6 Practices to Optimize Your Goods Transportation Process!

Transportation optimization involves analyzing goods shipments, transportation rates, and restrictions to create a plan that reduces the overall costs and makes the process more efficient. Since transportation expenses constitute a bigger percentage of the business costs, business owners should concentrate on optimizing the goods transportation process. 

Optimizing the goods transportation process means reducing delays. Here’s how business owners can go about it successfully:

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6 Trends Affecting Inbound Freight Management!

Successful inbound freight management depends on a strong logistics management program.

Shippers need to have a robust set of controls in place, a high-quality inbound freight routing guide, automated tracking technology, reporting capabilities, and much more.

Shippers need to understand the trends throughout the industry affecting inbound freight management and how to plan accordingly.

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Truck Drivers are a Vital Part of the Supply Chain!

Take a quick look around your home or office and you’d be hard-pressed to find a product that has not seen the inside of a truck or delivered by truck drivers at some point in its existence.

In truth, many aspects of everyday life are made possible through the supply chain industry, with trucking alone responsible for 70% of America’s freight volume by weight. This is achieved through the hard work of truck drivers, the unsung heroes of the industry, who travel 430 billion miles per year hauling 10 billion tons of goods that people all need to live.

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Alliances, Carriers and Logistics!

It’s certainly been an interesting past few months in the container shipping industry; from the upcoming IMO 2020 Low Sulphur Fuel requirements, Brexit (Yikes!), US-China tariff negotiations; it’s refreshing to get back to basics and talk about the container industry.

However, today the container business seems to be more logistical than purely shipping.

What’s new in alliances?

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How to Safely Ship Craft Beer!

Entrusting your beer to the American postal service can be a scary task. For one, you need to know how to pack your craft beer properly so it reaches its destination safely. For another, you have to research if you even can ship your craft beer inside the US or internationally.

Shipping a keg is one thing. After all, kegs are virtually indestructible, but if you want to send individual brewed beer or a case of it, you’ll need to take the proper precautions.

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The Best Way to Work with Large-Scale Shipping!

With over $19 Trillion in goods moving through U.S. transportation networks alone, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, shippers are reevaluating their shipping strategies in dealing with large-scale shipping to take better advantage of a thriving global logistics marketplace.

Broken down into days, that $19 Trillion becomes even more impressive: “The annual numbers mean that on average 54 million tons of goods valued at $52 billion a day moved throughout the country on all transportation modes.”

For shippers, understanding how best to take advantage of the shipping boom isn’t just a business advantage–it’s a necessity. 

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