Welcome To The Supply Chain Game Changer ™ Blog!

The Supply Chain Game Changer ™ Blog!

Welcome to the Supply Chain Game Changer ™ blog.

The Supply Chain touches all of our lives whether it be in business or personally.  No matter what industry you are in or are touched by, all involve the movement of goods, services, and information.  So the most efficient functioning of the Supply Chain affects us all.  And it affects us in every aspect of our lives whether we are consumers, employees, or business leaders.

With a career spent in Supply Chain I’ve seen many ways of performing the processes involved in managing the Supply Chain.  Many of these processes are highly efficient.  Yet many more are highly inefficient.  Regardless, everyone strives to improve the way things are done.  And every experience has been an opportunity for growth.

Supply Chain Management

In this blog I’d like to share my experiences, and those of others, in improving, working in, managing in and being managed by the Supply Chain.  

There have been some remarkable achievements and there have been some missteps along the way.  However there are lessons to be learned and experiences to be shared in every case.  And I hope that this learning and shared experience will be of value as you seek to improve the Supply Chain you are a part of.

On top of that we want to share anything and everything related to Leadership, Change Management, Technology, Procurement, Purchasing, Distribution, Logistics, and much, much more.

Overall Supply Chain Game Changer can serve you as a guide as you do your jobs and as you progress through your career.  The issues and challenges that you face will be different for everyone on any given day.  There is something for everyone in Supply Chain Game Changer.

Additionally I invite you to comment and send me content.  By learning, not only from successes but from failures, we will all be better going forward.  There is a wonderful world of people and experiences that we can all learn from.

So again I welcome you to the Supply Chain Game Changer™ blog.

Let’s go!

How to Optimize Reverse Logistics!

If you think to optimize reverse logistics isn’t relevant to your business, think again. The global reverse logistics market is expected to reach $604B in the next 5 years, according to Tech HQ.

The combined growth of eCommerce sales and closure of many retail locations led to a recent massive increase in volume of returns. If managing returns and reverse logistics was difficult before, now it has become a critical operational issue that retailers, logistics providers, distributors and supply chain executives cannot ignore.

Is your business ready for returns and reverse logistics at scale? How can you optimize reverse logistics?

Continue reading “How to Optimize Reverse Logistics!”

Reverse Logistics and the Power of Your 3PL!

For many companies, reverse logistics has become an integral part of their business plan, offering them the ability to maximize the efficiency of their operations.

Generally, reverse logistics is defined as “the process of moving goods from their typical final destination for the purpose of capturing value, or proper disposal. Remanufacturing and refurbishing activities are also may be included in the definition of reverse logistics.”

Continue reading “Reverse Logistics and the Power of Your 3PL!”

What is Supply Chain Management (SCM)? (Video)

What is Supply Chain Management?

The term was coined over 35 years ago but still to this day there are a large number of different definitions of SCM.

To someone who is starting out their career, or who is new to the field of Supply Chain, it is understandable that there may be confusion as to the definition of SCM.

But the reality is that there are many expert individuals and organizations who define Supply Chain differently. Are they really that different or are there just subtle nuances in what some people consider SCM that others do not?

Watch our video to learn more about how people define Supply Chain Management!

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Supply Chain Management Tips: Preventing Refund Fraud!

Managing a supply chain can be strenuous enough without having to worry about the integrity of refund requests. 

Refund fraud is a very real threat to retailers, and it can put a great deal of tension on the customer-to-business relationship. 

Taking a preventative approach can help you make sure you do not fall victim to the scam without having to aggravate or disappoint your honest customers.

Even though a refund here and there might not seem like much of a worry in terms of company finances, the logistical and reputational ramifications can be massive. 

Here are some tips to help you protect and strengthen your supply chain infrastructure:

Continue reading “Supply Chain Management Tips: Preventing Refund Fraud!”

The Ocean Plastics Environmental Crisis!

One commercial on TV states that by the year 2050 there will actually be more plastic in the ocean than fish!

By 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish!

That’s alarming to say the very least.

We dutifully put any and all recyclable material in our recycling bins every week. While we could certainly do more to reduce the amount of plastic we consume in the first place we have lived with the belief that we were doing our part through recycling.

But everywhere we look on TV and on Social Media we hear about the catastrophic levels of plastic waste floating in our oceans and our waterways, and littering our landscape.

This is a monumental, global environmental crisis caused by a severely broken Supply Chain.

Continue reading “The Ocean Plastics Environmental Crisis!”

Customer Returns State … And What to Do Next! (Infographic)

Customer Returns are an inevitability in retail.

