4 Tips for Effective SMS Marketing!

SMS marketing is a very effective way to reach a large audience directly and quickly, while getting immediate feedback. Text message marketing also has a more personalized feel that can help you build better relationships with your customers or supporters and encourage more loyalty.

When done right, effective SMS marketing can deliver a high ROI, with experts suggesting that it is currently at a massive 500% with a click through rate (CTR) of just over 80%.

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5 B2B Marketing Tactics to Edge Out the Competition!

In today’s competitive business world, every business enterprise is working hard to outshine other firms in the market with B2B marketing tactics. It applies to all businesses, whether large or small.   

That said, if your business sells goods or services to other firms, you understand how hard it’s to gain a competitive edge in the market. It is because most businesses have already identified their vendors and established strong ties with them.

While that’s the case, implementing a few B2B marketing strategies and tactics can help.   

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7 Pointers to Help You Build Brand Trust and Get More Customers Online!

There is a lot of learning involved in running a business. As more companies, especially in the wake of rising inflation and after the pandemic about three years ago, devote resources to restoring their brands to build brand trust, competition has increased.

Also, online brand and business sales continue to do well as the world generally shifts their hobbies and shopping habits online.

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Shrinkflation – Smaller Packages and Higher Prices!

There was a time when a pound of bacon was a pound of bacon. And we still call it a pound of bacon. But the reality is that a package of bacon now weighs only 375 grams, not 454 grams which equals a pound. That’s an 18% reduction in package size. However that’s only half of the shrinkflation story.

From 2019 to 2022 in Canada the average price for 500 grams of bacon has risen from $7.06 to $8.55, a 21% increase in the price per gram.

That is shrinkflation. The subtle, and sometime not so subtle, reduction in package size combined with a commensurate increase in price for the smaller package.

At a time when inflation is rising, interest rates are increasing, the economy is slowing, and people are struggling, when did shrinkflation become acceptable?

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Nifty SEO Tips that can Boost your Website’s Rankings!

If you want your business to succeed you will undoubtedly need to invest in a digital platform. In other words, you need a website, and not just a blog-standard website that would have passed 10 years ago but one that is up to date with the modern age and can promote search engine optimization or SEO with SEO tips. 

Why is this important? Because SEO gets you onto the first page of search engine results and in turn, this leads to more organic searches and more people finding your webpage and purchasing your product or services.  Great stuff!

However, only some people are adept in technical matters regarding SEO. If you need help in this aspect, searching for digital marketing companies, such as Digital Shift SEO Services to assist you can be a great help.

But what are some of the SEO tips that you or a business could use to boost your website’s rankings in as little as a month? Read on to find out!

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Guide to Injection Moulding Marketing!

The соnсeрt оf injeсtiоn mоulding hаs been аrоund fоr а lоng time, аnd desрite the fасt thаt it is used fоr mаss-mаnufасturing а wide rаnge оf соmmоn items by various laboratory consumables manufacturers, mаny рeорle аre unаwаre оf it.

Sо, if yоu оwn а business in the mаnufасturing industry, yоu mаy be wоndering hоw yоu саn mаrket yоur соmраny, serviсes, аnd рrоduсts tо роtentiаl сustоmers.

Рeорle wоrking in оther industries frequently require а wide vаriety оf раrts, аnd they will, understаndаbly, wаnt the best роssible оnes fоr the mоney they аre раying.

Аs а result, the text belоw will inсlude а list оf things yоu shоuld inсlude when develорing а mаrketing strаtegy fоr yоur саsting serviсes.

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How to Beat Competitors With Your New Business!

As a new business owner, it’s up to you to help your company reach the top of the industry and beat competitors. Of course, such a thing is easier said than done, especially when you consider how competitive most industries can be. Many other companies have developed tactics to get the attention of their (and your) target audience for years. It might seem like a lofty goal if you want to beat competitors with a new business due to the odds stacked against you.

However, just because there are long odds doesn’t mean you don’t have advantages over the industry. You have examples of successful businesses to use as your roadmap, allowing you to benefit from the trial and error of your competitors. Here are a few best-practice methods to beat competitors to help you get started.

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Signs Your Business Should Go International!

For many people, the goal of international travel is one that appeals to them in a big way. However, before you set out down this particular path, you want to be 100 percent certain that it is something that your company is ready for and check the signs your business should go international.

Otherwise, you can easily find yourself in a situation in which your company is put at risk from a failed project that can cost time and energy, as well as slow down the overall progress that you had built up.

Here are a few of the main signs that your business should go international

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Increase Your ECommerce ROI with Effective Sales Website Templates!

Having a professional and functional website offers a competitive advantage to any business. Small-scale businesses that lack adequate budgets or capital fail to hire website developers and coders to create professional websites.

Ready-made sales website templates are ideal for companies creating an online presence without investing in website developers. Businesses are realizing the importance of the sale website template elevates business growth and revenue and ECommerce ROI.

Despite the popularity of unique and modern website designs, the use of ready-made attractive, and  intuitive sales website templates is extensive for website development.

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Tips for a Successful First Job Interview!

The first job interview is one of the last steps to getting the job of your dreams. It is especially nerve-wracking if you have just graduated and are looking for a place of work. Perhaps you do not know where to start and who to ask. Everything stresses you out because, in the world of work, you are a beginner.

Getting to the process of a job interview means you have done a lot of things right. That is, you have managed to get the recruiter interested in your resume. They think you are a promising candidate and can potentially fill the position. 

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Maximize Your Business Potential with Market Research Tools – Free vs Paid!

‍‍In the fast-paced business world, the key to success lies in understanding the market, the competition, and the potential customer base. Market research tools are instrumental in this process, providing valuable insights that can help businesses make informed decisions and strategies.

In this article, we will explore the importance of these tools, the free and paid options available, and how they can be used to maximize your business potential.

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How Online Marketing Has Changed the Game!

The entire world of business has changed forever and one of the featured and most notable changes has been the move online, including online marketing. Just a few decades ago it was only outbound and so-called traditional marketing techniques that were used by business to generate leads and build their brand among the general public and those who were interested in their products and services.

Now it is the inbound marketing on the internet that has become a must have for all businesses that want to reach a global audience.

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Digital Marketing for Manufacturing Tips for Success!

Most manufacturers still rely on traditional methods to promote their business. Word-of-mouth referrals, networking events, and trade shows are still preferred by those in the manufacturing industry for a good reason they still work.   

However, today’s clients are more demanding and better informed. And most prospective buyers are going online to research the most effective manufacturing business to partner with.

That said, manufacturers need to have an established digital presence to thrive in this increasingly competitive world.   

In this article, we’re sharing the basics of digital marketing and some tips to ensure your manufacturing business’s success in marketing to the online world.   

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Offline Marketing in the Modern Age!

Everyone experiences an overload of ads daily. YouTube, Facebook, and even your email inbox are full of them.

They’re effective, and for companies, digital marketing methods are efficient. Unfortunately, that’s led many people to look past the high value of offline marketing

Offline marketing is crucial, and you can make it modern, effective, and efficient. 

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Unblocking Blog Traffic Growth: A Practical SEMrush Guide for Success!

In the vast world of online content, standing out is crucial. Imagine having a fantastic blog, pouring your heart into it, but not many people are reading it. That’s where SEMrush comes into play. It’s not just a tool; it’s your secret weapon for conquering the digital landscape. 

SEMrush is your digital compass, helping you navigate the complexities of online visibility. It’s not just about keywords; it’s a treasure trove of insights into what makes your content shine.

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