4 Ways to Reduce Energy Grid Reliance!

Energy Grid Reliance

The purpose of an energy grid is to provide more efficient electricity transmission, delivering power to residential, commercial, and industrial properties nationwide.

An energy grid consists of complex electrical systems that generate energy from various sources to quickly restore power after energy disturbances. Moreover, an energy grid can reduce utility operations, management costs, and consumer electricity bills. 

However, an energy grid is susceptible to disruptions from extreme weather, excessive demand that cause blackouts, and other threats. Because an energy grid may have outdated infrastructure, frequent service disruptions can occur.

Therefore, reducing energy grid reliance by looking for other means to generate and use electricity is important. Read on below to find out more.  

1. Invest In Solar Energy 

While you still need to use the energy grid, investing in solar power is an excellent way to reduce your reliance on the traditional electricity source. Solar power converts the sun’s energy into consumable electricity to power your home or business.  

With solar panels in your home or establishment,  solar energy can be captured and stored for later use. The sun’s radiation is about 1000 times more potent than electricity from the grid. Overall, solar energy costs approximately 25% less than grid power but fluctuates widely based on market conditions.

However, solar panels are getting cheaper every year and are now starting to be more affordable for individuals to afford.

Solar power systems include grid-tied and off-grid systems. A grid-tied system utilizes solar panels to produce electricity from sunlight, and excess power goes to the utility grid. On the other hand, off-grid means solar power isn’t connected to the energy grid or utility company.  

An off-grid solar power system provides 100% self-sustaining energy use, which involves using a solar battery to store excess energy. Installing solar power battery backup on your property promotes greater energy security and protects your home from blackouts and increasing electricity bills. Read more here to learn more about solar power battery backup in your home.  

2. Install Green Roof 

A green roof system refers to an existing roof extension with high-quality waterproofing, drainage system, root repellent system, filter cloth, and vegetation or plants. Green roofs have temperature-moderating effects, reducing demand for power plants. 

This roof is an effective solution to help reduce energy grid reliance when cooling or heating buildings. A green roof system provides a shadow for the roof layer, wind barrier, insulation, and evapotranspiration, the transfer of water from the land to the atmosphere via evaporation. 

Roofs cause the greatest heat loss during winter and the hottest temperatures during summer. Because green roofs offer greater insulation than other roofing systems, they help reduce the amount of electricity necessary to regulate a building’s temperature.  

Aside from energy reliance reduction, green roof vegetation can help clean the air by filtering noxious gases and capturing airborne pollutants. A green roof system decreases carbon dioxide in the environment and prevents the release of other polluting by-products into the atmosphere. 

3. Take Advantage Of Smart Technologies 

Technology is a powerful tool that can help promote energy efficiency. Managing your electricity use using the latest technologies can help reduce energy consumption and grid reliance.  

Many appliances, devices, and electrical equipment nowadays have smart technologies to help people reduce reliance on the energy grid. Using temperature sensors, light sensors, remote management, artificial intelligence, and alarm features in home appliances and building systems can help regulate power utilization.  

For instance, when you forget to turn off the lights or other appliances at home, you can remotely shut them down using your smartphone with just a click. You can also turn on, regulate, and monitor your home appliances while you do some quick errands.  

If you want to reduce your energy grid reliance by investing in smart technologies, consult an expert in your area. You can integrate various smart technologies into your home security system to create a smart home.  

4. Apply The Best Energy Practices  

When inflation is rising, so are your electricity bills. Your energy practices directly affect your electricity consumption and utility bills. As much as you want to save time and effort, implementing the following practices can help reduce energy grid reliance: 

  • Air-dry clothes, carpets, and other washed items under the sun during summer instead of using a fan or a dryer. 
  • Handwash dishes and clothes when you have lots of free time to reduce appliance use.  
  • Sweep and mop the floor instead of relying on vacuum cleaners. 
  • Turn off appliances and electrical fixtures when not in use.  
  • Shut down your main power supply when going on a long vacation.  
  • Use natural gas for cooking rather than electricity.
  • Install solar lighting instead of electrical lights.  


Reducing energy grid reliance entails using renewable energy that uses more advanced systems to harness power from the sun, wind, water, and other sources. Consider using solar panels to save energy and the amount of electricity you consume from the energy grid.

Moreover, installing a green roof and implementing best practices that help promote energy efficiency can also go a long way.

Energy grid reliance article and permission to publish here provided by Claire Glassman. Originally written for Supply Chain Game Changer and published on November 24, 2022.