Simplifying Car Rental!

The rhythm of modern life inexorably accelerates, and with it emerge new opportunities for technological advancement. In such circumstances, individuals value every minute of their time and are unwilling to squander it on trivialities, including complex and multi-stage rental procedures.

Simplicity and efficiency are the key prerequisites for success. The process of car rental, document processing, selection of additional options – all these stages can be significantly streamlined with the aid of a car rental booking system.

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What Types of Gamers Are There?

The number of people that play video games regularly is estimated to be 3.4 billion. If players come from all walks of life, does that mean there is only one sort of gamer, or are there variations among them and different types of gamers? 

The general public assumes gamers are a homogenous group because everybody who enjoys playing video games may readily be categorized as a gamer. But that is entirely not the case!

There are many types of gamers, and this article will look at those types. 

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The Rise of Electric Vehicles: Why Your Business Needs to Consider Charging Stations!

The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) is transforming the way we think about transportation. As more and more consumers switch to electric cars, the demand for charging stations is increasing rapidly.

For businesses, the rise of EVs presents both challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, companies that rely on traditional gas stations or fuel-based transportation may find themselves at a disadvantage in the marketplace.

On the other hand, businesses that invest in electric car charging stations can position themselves as leaders in sustainability and customer service, while also generating additional revenue streams.

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Why Polkadot Could Be Great For Blockchain!

Polkadot is a blockchain 3.0 platform that allows for the creation of interoperable blockchains, offering scalability and security. The idea behind Polkadot is that if you want to create a new application or run an existing one, you could build it on top of one of these interoperable blockchains and have access to all their benefits without having to start from scratch. 

This means that anyone who wants to create their own blockchain can do so using this framework instead of having to find engineers who understand how each individual piece works separately in order to build something new from scratch.

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4 Industries Affected by the Global Chip Shortage!

The global chip shortage crisis started in the second quarter of 2020 during the Covid-19 lockdowns around the world, and it continues to be an ongoing problem.

During 2020, the demand for semiconductor chips, which are also known as integrated circuits, exceeded supply. The shortage affected a whopping 169 industries.

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The Benefits of Blockchain to the Economy!

Virtual currencies impact the economic system that extends well beyond the chances for the financial gain they provide. They are blockchain-based, which has proven to upend practically every sector of commerce that man has encountered, due to the benefits of blockchain.

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Top Mobile Banking Trends to Watch!

Financial institutions form adaptive banking software solutions to ensure an economy in the post-world. Experts identify several promising trends which will help to find new competitive advantages for many banks.

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Procurement Bots – Transformer or Destroyer?

The last few years have seen a lot of real (and over) hype associated with the emergence of Software Robots (called Bots/Bot) and Procurement Bots which are disrupting the legacy procurement processes involving human interface.

This research paper introduces the concept and evolution of the Bots, their characteristics with focus on Procurement processes, the Pros and Cons and debates on the transformation of the procurement function (vs destruction of human interface).

In summary – Bots will have a high appeal on the transactional and digital side of procurement processes and will gain exponential growth in the coming years with the advent of cognitive and machine learning tools.

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UX and UI – What are they?

The modern world is full of innovations and non-standard solutions. With these decisions come new terms that are sometimes difficult to interpret correctly.

Today’s article is devoted to such terms as UX and UI from the design industry.

So, what do UI and UX mean and how to decipher them correctly?

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You are Connected Everywhere! Why isn’t your Supply Chain Connected?

Have you ever tried to drive in a blinding snowstorm or when the rain or fog is so thick that you can’t see in front of your car?  It’s not possible!  And it’s risky to even try!

So why is it that the Supply Chain in so many companies is being run without the end to end visibility needed to even function, yet which we have in our personal lives?

In this age of exponential growth in digital connectivity the time has come to ensure you have End to End Supply Chain visibility.  If you carry a Smartphone you can be tracked anywhere.  So why don’t you apply this technology to your Supply Chain?

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What is Blockchain? And How Does it Work? (Infographic)


What is all the fuss about?  It’s a word that was rarely used or even heard of in Supply Chain not that long ago.  But now it is very common to hear about Blockchain.  Further it is often used in the context of being a necessary and integral part of any Digital Supply Chain Strategy.

Most companies do not yet have a Blockchain strategy.  More importantly  most people do not even know what it is.  How can you have a strategy for something if you don’t know what it is?  So, as with anything, let’s start at the beginning.

What exactly is Blockchain?

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Augmented Reality (AR) is Set to Transform Retail and the Supply Chain!

We’ve written a lot about how retail is undergoing some massive changes due to technology, such as augmented reality. The closure of a number of major American chains, as well as Amazon’s recent move into the grocery space with its acquisition of Whole Foods market, signal an industry in flux as it reckons with the ongoing transformations of the eCommerce revolution.

In the last decade, the thinking held that eCommerce might completely supplant brick and mortar retail. It’s easier to shop online than go to a store. Consumers don’t have to deal with lines, limited retail stock, or temper tantrums from kids – kids of their own, or their linemates.

But brick and mortar has shown surprising resilience, and even eCommerce giants are recognizing the appeal of an Omnichannel approach (emphasizing a mixture of brick and mortar and online shopping).

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How Technology Has Influenced Accuracy of Horse Racing Results!

Horse racing is one of the oldest organized sports in the world. The premise itself is simple- let’s see if my horse is faster than yours- and all that is technically required is two or more horses, two or more people willing to ride them, and a stretch of the ground over which to run.

However, there are a number of factors- benign and sinister- that can affect the outcome of a race. Bad starts, close finishes, and cheating can all affect the validity and accuracy of race outcomes.

Over the years, certain pieces of technology improved the precision of horse racing results by eliminating or greatly reducing, some of the factors that can muddy those results.

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Is Blockchain Technology Sufficient for Bitcoin?

There is no doubt that all the application related to bitcoin is based on blockchain technology, like Polkadot. It has the capability of offering much better security and safe access to the users. But it is also the responsibility of the users to be attentive while performing the bitcoin trade.

You need not face any severe hassle as there will be only a need to focus on some of the tips mentioned in below. If you follow these basics, it will surely be a cup of tea for you to enjoy trading over here, and you will definitely get obsessed with blockchain technology because it will prevent any severe hassle for you.

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Why is 3D Printing Revolutionary for Supply Chain? (Infographic)

Imagine having virtually no raw material inventory on hand because all of the components and parts that you need can be made on demand.

Imagine having virtually no finished goods inventory on hand because you can make the products precisely when ordered in real time and have them personalized or customized to a customer’s individual specifications.

While this may sound far fetched the incredible advances in 3D Printing, or On Demand Manufacturing, are helping to bring these capabilities closer to the realm of possibility.

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