Featuring Our Top 16 Human Resources Articles!

Human Resources

Nothing gets done without people. In your everyday life and at work it is people that make everything happen. No matter what your job or career is, no matter what company or industry you work in, and no matter where you live, Human Resources are at the epicentre of everything.

In this article we are featuring our Top 16 Human Resources related articles. Some of these articles deal with specific topics while others offer more general life lessons. However all of these articles will be relevant for you at one point or another.

Here are our Top 16 Human Resources related articles!

1. Starting a New Job? Be a Positive Impact Player to Succeed!

I was hired by a company to lead the business wide transformation and change of all of their business processes. Early on one of the Human Resources people told me to it would take me 9-12 months before I could start making an impact. We were not aligned. My job was to make changes immediately and that is exactly what I started doing.

If you start a new job, either in a new or existing company, you want to make an impact. But it must be a positive impact. Otherwise you may find you are soon involuntarily looking for a new job.

2. Lessons from Bad Bosses

As I think back on my career I have worked for over 2 dozen different bosses. Pondering this I consider about half of them to have been good, or even great, bosses. However the other half were either very poor, or just bad, bosses.

Regardless there are lessons to be learned from everyone. Here we take a look at Bad Bosses and the lessons we take in terms of how NOT to behave.

3. Quantum Leap to the Top 10 Supply Chain Skills of the Future

It is not enough to keep doing things the same old way for personal and professional progress to be made. Employee development requires learning and applying new skills. Business advancement demands the use of those skills.

In this article we cover the Top 10 skills we believe will be needed in the future. The world will change, technologies will advance, and employees must also develop to ensure they are not only relevant but leading this change.

4. To Infinity and Beyond! Ultimate Principles for Creating a World Class Team!

Whether in work or in life there are many endeavours that require a team effort. Great teams don’t just exist because great individuals are brought together. Great teams exist because they live and breathe a set of principles, beliefs and ways of being that set them apart and above all others.

Let’s review the guiding principles that will transform your team into a game changing, world class, results driven organization.

5. Trust! The “X” Factor!

In every aspect of your life people bring their personal agendas. At work it may be people playing politics or people who have personal motivations to hurt rivals or those they don’t like. These people can create toxic workplaces to say the least.

On the other hand if you work in an environment based solely on trust and devoid of this bad behaviour then you can achieve remarkable things. Trust and honesty will allow you to cut through the bad behaviours very quickly and get to the issues at hand.

6. Revolving Door Management – Who Wants a Spin!

Chances are you have worked at a company where a lot of people are changed all the time. People are hired and they leave and new people are brought into replace them, only to be replaced by others at some point in the near future.

Some bosses believe that changing team members is normal, like they are running a sports team. But it is generally non-productive and disguises the fact that poor results are most often the result of poor leadership.

7. 10 Ultimate Tips for Career Success

People have different objectives for their careers. Some want to advance and be promoted. Others are content to do their jobs. Still others find meaning in learning more and developing at a level which suits their own goals.

No matter what career trajectory you pursue, there are many tips that will help you to be happier, more productive and healthier in your working and personal environments.

8. 5 Minute Job Interview Tips for Success!

They say that first impressions are the most important. In a job interview I find that the first 5 minutes are the most important. You will either like the candidate or the interviewer, or you won’t, in those crucial first 5 minutes.

Here we discuss the preparatory steps you can take in advance to ensure that those first 5 minutes are successful.

9. Why is Supply Chain Such a Great Career Path?

Here at Supply Chain Game Changer we are certainly focussed on Supply Chain. But in truth our view of this field is so broad and all encompassing that it takes in most every function. As such it offers enormous prospects for those who want to pursue this career.

Here we cover many aspects of this wide ranging field that will likely appeal to most everyone.

10. Supply Chain Education and Certification – What’s Missing?

Traditionally Supply Chain has been thought of as a back office function. Members place and manage purchase orders, move goods and manage warehouses and work with suppliers. But the field is so much more than that.

Still general Supply Chain education and certification programs are often stuck in teaching the basics and have not evolved to incorporate the skills and development demanded by the future.

11. Work from Home in a Coronavirus World!

The global coronavirus pandemic resulted in a lot of people working from home. Certainly there are those who needed to still work in physical facilities such as manufacturing and warehousing. But many office workers were able to work from home.

This has presented new challenges now and in the future and created a fundamental paradigm shift in where and how work will be conducted.

12. How to Survive the Next 100 Days in Your Job

It is a tough world. People get hired and fired, and people leave and join jobs voluntarily and involuntarily. Nothing is certain and long gone are the days of assuming long term job security.

You should be working like your longevity in the job depends on it. Here are our views on how to survive the next 100 days in your job.

13. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro! Lessons for Life and Business!

I spent time in Colorado and developed a passion for mountain climbing. From their I embarked on a journey to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. That exceptional adventure highlighted a lot of life lessons that I felt were relevant for anyone no matter what they were doing.

Here we discuss the lessons acquired in my mountain climbing journey on the mighty Mount Kilimanjaro.

14. 20 Supply Chain Job Interview Questions and Answers!

If you are being interviewed there are generally a standard set of questions that you will be asked, no matter what job or what field or what company you are interviewing for.

Here we itemize those questions along with tips for the advanced work you need to do in order to be full prepared to answer those questions to the best of your ability.

15. The Toxic Workplace Response! Fight or Flight?

Chances are that at least one point in your career you are going to work in a toxic environment. Whatever circumstances conspired to create this toxicity is somewhat irrelevant.

What is relevant is how you approach that toxicity. Do you stick it out? Do you fight that toxicity? Or is the environment so poisonous that it is just best to move on?

16. Lessons from Good Bosses

Our last entry on this list is our latest and has proven to be highly popular. Just as we earlier discussed the traits of Bad Bosses that we want to avoid, here we present the traits of good, and great, bosses that we want to emulate.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this synopsis of our top 16 Human Resources related articles. There are many more of these types of “Featuring” synopses on Supply Chain Game Changer.

Thanks for reading and we hope this Human Resources related content helps you in both your lives and in your careers!

Originally published on September 20, 2022.