Shrinkflation – Smaller Packages and Higher Prices!

There was a time when a pound of bacon was a pound of bacon. And we still call it a pound of bacon. But the reality is that a package of bacon now weighs only 375 grams, not 454 grams which equals a pound. That’s an 18% reduction in package size. However that’s only half of the shrinkflation story.

From 2019 to 2022 in Canada the average price for 500 grams of bacon has risen from $7.06 to $8.55, a 21% increase in the price per gram.

That is shrinkflation. The subtle, and sometime not so subtle, reduction in package size combined with a commensurate increase in price for the smaller package.

At a time when inflation is rising, interest rates are increasing, the economy is slowing, and people are struggling, when did shrinkflation become acceptable?

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Free Trial vs Product Demo: Which Yields Better Sales?

When marketing products, businesses need to employ various tactics to ensure that their products are seen and considered by potential customers. One of the most effective methods is to offer a free trial or product demo.

Free trials and product demos allow customers to experience or use the product before they purchase it, allowing them to see the value in the product and make an informed decision. According to the Product Led, for most companies, it makes sense to offer a demo, even if you also offer a free trial, because some portion of your customers will always prefer the additional handholding and the opportunity to ask questions before they buy.

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