Thank a Trucker!

As the coronavirus pandemic spreads, the impacts are rippling through the economy and the supply chain. While many workers have been forced to sit at home while their workplaces are shuttered, truck drivers are facing extra demand.

Their work to transport goods where they are needed is more vital than ever. Drivers who haul LTL and FTL freight are finding their work more challenging than ever.

That’s why Red Stag Fulfillment is promoting #ThankATrucker. It’s our way to raise awareness and generate support for the drivers who work hard to keep us supplied during these difficult times.

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4 Data-Backed Strategies for Reducing Traffic Congestion!

Over the years, there’s no denying that there has been a sharp increase in the number of cars on the road, leading to bottle-necked and congested roadways. Not only does traffic congestion impact commuters, but it’s also a major concern for urban planners, city officials, traffic engineers, and businesses alike.

If traffic congestion is an issue you are concerned about, let’s explore four data-backed strategies for reducing traffic congestion.

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Logistics Trends to Watch!

As the logistics industry, and the broader business world, looks ahead, it’s time to explore what the next years will bring to logistics and logistics trends.

After reviewing several industry sources most Logistics professionals are in agreement with all of these trends.

We hope this information will help your organization prepare for what’s ahead. 

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Specialized Heavy Haul Trucking: Moving Oversized Farm Equipment!

Farm equipment movers specializing in heavy haul trucking use customized flatbeds, RGNs, and double drops along with reinforced trucks to transport enormous agricultural machinery standard  trucking cannot.

For farmers, these niche heavy haulers are essential for shipping oversized tractors, balers, combines, and other massive equipment.        

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Truck Drivers – Unsung Heroes of the Supply Chain! (Infographic)

Anywhere you go anywhere in the world you will find truck drivers delivering goods.  Roads and highways are filled with trucks of all shapes sizes.  Tractor trailers of all configurations are everywhere on the roads.

If you are driving a car you may be annoyed by all of these trucks.  Or if you are an environmentalist you may be concerned by the fuel consumption of these behemoths.

But the reality is that these truck drivers are the backbone of our societies and our economies.  They deliver the goods that we need to live the lives that we enjoy.  Without them the economy would stop and life as we know it would not be the same.

Truck drivers are truly the unsung heroes of the Supply Chain!

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The Value of Refrigerated Transport!

Refrigerated transport is a vital component of global supply chains. It allows businesses to distribute their products at the right temperature as they make their way through the world’s supply chain.

It also allows you to keep your product fresher for longer, resulting in fewer product returns and more satisfied customers.

To further support how refrigerated transport is so valuable in a global supply chain, below are several more reasons:

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Guide to Setting Shipping for Your E-Commerce Business!

Shipping’s importance has expanded dramatically in the e-commerce and entrepreneurial innovation era. Customers increasingly want businesses to distribute items globally faster and more efficiently.

Failure to do this can be disastrous for e-commerce business owners since they risk losing clients and their businesses.

Implementing cost-effective and efficient shipping solutions is critical to your business. This article will provide helpful hints to make the journey proceed more smoothly.

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Delivery in the Age of Amazon!

Brands don’t have to be Amazon to build stellar last mile delivery and fulfillment operations that win new business and drive customer loyalty.

However, they do have to look deeply and honestly at the way they run their delivery operations today, and then take the next step forward by making the necessary changes.

If you think delivery is just about transporting a product to the buyer, think again.

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22 Tips for Offering Profitable Free Shipping! (Infographic)

Free shipping is an effective but sometimes costly sales tool. Is it possible for companies to achieve profitable free shipping?

Case studies show that free shipping increases sales, order volume, and conversion rate. Since 60% of shoppers prioritize free shipping and 81% research multiple websites before purchasing, this perk can be the determining factor between someone buying from you or your competitor.

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Do you have a Freight Management Strategy or are you Spinning your Wheels?

In going door to door trying to sell a Freight Management service, as well as in my experience working in companies, I have had the opportunity to see a variety of ways in which companies, large and small, were managing their Freight and Logistics spend.

Most everyone felt they were doing a good job already.  But I’ve seen instances where Freight is one of the top 5 largest expenses within a company.  Yet it is managed by one or two people, with no support, and no visibility from upper management.

Depending on the industry  your transportation spend can make up anywhere from 1-10% of your company’s total revenue.  Aside from the    cost impact the service implications of a poor Freight management system are enormous.

So do you have a strategy for managing Freight and Logistics or are you spinning your wheels?

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7 of the Best Truck Stops for Fast and Tasty Food!

If you work as a trucker in the United States, you will find some fantastic truck stops where you can get fast and tasty food.

Here are just seven of the best truck stops. 

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Alliances, Carriers and Logistics!

It’s certainly been an interesting past few months in the container shipping industry; from the upcoming IMO 2020 Low Sulphur Fuel requirements, Brexit (Yikes!), US-China tariff negotiations; it’s refreshing to get back to basics and talk about the container industry.

However, today the container business seems to be more logistical than purely shipping.

What’s new in alliances?

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A Brief History of Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Codes!

Importers all over the world are required to use a harmonized tariff schedule code on their products, but what is an HTS code?

Well, it’s a set of numbers, usually between six and 10, that identifies a product so that a country’s government can quickly know what is in a shipment that’s coming to their shores, how much to tax the products in that shipment, and whether or not other agencies need to be involved (for regulated items such as some foods, drugs, alcohol, firearms, and more.

Here’s more on what a Harmonized Tariff Schedule, or HTS, code is and its history.

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9 Key Considerations in an Effective Last Mile Delivery Strategy

Understanding last mile logistics is only half the battle. Shippers need to reevaluate their existing last mile logistics processes and devise an effective last mile delivery logistics strategy that aligns consumer and business expectation.

This is the only way shippers can safeguard their position in the market and continue to provide products to their consumers. In fact, an effective last mile logistics strategy must consider these nine key points.

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A Look into a Truck Driver’s Life!

The next time you find everything you need on the shelves of your local grocery store, say a silent prayer for the truckers. You may not realize it, but these guys are responsible for putting food on your table. Domestic shipping will come to a halt if the trucking industry suddenly has a downfall. And a truck driver’s life involves spending the majority of their time on the roads, away from their loved ones, and lack the recognition other essential services get.

However, the supply chain is heavily dependent on them. The trucking industry is a big part of the US economy: around 902,000 individuals find their livelihood by being on the roads.

If you have ever wondered what an average day in a truck driver’s life was like, we have the answers below:

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