our 2021 Top 10 List. Here we are showcasing our 10 most popular articles for the first half of the year.

Since we’ve started we have amassed an extensive library of over 750 articles. There is something for everyone no matter what your interests, challenges and needs may be from one day to the next. And that fulfills our mission of sharing experiences and expertise for the benefit of all.

Still there is always more to right about to help our readers.

So let’s take some time to reflect, and look back on our 2021 top 10 list … so far!

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6 Things to Consider Before Starting a Business Partnership!

The idea of starting a business partnership can be very exciting. It allows you to utilize complementary talents and shared resources. Diving into this endeavor also means a lesser financial burden as you can share this responsibility with your partner. 

However, business partnerships aren’t all good as there are several cons to this setup. For one, working with a partner will prevent you from making decisions on your own. Any decisions you make, whether big or small, should be consulted and approved by your partner first and vice versa.

If you’re planning to start a business partnership, think about the information below.

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10 Steps for Procurement Strategy Development! (Infographic)

All over the business landscape, more companies in more diverse industries are transforming their Procurement functions and Procurement strategy.

They’re leaving behind more transactional models and becoming more strategic, implementing total cost of ownership Strategic Sourcing models, either centre-led or decentralized.

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Supply Chain at a Crossroads – Back to the Shadows or into the Spotlight?

Unchaining Change Leadership

Supply Chain has historically been considered a back office function, necessary but lacking in prestige and strategic value. The Coronavirus pandemic created a dramatic and highly visible disruption in that paradigm. Suddenly Supply Chain and its importance was on the minds of political and business leaders, and the common person, everywhere around the world.

When the pandemic winds down there is a very real danger that people will go back to doing, and viewing, things the way they were before the pandemic. They will quickly forget the pandemic’s impacts and the need for the strategic deployment of more robust and resilient Supply Chains.

Does that mean that the importance and value of Supply Chain is at a crossroads? Will Supply Chain go back into the shadows as a back office function, or will Supply Chain take its place centre stage under the spotlight which is its rightful place?

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A Complete Guide to Business Process Outsourcing!

In the current digital world, a successful business isn’t necessarily an efficient business. The difference between these two businesses often comes down to deploying smart and innovative processes, like business process outsourcing, that match customer expectations.

Employing modern management techniques can elevate your business to great levels.

Apart from changing company structures, business process outsourcing is another excellent business process management technique that assures success. However, success with BPO requires careful and conscientious integration and working with quality vendors, such as this website.

This guide highlights important things businesses should understand on business process outsourcing.

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The Best Ways to Grow Your Small Business!

Are you the owner of a small business and looking for ways to expand and grow? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll be taking a look at some of the best ways to grow your small business.

From diversifying your product offerings and using digital marketing to leveraging strategic partnerships and improving customer service, we’ve got a range of tips and tricks that are sure to help your small business take off.

Keep reading to learn more!

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7 Strategies to Optimize Your Distribution Center!

Distribution channels are vital for companies because they enable smooth item delivery to their customers. These centers include areas to receive the items, ensure package efficiency, and store, ship, and audit supplies which is why you want to optimize your Distribution Center.

According to PrecisionWarehouseDesign.com, effective warehousing enables products to arrive to the consumers in the best possible state. On the other hand, inefficient distribution centers are prone to inventory inaccuracy and poor warehouse layout.

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Effective Ways to Streamline Your Business!

Business effectiveness is a difficult metric to define, let alone track. But it is something that can be keenly felt, whether by managers overseeing a project or by the staff working against institutional inefficiencies.

Data suggests that new businesses are three times less likely to scale well than to stagnate or fail – with inefficiency in growth often a key part of the equation.

In what ways might you streamline your business, with success in mind?

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The Art of Supply Chain Management!

For many people who work in Supply Chain Management, or for those on the outside, it functions on the foundation of processes, formulae, and metrics. This is very much the core of Supply Chain education and certification as well.

But in truth the most effective and efficient Supply Chain operations, and Supply Chain leaders, transcend these basics. How many of our current problems are because people are stuck in thinking about the mere mechanics of Supply Chain.

The best Supply Chains, and their leaders, have mastered the ART of Supply Chain Management!

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Retail Analytics for Thrift Stores!

In the ever-evolving world of retail, thrift stores are gaining momentum as consumers seek sustainable shopping alternatives. These shops offer an array of pre-loved treasures at affordable prices, making them a popular choice for budget-conscious and environmentally conscious shoppers alike.

However, to thrive in this competitive landscape, thrift stores must embrace modern tools and strategies. One such tool that can significantly enhance their operations is retail analytics. 

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Broken Links are a Chance to Strengthen Your Supply Chain!

Continuity of supply requires every aspect of your Supply Chain to be connected. The word “chain” makes the interdependence of these Supply Chain links clear, both metaphorically and literally. Supply Chain cannot function with broken links.

Raw material suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, logistics companies, processes, systems and resources must all function, more or less harmoniously, to make any Supply Chain work.

But, just as elements of the Supply Chain must be linked, it is also true that links can and will be broken, whether deliberately or accidentally, and certainly unexpectedly.

The effectiveness of any Supply Chain is how to reattach these links, or forge new links, to make your Supply Chain more resilient, more robust and stronger than ever.

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How to Improve Supply Chain Security and Safety!

The supply chain is one of the most important parts of any company’s operations. It’s the comprehensive system of people and entities involved in creating products, getting them to consumers, and ensuring business profitability. When the supply chain falters, entire companies can lose profits, revenue, and even loyal brand advocates. 

Unfortunately, various factors can influence the performance of your supply chain, from socio-political issues, economic changes, and unpredictable weather. Dangerous driving behavior can put your products and assets at risk.

Even cybersecurity threats can impact supply chain operations, and harm your business reputation. The question is, how do you preserve the security and safety of your supply chain?

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Logistics at Risk! Charter, Outsource, or Vertically Integrate?

Historically most companies have relied on third party companies to handle most every aspect of their logistics. Whether that be ocean going vessels, long distance trucking, or last mile delivery, there are a lot of specialty companies offering these services.

But the Coronavirus pandemic has upended many of the paradigms that we have considered normal. Supply Chain continuity of supply issues persist and this includes constraints and delays related to logistics capacity and delivery integrity.

The result is that more and more companies are taking matters into their own hands. Instead of relying solely on logistics companies they are taking steps to charter their own ocean going vessels.

While these may be short term measures it does raise the strategic question as to whether companies should in-source their logistics and continue to charter ships.

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Thriving Globally: Essential Strategies for Expanding Your B2B Marketplace Presence!

The business-to-business (B2B) sector serves as a cornerstone for economies worldwide, facilitating the exchange of goods and services between companies.

In today’s market, B2B entities’ ability to expand their operations on a global scale has become key for maintaining a competitive advantage and fostering long-term growth.

With the advent of digitalization, geographical boundaries are increasingly blurred, making the international B2B marketplace bustling and dynamic.

It is essential to recognize the importance of global expansion strategies in B2B markets for businesses looking to capitalize on emerging opportunities and drive success. 

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The 2 Main Reasons Why Future Supply Chain Progress or Improvements Will Fail!

Having come through the Coronavirus pandemic, most people will have felt the impact of Supply Chain failures.

For consumers they will have seen empty store shelves and either an inability to get goods or at a minimum delays in getting deliveries. For employees, at a minimum they will have experienced stressful working conditions to resolve issues, and at its worst they will have lost their jobs or even seen their companies fail.

All of this implies that making improvements and Supply Chain progress is necessary and eventual. However there are 2 pivotal factors that will almost certainly lead to the failure of organizations to improve their Supply Chains in any respect.

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