Refael Edry’s Life Lessons for Today’s Supply Chain Leaders!

It’s 2023, and a recession is lurking around the corner. Tech giants, including Amazon and Meta, have already implemented mass layoffs to adapt to the impending economic downturn. Commodity prices, interest rates, and inflation have been steadily heading north.

Across the globe, business owners are working hard to stay on top of these changes and keep their companies afloat. But supply chain leaders have been struggling with these challenges long before any signs of a recession emerged.

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On-Demand Warehousing Pros and Cons!

Suffering from order growth overwhelm? I’ve been there. And right now, you might be thinking of giving this new-fangled on-demand warehousing a go. 

Storing your products can cause a major headache when you’ve run out of space and you’re running out of money. And while in the past your options were limited to a 3PL fulfilment service or purchasing your own warehouse, there’s now a new kid on the block in the form of on-demand warehousing.

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Lean in the Back Office … Why is it so difficult?

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

Implementing a Lean program on the Manufacturing floor, in a Warehouse operation, or in a Distribution Centre is challenging enough.  There are a series of process steps in which materials are transformed or moved in some fashion.  Try implementing Lean in the Back Office.

And your Lean program has at its core the objective of making these operations as efficient as possible. But when you try to apply these same Lean principles to the support organizations, or the back office, you are likely to experience a wide range of reactions.

So why is it so difficult to implement, and sustain, a Lean program in the Back Office of your organization?

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The Ethical Supply Chain: Why It’s Worth Showing Off About!

There is a lot to consider when choosing suppliers. How reputable are they? And how much does their service cost? 

One trait that is becoming increasingly important is social responsibility. Is a supplier’s practices ethical? If so, it could be worth sharing this information with the world. The following post explains more about why an ethical supply chain can make a great marketing angle.

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Keys to Success in Warehouse Management/Order Fulfillment! (Video)

E-Commerce continues to be the fastest growing sales channel anywhere in the world.  E-Commerce globally has been growing at over 20% per year and will continue to grow at that rate for the next several years.  (Source:  )

With these ever-increasing order volumes and changes in online shopper expectations there is enormous pressure on E-Commerce company Supply Chain distribution and fulfillment operations.

What are the keys for E-Commerce companies to be successful in fulfilling all of these orders and demands from online consumers?

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Ensure Your Supply Chain Doesn’t Break on Black Friday!

The Black Friday/Cyber Monday period is the busiest time of the year in E-Commerce and Retail.

For most companies selling in these channels they will see a spike in demand unlike anything they’ve experienced the entire year. And if successful they will be seeing growth much higher than the prior year.

But its one thing to sell and take orders for all of these products. It’s quite another matter altogether to fulfill that demand and do it successfully.

The exponential demand increase, in such a short timeframe, will stress any Supply Chain system to the maximum.

How do you ensure that your Supply Chain bends, but doesn’t break?

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Do You Want Inventory Turnover Breakthrough? Define and Manage The Levers!

Taking a holistic approach in order to achieve Inventory Turnover Breakthrough results meant that I needed to consider the End To End Supply Chain.  As I thought through this approach there was really no other way if we were to achieve significant improvements to help the entire business in a short period of time.

In thinking about the End To End Supply Chain it was necessary to define all of the aspects that impact Inventory levels.   In short I needed to be able to manage:

  • All of the levers that control the rate at which Inventory is brought in to the company
  • All of the levers that control the rate at which Inventory moves through the company
  • And all of the levers that control the rate at which Inventory moves out of the company
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Case Building for Supply Chain Risk Management!

An effective supply chain is the ironic link that every business requires to join together a well-developed product and the market. Everyone knows that, though not everyone takes the time to properly assess the difficulties of their respective markets. 

When examining the risks of entering a new market, there are things to look out for that hint towards difficulty. It’s therefore imperative for businesses to ensure they have properly planned how to get into a new market successfully.

Only after that can a good plan be put into action. 

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4 Best Practices for Reducing Medical Supply Waste!

The medical supply industry is the business of supplying the healthcare industry with items such as surgical instruments, bandages, general wound care, gloves, staff and patient apparel, and other medical equipment. However, due to the nature of work involved in healthcare facilities, a significant amount of medical supply waste is generally expected. 

Medical supply waste is an issue that plagues healthcare facilities across the world. It’s not just a problem for the providers themselves, as it’s also becoming a problem for the environment.

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Obstacles to Multi-Tier Supply Chain Visibility!

A recent Deloitte survey estimated only 15% of CPO’s have visibility beyond their tier one suppliers. I found this striking that there is so little multi-tier Supply Chain visibility.

With so many companies feeling the urgency to build resilience and better manage risk, with all the growing pressure to operate sustainability and with greater transparency on how and where products are manufactured and sourced, and with today’s ease and ubiquity for connectivity and information at one’s fingertips, what is preventing supply chain visibility?

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An Acquisition Gone Wrong! A Coup D’Etat in the Boardroom!

The CEO called an emergency meeting in the Boardroom.  The President of our Division, myself, the prior owners of a company we had just acquired, and one of our major shareholders/board members were to attend.  The sh*t had hit the fan with our latest acquisition.

It had only been a few months since the acquisition had been completed.  This was certainly long enough for the honeymoon period to be over.  But now it looked like we were quickly heading for a divorce.

What went wrong?

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The Metaverse and the Digital Supply Chain!

One of the terms that has entered the zeitgeist, holding the promise of providing some exciting new future state, is the “Metaverse”.

For some time we have also been describing a future that will define much of how businesses and economies and institutions will run in the future. We call this the “Digital Supply Chain”

What exactly is the Metaverse and how does it compare, contrast or align to our vision of the Digital Supply Chain? And what are some possible applications of these 2 intersecting technological paradigms?

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How Custom Logistics and Transportation Platforms are Defining the Future of Supply Chain!

In an increasingly globalized world, logistics and transportation have taken center stage in the successful operations of businesses worldwide. Emerging from the shadows of standard methods, custom logistics and transportation platforms are shaping the future of the supply chain industry.

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Understanding Trading, Investing and Foreign Exchange!

This article will delve into the various topics related to supply chain, such as trading globally, investing abroad, foreign exchange markets, and trade agreements. These ideas and concepts are key in the overall understanding trading, investing and foreign exchange, and the process of the supply chain and it gives many key benefits that propel companies to more successful opportunities.

Also, these current events and issues allow for scholars, supply chain managers, companies, and any other player involved within the supply chain to further their understanding of what is working and what is not effective for the success of the supply chain and their business within the process.

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Supply Chain Innovation: The Path to Success!

Supply Chain innovation is a team effort requiring collaboration and buy-in from all levels within an organization, and it’s especially true when it comes to bringing innovation to the supply chain.

While new and buzzworthy technologies like drones and robotics are consistently being introduced, innovation for the supply chain is truly a continuum of small improvements that make a greater impact – whether it’s improving processes or the overarching business model.

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