How Social Media Benefits Supply Chain!

If your supply chain company isn’t active on social media, know that your competitors are and they are enjoying social media benefits.

Here are four ways social media can help the supply chain in improving processes and expanding your audiences.

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Junk Mail is Clogging the Supply Chain!

Every week I receive approximately 20 -25 pieces of physical mail in my mailbox. Amazingly, week after week only 1-2 pieces of that mail are actually bills or other items that I should be getting.

The rest is Junk!

That’s right 95% of the mail that I get is Junk and gets immediately thrown in the recycle bin.

But that Junk mail still takes resources to be made and distributed.

What an absolute waste!

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™ – An Interview with Mike Croza, Founder of Supply Chain Alliance!

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series at Supply Chain Game Changer. This interview is with Mike Croza, Founder and Managing Partner at Supply Chain Alliance.

Supply Chain Alliance is a premier Management Consulting firm specializing in all things Supply Chain. With decades of experience and a track record of achieving outstanding results in all industries they are an essential resource for those looking to move their businesses forward.

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