Augmented Reality (AR) is the Future of Supply Chain!

Augmented Reality (AR) enables transformational change!

When I started in the distribution space, I was told “…business is simple…cases in, cases out.” Reports were on green bar paper and forklifts were everywhere. As the distribution space evolved, the reports became spreadsheets and forklifts remained very important as they are coupled with the latest and greatest automation.

Supply chain improvements over the last 15 years have been incremental at best. The advances we are making in the supply chain powered by Augmented Reality (AR) are going to be wildly disruptive. The supply chain community that leans into AR and gets it right will come out the clear winners for every perspective: simplicity, safety, quality and productivity.

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Automation ROI, Tools and Productivity!

Automation has many benefits including Automation ROI. Among the advantages are these: It frees up employees from performing manual or repetitive tasks and allows them to focus on tasks that require more thinking and analysis. It increases productivity and the quality of products. It speeds up the time to do the job, facilitating business growth.  

Are there drawbacks to automation? Yes, of course, the main one being financial. Automation and robotic equipment and the software required to run them are pricey.

However, investing in automation results in a payback after a certain amount of time has passed, and this occurs at the point at which increased productivity and sale revenue outweigh the combined capital and labor costs.  

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Engaging with Gadgets: Data365’s Expertise!

In the contemporary world, technology and gadgets have become an intrinsic part of our lives. Understanding how to efficiently engage with these devices is essential for both personal and professional progression.

Data365, a global tech company, has positioned itself as an expert in this arena, helping users navigate the exciting world of gadgets.

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The Best Internet Service Providers!

Fast and seamless internet connection has become a necessity to compensate for our online activities. Be it online gaming, videoconferencing, streaming, emailing, or chatting, you always need a high-speed internet connection to perform your online routines.

Crawling internet speed can be a nuisance because even sending an email can become very torturous. Therefore, always look for internet service providers who offer high bandwidth. You must be well aware of what you are in for and do not forget to check the speed your internet provider has to offer you.

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Digital Supply Chain Overview! (Video)

Here we provide the Digital Supply Chain Overview video for you.  Supply Chain 4.0 is the manifestation of the Digital Supply Chain as enabled by the proliferation of Disruptive Technologies that are permeating every aspect of our lives.

The Digital Supply Chain Overview video, created and published at Supply Chain Game Changer, is focused on the Digital Supply Chain, or otherwise called Supply Chain 4.0, because of its profound impact in defining the Supply Chain of the Future!

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What is the Digital Supply Chain?

All of the technologies that we hear about every day, from Blockchain to Virtual Reality, have many areas of applicability in both our personal and business lives.

But in the area of Supply Chain, which truly spans the entire operations of most any company, these technologies provide the platform to totally redefine how the work of Supply Chain is conducted every minute of every day.

In the simplest terms we are entering the age of the Digital Supply Chain!

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7 Devices Every Smart Home Should Have!

Today, intelligent technologies have become an integral part of human life, and innovative equipment for your Smart Home is available for free sale.

Therefore, people with different income levels and positions in society can install the Smart Home system. Intelligent systems make life comfortable, economical and safe. In particular, fire alarms should be installed in every home.

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Top 3 Automated Things in Everyday Life!

In the world, most commercial and residential properties are equipped with automation systems or smart home systems. It is already clear that automating things and the management of an entire building provides many advantages.

For example, it reduces the cost of maintenance personnel, increases the level of comfort for guests, optimizes energy consumption, and water and gas supply, and reduces environmental damage.

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A New Era of Home Automation!

The new era of home automation offers many options to create comfort and ease of performance. A modern smart home is the automated control of everything that can be controlled around you in the house.

There is a lot of routine work in the house: turn on / off, start/stop, open/close, louder / quieter, warmer / colder, etc. To perform all these actions in the home space, leaving for the weekend, coming home from work, and receiving guests, you will have to spend a decent amount of time. While all this can be done in a minute using your phone or one remote control.

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What is Geofencing? And How Does it Work?

Geofencing is a buzzy mobile app capability that’s been around for at least a decade; however, developers are only now seeing the full potential of geofencing for building a great user-first experience.

While geofencing received some attention in relation to user privacy, new tools are considering how geofencing can better surprise and delight customers – and in the future, radically change the way companies deliver location-based experiences. 

From sending a tailored promotion when a customer enters a retail store to powering order-ahead food delivery, geofencing plays a key role in making mobile apps contextually aware. How does geofencing work, and how can mobile app developers better deploy this technology?

Here’s what you need to know about geofencing. 

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What Makes Amazon Web Services the Leader? (Infographic)

You may or may not have heard about Amazon Web Services (AWS for short), but there’s a very good chance that you have used a site hosted on their servers.

Netflix, Reddit, and Pinterest all use AWS services, as do other giants of the digital world, like Dropbox and VMWare. What’s more, The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) too picked AWS over computer giant IBM to build their private cloud.

AWS rules the world of cloud hosting. No wonder, Amazon made $45.37 billion from its Amazon Web Services (AWS) segment in 2020.

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Industry 4.0 – Smart Manufacturing of the Future! (Infographic)

Since the term Industry 4.0 was first coined by the German government in 2011 it has steadily gathered pace and interest from companies across all industries.  This infographic from 2Flow takes you through how much it has grown and how much it is expected to grow in the years to come.

Industry 4.0 is a far cry from what has come before it and data analytics is at the heart of it.  In all supply chains, companies are always looking for ways to make it more efficient and digitization is more often than not the answer – which makes Industry 4.0 the answer.

So what can Industry 4.0 accomplish?

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Understanding the IIOT! What is it and Where Can I See it?

Many of us are already familiar with the Internet of Things (IOT), a network of physical objects such as your smartphone that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet.

However, have you heard of the IIOT? The Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), has a broader application and is typically used in various industries, including consumer electronics, healthcare, transportation, agriculture, and more.

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4 Pitfalls to Avoid When Selecting Supply Chain Technology!

There are thousands of supply chain technology vendors in the market today, and many companies claim their system is the best-of-the-best.

How do you truly know which systems are the best, and what can you do to ensure the selected supply chain technology does not become a money pit for your organization?

The answers to these questions lie in understanding the top pitfalls to avoid when selecting systems and new technologies for use in your organization.

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Imagining the Supply Chain of the Future!

Imagine what the future will look like in Supply Chain!

We don’t mean the near future, but the very distant future.  There are articles which describe what the future of Supply Chain will be like in 2025, or even 2030.

But is that enough of a far-reaching vision to offer much more than an incremental view of what we see today based on existing technology?

Any view of the near future is more likely to describe incremental changes and incremental advancements based on the current knowledge base.  But an extremely distant vision of the future is more likely to offer revolutionary ideas as to what future possibilities are.

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