Digital Opportunity for 3PL Logistics Operations!

Third-party logistics (or 3PL) providers, are standing on the brink of breakout growth given the digital opportunity. The shipper ecosystem is burgeoning with more delivery orders, more inventory to be managed, more deliveries and more services than ever before.

The global 3PL market, valued at $728.6B USD back in 2018, is expected to reach $1.5 BILLION by 2025. While 3PL providers want to adapt to this new market opportunity, their existing logistics operations often have a hard time keeping pace with these growing demands.

In this increasingly challenging environment, technology has become an integral part of expanding and maintaining competitive logistics services.

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Part Shortages? What is your Supply Line Strategy?

Have you experienced part shortages that gate your production schedule?

Part shortages can be highly frustrating issues to deal with.  They almost always happen within the standard lead time of the components you need.  And very often they can stop production immediately.

Everyone wants the shortage resolved immediately.  From your Customer to your CEO through to the entire Management chain and everyone in Production … they all want the needed parts NOW!

But there are many reasons why part shortages occur.  And there are many  actions that can be taken to mitigate their occurrence.  You don’t have to live with shortages every day if you have a Supply Line strategy.

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Revolutionizing Logistics: The AI Impact on Supply Chain Efficiency!

Supply chain operations are vital to any company, but keeping track of all your inventory and shipments can be difficult. As industries continue to grow and expand, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into logistics has emerged as a revolutionary force. It has transformed traditional supply chain models and significantly enhanced overall efficiency. 

This article delves into the AI impact and how AI reshapes logistics, drives innovation, and propels the industry toward unprecedented productivity.

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Understanding ECommerce Fulfillment!

Successful eCommerce businesses all have one thing in common: terrific eCommerce fulfillment.

You might have the best product in the world. Your website is epic. And your sales funnel slides your customers easily to the checkout.

If your eCommerce fulfillment doesn’t run smoothly, however, your web-based business will be all splash and no cash.

ECommerce fulfillment may not be the thing that gets you excited about your online business. However, it is a crucial element of your success in online retail.

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5 Impacts of Autonomous Trucking on Supply Chain!

The flying car of the future might still be out of reach, but autonomous trucking is moving quickly into view for many businesses. Trucks manned by technology, with no human drivers, are currently being tested around the globe.

Companies have a vested interest in exploring how an autonomous fleet can help their business in the not-so-distant future. Reductions in costs and simplification of processes are some of the many benefits we’ll discuss.

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Effective Sales Contract Lifecycle Management Best Practices!

Supply chain management and contract lifecycle management are key ingredients to business success. The journey from idea to end product to shipment and delivery is exciting, yes, but rather complicated — fueled with many moving parts.

How well a company manages its supply chain processes can directly impact its bottom line. In a 2021 Statista survey, over half of businesses surveyed found the supply chain disruptions to be extremely challenging, with faster response time as the most difficult hurdle to conquer.

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How Russian Sanctions Are Impacting Global Supply Chains!

There are a variety of ongoing disruptions caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting economic Russian sanctions coming from other countries. The foundation of international markets is shaky, and threats of food insecurity could push other regions at greater risk. 

The modern supply chain is global and often depends on Russia for production, either equipment or materials. Sanctions make these elements harder to procure elsewhere while preventing many companies from using existing Russian sources. Some companies have walked away from billions of dollars worth of infrastructure as they moved operations out of the country. 

Now is a time when businesses must consider recalibrating their supply chains, not out of optimization potential but out of necessity.

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The Shipping and Receiving Process Guide! (Infographic)

We have talked about why choosing proper 3PL logistics services and a trucking company with a modern warehouse management system (WMS) for shipping and receiving and warehousing is crucial to any successful supply chain management process.

Within the supply chain process, there is a much smaller piece of the puzzle that is arguably the most critical component in maintaining accurate inventory: 

The Inbound and Outbound Logistics Process. That is, Shipping and Receiving!

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How AI and the IoT Can Change Transportation Management!

Analysts predict that by 2020, 75% of new cars will feature IoT connectivity. The percentage increase describes consumer applications, but the idea of connected vehicles should garner interest from other sectors such as shipping, logistics, and transportation management.

Leaders in these industries would be wise to plan for a future where AI and the IoT transform transportation management.

Here are five possible applications to consider:

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Our 2022 Top 10 Articles (Part 2)

As 2022 draws to a close it is interesting to reflect on the fact that while many of the restrictions put in place during the pandemic are no longer in place, the Supply Chain disruptions caused by the pandemic continue to persist.

These continued disruptions reinforce our belief that Supply Chains continue to be structurally weak. They fall far from the ideal of having much more robust and resilient Supply Chains.

On that note it is important to take the time to reflect on our top 10 articles for the second half of 2022.

Continue reading “Our 2022 Top 10 Articles (Part 2)”

The Current State of the Shipping Capacity Crunch!

The shipping capacity crunch is not a new topic, but the end of 2017 is shaping up to reveal an unprecedented crunch, reports Chris Brady of Logistics Viewpoints.

An active hurricane season, the forthcoming implementation deadline for electronic logging devices (ELD) and record-shattering projections for the upcoming holiday shipping season reflect some of the top factors affecting the current state shipping capacity crunch.

Moreover, according to Dustin Braden of the Journal of Commerce (JOC), the driver shortage is worsening in tandem. To successfully mitigate the potential setbacks from the shipping capacity crunch, your organization must understand more about its current and projected driving forces.

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Electric Forklift Pros and Cons!

Electric forklifts are an excellent choice for certain applications, but they aren’t the right fit for every job.

In order to help you decide if an electric forklift will work for your business, here are the pros and cons of using this type of forklift.

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How Shipping Software Innovation Led FreightPOP Into Freight Management!

Have you ever been extremely frustrated with a process at work? That was where we were six years ago. Our technology business, Horizon Technology, was being hindered by our shipping processes.

Our outdated manual methods were wasting a lot of time and money, which we attempted to solve by subscribing to a transportation management solution; however, we were sorely let down by the lack of customization. We couldn’t make existing shipping software work for our business, at least at a cost we could afford.

So we had to develop our own. As a technology company, we had the resources and experience. And we were so satisfied with the results, we brought our solution to market with a start-up known as FreightPOP. 

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Supply Chain as a Service (SCaaS)!

I began my career working in a manufacturing plant within an international company that was completely vertically integrated. From component manufacturing through to subassembly manufacturing and end product assembly they did it all.

Within 10 years the company experienced a number of site closures and declared that manufacturing was no longer a core competency. For the site that I was a part of this meant that closure was an inevitability.

Faced with this stark reality we made the choice to spin off from the parent organization and start our own new company, entering the world of Contract Manufacturing.

This was my first experience with Outsourcing, or what I refer to as “Supply Chain as a Service” (SCaaS).

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1001 Networks Offers Delivery Solutions! (Sponsored)

In December 2019, 1001 Networks officially launched!

This site, which operates out of Antibes, France allows people to take control over their business’ shipping and delivery needs. The website offers a place for people to come together and share information.

Right on the homepage of the website, people can see real customer reviews of companies. These detail the experiences people had with their chosen provider, and allows others to learn who to use, or not to use. 

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