Are You Prepared For A Supply Chain Talent Crisis?

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

The supply chain talent crisis is a significant problem that will cause widespread disruption in the industry. More workers are retiring, and there are just not enough members from the newer generations interested in the industry.

However, demand for more products, faster and at lower costs is increasing, so supply chain executives need to start thinking about how they can prepare for and respond to the current and forthcoming supply chain talent crisis.

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Essential Recruitment Tips for Payment Processing Specialists!

In the world of finance and digital commerce, payment processing specialists play a crucial role in ensuring that transactions are smooth, secure, and efficient. These professionals are responsible for handling the intricate web of transactions that keep businesses running smoothly.

Whether it’s processing credit card payments for e-commerce websites, ensuring timely salary disbursements, or managing financial transactions for online casinos, the demand for skilled payment processing specialists is ever-growing. 

Here are the key recruitment tips for finding and hiring the best payment processing specialists.

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3 Unique Recruitment Strategies to Attract Top Talent!

In the last decade, the methods used when searching for employment opportunities have changed dramatically. Traditionally, a proactive candidate who was seeking employment would approach companies directly, with a professionally written CV. Job adverts in newspapers were another prime source of finding new jobs and registering with a job center was commonplace for people looking to start their career. 

Today, with the explosive growth of the internet, it’s far more likely that job seekers will search online jobs boards and register with organizations to gain a personalized feed of jobs that match their criteria. In addition, many roles are now offered on a remote working basis, and this allows workers to look for suitable jobs on an international scale. 

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5 Minute Job Interview Tips for Success!

Many of you have been a participant in innumerable job interviews, whether you are the interviewer or the interviewee. 

Interviews can be highly time consuming for both parties so it’s imperative that this time is valuable for everyone.

Having interviewed hundreds of people, and been interviewed myself many times, I usually find that the essence of an effective interview can be reached in the first 5 minutes.

That doesn’t mean that there isn’t more to discuss from the 6th minute on. But it does mean that I’ve usually made my decision within 5 minutes.

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Employer of Record (EoR): The Secret to Scaling Your Business Fast!

Hiring global talent takes a lot of effort and time. It can be a massive headache, and you might be discouraged from hiring the best workers from foreign countries such as Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and Spain, among others.

For example, if you want to hire workers from Germany, you need to partner with one of the leading, respected and trustworthy HR platforms of employer of record Germany.

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10 Hiring Mistakes in Supply Chain! (Infographic)

Hiring in Supply Chain is, in some ways, tougher than it ever has been with a propensity for hiring mistakes.

With the baby boomer generation entering retirement, and companies placing more strategic emphasis on the function, the war for Supply Chain talent is on.

We put together this infographic based on our experiences in the recruitment marketplace to answer:

What are the most common mistakes that causes hiring managers and HR to lose out?

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™ – An Interview with Bronwen Hann, President at Argentus

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series. This interview is with Bronwen Hann, President at Argentus.

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What is Business Acumen? (Infographic)

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

Business acumen!

It doesn’t really matter what industry, it’s the biggest thing that executives tell us they’re looking for when hiring at the sole contributor level and above. For many executives, it’s even more important than relevant experience.

“If the candidate has business acumen,” the thinking goes, “they’ll be an effective contributor to my team. I can teach the rest later.” Someone who has business acumen just “gets it.” They can figure out their place in a business and quickly learn how to provide value, even if they’ve never done a specific function before. 

The concept has taken on almost mystical overtones. 

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The Ultimate Guide to Talent Sourcing – Unleashing the Power of Recruitment!

A company’s talent acquisition strategy is vital to achieving its business goals. That’s why it’s essential to take a big-picture approach to recruiting and look for candidates that will complement the current organization and its plans.

Talent sourcing can be done through various methods, such as advertising job openings, searching social media sites, and holding virtual hiring events. 

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