7 Benefits of Using a 3PL!

As eCommerce continues to grow and supply chains become more complex and global, logistics is skyrocketing in importance. Customers want their purchases faster and cheaper, and the logistics power of behemoths like Walmart and Amazon is forcing all kinds of other businesses to step up their performance to stay competitive and consider the benefits of using a 3PL.

However, the 21st century logistics market presents more than its fair share of unique challenges, and the truth is that it’s often simply not realistic to address them in-house, particularly for small and medium businesses. Outsourcing logistics to third-party logistics providers, known as 3PLs, is an increasingly popular option.

What’s behind the surge in popularity for 3PLs, and why does it make sense for many businesses to use them? Here are seven reasons that outsourced logistics are taking over in road, rail, sea and air. 

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How to Buy the Best Bitcoin Wallet!

Digital wallets or bitcoin wallets are both the same, and their work is only to protect the user’s investments from hackers and fraudsters. Bitcoin crypto is only safe when users have the best Bitcoin wallet guarding their investments.

Before taking beginner steps into the world of this digital crypto, one should always buy the digital wallet first.

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4 Methods to Use Cryptocurrency to Make Money!

This year, BTC has seen solid gains and is close to its peak of $20,000 in 2017. Is it already late to invest in cryptocurrencies, or is this start of the most significant income redistribution ever? I’ll present you with the 4 methods to use cryptocurrency to make money.

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The Skills You Need to Perfect for Your QLD Test!

Learning to drive is a significant milestone, marking a transition to newfound freedom and responsibility. This journey culminates in a driving test, a crucial assessment of your driving skills and knowledge of road rules. Before embarking on your driving adventures in Queensland, it’s essential to master the skills required to pass this test with confidence.

The QLD practice test is crucial to helping you prepare for this process. See here if you’re looking for resources to help you train for the driving test.

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The Power of Engagement: How Social Media Drives Customer Interaction!

In the dynamic landscape of social media marketing, engagement plays a pivotal role in fostering meaningful interactions between brands and consumers.

This article delves into the importance of engagement and how social media platforms serve as catalysts for building strong relationships with customers.

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The Hybrid Workplace! Is it the New Future?

The organizational skills of employees help them adapt to changing times. Technological disruptions, demographic shifts, changing work cultures, and travel are factors of change. Most of the organizations embraced these changes seamlessly and relentlessly. But the pandemic-induced isolation was a change that was unexpected by an entire globe, including the hybrid workplace. 

Corporates, leadership, and the workforce made a phenomenal transition to a remote workplace model. Without exacerbating the anxiety related to workflow-management teams, collaborated virtually and adjusted the new truth and change in record time. 

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™ – An Interview with Tony Giovaniello, President of Shasta EDC

Tony Giovaniello, President Shasta EDC

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series. This interview is with Tony Giovaniello, President of the Shasta EDC (Economic Development Corporation).

I first met Tony at Celestica.  We worked together in the Solutions Development organization, responsible for designing creative, winning proposals for customers, old and new.

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8 Tips to Consider Before Starting Your Business!

It can be tempting to rush into things when you come up with your first business idea. The premise is exciting, and you want to get out in front of any potential competition. You may want to slow down, though, as there are several aspects you need to consider before starting your business and opening the doors to your new company.

It is normal to try and get out there and make money straight away, but you will have more success if you slow down and think carefully.

Here are a few tips for you to address before starting your business.

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The Truth About Working at a Fulfillment Centre!

You may have seen or read coverage depicting a fulfillment centre as a terrible place to work. John Oliver’s most recent Last Week Tonight episode focused on the dangers of fulfillment centre work.

It’s the latest in a string of negative stories that stretches back years. This Mother Jones story about an Amazon fulfillment center workers fainting from heat exhaustion was published in 2011.

As Oliver’s piece pointed out, fulfillment centers often operate on slim margins. That can mean low wages and demanding quotas for warehouse workers, as employers scramble to turn a profit. Amazon has disputed Oliver’s story. The eCommerce giant raised its base hourly rate for fulfillment center employees to $15 per hour in 2018 (though changes in Amazon benefits may negate at least part of that increase). 

We can’t dispute the fact that working conditions in some fulfillment centers are less than optimal, to say the least. However, not all fulfillment companies are alike.

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Steps to Take to Buy Bitcoin Crypto!

What do you consider regarding your future and investments? Everyone wants to invest their money somewhere where the investment is safe and provides excellent returns. You can look to buy Bitcoin crypto.

The reason is you will get all the superior benefits of making investments in it, and you will also get significant profit. However, it isn’t right that you will get the profit quickly. There are so many risks also that can destroy your investments within one minute.

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How to Mitigate the Lumber Supply Shortage!

With new building codes using light-frame construction, there are limits on how many trees are cut down before putting our environment at risk. It puts pressure on manufacturers to find alternative sources for materials that are readily available elsewhere given the lumber supply shortage.

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Cross Country Shipping Guide: Everything You Need to Know!

Are you new to car shipping services? Or are you looking for ways to learn more about the cross country shipping process? If yes, we are here to help.

Shipping companies are shipping professionals with years of experience and knowledge in every aspect of shipping services. From arranging appropriate shipping methods to helping you with paperwork, a shipping company assists you throughout the shipment process.

To be specific, shipping companies handle everything involved in car shipping to help enjoy a seamless car shipping experience. 

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Starting a Successful Instagram Content Strategy!

Instagram is a powerful platform for businesses to connect with their audience, but it can be overwhelming to create a Instagram content strategy that works. It is not surprising that digital technology is moving forward.

While the content gets likes, comments, shares, and saves daily, Instagram ranks your content up into suggested media content and serves up as a comparable one that your target audience has liked or engaged with in the past.

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The Ultimate Guide to Become a Professional Truck Dispatcher!

The truck dispatching industry is undoubtedly growing rapidly. Trucking Companies hire professional truck dispatchers to get good loads for their trucks. From experience and qualification to budget, there are various things that they consider while hiring a truck dispatcher.

Due to good growth and chances of high success in the truck dispatching industry people have started showing more interest in becoming truck dispatchers. But to become a professional truck dispatcher, you have to make high efforts.

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Supply Chain Professional Do’s and Don’ts during the Pandemic!

There has never been a moment in time since the second world war, that there has been so much global awareness and need for resilient and dynamic supply chains, and the qualified Supply Chain professional is there to manage them; in a single strategic battle toward a common enemy. 

The COVID 19 outbreak was initially concerning to firms with established supply chains embedded throughout China, but it’s clear now, that it’s effects are going to be far more reaching on a global scale, and felt throughout the months and year(s) ahead.

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