People buy things, take them home and for various reasons, they will then decide to return them to the store they purchased them.

While retailers likely hate dealing with returns, they need to have a policy in place that all staff understand in order to ensure it’s a streamlined process.

Continue reading “Customer Returns State … And What to Do Next! (Infographic)”

A Case Study in Reverse Logistics Optimization!

The application of advanced forecasting and planning methodologies improve inventory management in a critical, high-volume repair and reverse logistics optimization business, dramatically reducing costs and fulfillment cycles while improving customer satisfaction.

When one of the world’s leading manufacturers of personal computers set new goals for its European operations, ModusLink was there to help.

The OEM turned over management of one of the most critical, high-volume segments of its reverse logistics program—the processor business—saving the manufacturer millions of dollars each year; reducing excess inventory; increasing same-day, on-time ship rates; and improving customer satisfaction.

Continue reading “A Case Study in Reverse Logistics Optimization!”

Our 2018 Top 10 List (Part 2)!

As 2018 comes to a close we offer a list of the Top 10 most viewed articles that we have published over the last half of the year.

When you look at this list you will see that there is a common theme amongst most of the articles.  That theme is one of “Definitions”.

Based upon tremendous viewer interest this year we began our “What Exactly Is … ” article series to describe definitions and commentary on terms which we often see and hear but don’t always truly understand.

For instance, the term “Supply Chain Management” itself has innumerable definitions and our article What Exactly Is Supply Chain Management? 10 Different Definitions! proved to be one of our most popular articles ever.

So here it is, our Top 10 list for the second half of 2018!

Continue reading “Our 2018 Top 10 List (Part 2)!”

What’s the Difference Between Fulfillment and Replenishment?

People who do not work in Supply Chain may hear the terms Fulfillment and Replenishment and consider that they mean the same thing.

Interestingly many people who do work in Supply Chain consider the terms Fulfillment and Replenishment to be synonymous.

I have worked in many different industries and all around the world but the place where I heard these terms used most frequently was in Retail.

Given that there is some ambiguity in the understanding of these terms it makes sense to provide the distinction.

What is the difference between Fulfillment and Replenishment?

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How Much Money Could You Make by Disposing of Old Equipment as Scrap Metal?

When we think of old equipment, we often view it as old and useless, without considering the hidden value it might hold.

If hardware is no longer functional or is technically obsolete, it can still turn a profit for those savvy enough to exploit it as a resalable resource.

That’s achievable thanks to the vast and potentially lucrative scrap metal market. And the more material that’s tied up in the body and components of your outdated equipment, the more you stand to make.

Continue reading “How Much Money Could You Make by Disposing of Old Equipment as Scrap Metal?”

Urgent Appliance Repairs? Same-Day Service Can Save the Day!

Having an appliance break down in the middle of its use can be very frustrating. It can leave you wondering what you’ll do next and how much it will cost to repair or replace it.

When experiencing severe issues with the functionality of an appliance, immediate attention is needed to minimize the effect on your daily routine.

Continue reading “Urgent Appliance Repairs? Same-Day Service Can Save the Day!”

Why is Supply Chain Such a Great Career Path?

When I started my career the term “Supply Chain” had just been coined. As such it was many years before I actually heard of the term “Supply Chain Management”.

Regardless I pursued my interests and took on an increasingly diverse set of progressive jobs as time went on. Now as I look back on my career virtually everything I did falls under the banner of Supply Chain management.

Given the phenomenal opportunities that Supply Chain offers for personal and professional growth it is a career path which I highly recommend to anyone.

What is it about Supply Chain that makes it such an appealing career path?

Continue reading “Why is Supply Chain Such a Great Career Path?”

The Downside of Free Returns and Exchanges!

A new survey from Brightpearl found that 42 percent of U.S. retailers say they have seen an increase in the number of returns and “serial returners” over the last 12 months.

What’s more, 61 percent of the retailers surveyed said they would ban serial returners.

This is an interesting change in an industry that has put so much emphasis on facilitating free returns and exchanges.

Continue reading “The Downside of Free Returns and Exchanges!”

Imagining the Supply Chain of the Future!

Imagine what the future will look like in Supply Chain!

We don’t mean the near future, but the very distant future.  There are articles which describe what the future of Supply Chain will be like in 2025, or even 2030.

But is that enough of a far-reaching vision to offer much more than an incremental view of what we see today based on existing technology?

Any view of the near future is more likely to describe incremental changes and incremental advancements based on the current knowledge base.  But an extremely distant vision of the future is more likely to offer revolutionary ideas as to what future possibilities are.

Continue reading “Imagining the Supply Chain of the Future!”