The Competitive Edge: How IoT Solutions are Redefining Supply Chain Management!

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, supply chain management has become more critical than ever before. With consumers demanding faster delivery times, higher product quality, and greater transparency, companies are constantly seeking ways to gain a competitive edge.

Enter the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, which are revolutionizing the way supply chains operate. In this blog, we will explore how IoT solutions, along with digital transformation services is transforming supply chain management and why it’s essential for businesses to embrace this technology to stay ahead in the market.

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Blockchain Technology is the Antidote to the Bullwhip Effect!

It happens everywhere, all the time in retail and in ecommerce: a supplier doubles their output to prevent a shortage in case multiple distributors place their orders simultaneously; a fulfillment warehouse doesn’t call in enough workers during Black Friday and delays package shipments by days. Could blockchain technology change all that?

It’s the bullwhip effect, and it’s a huge reason why something like €3.5 trillion (worth $4.1 trillion) are locked up in net working capital in today’s supply chains.

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5 Impacts of Autonomous Trucking on Supply Chain!

The flying car of the future might still be out of reach, but autonomous trucking is moving quickly into view for many businesses. Trucks manned by technology, with no human drivers, are currently being tested around the globe.

Companies have a vested interest in exploring how an autonomous fleet can help their business in the not-so-distant future. Reductions in costs and simplification of processes are some of the many benefits we’ll discuss.

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How AI and the IoT Can Change Transportation Management!

Analysts predict that by 2020, 75% of new cars will feature IoT connectivity. The percentage increase describes consumer applications, but the idea of connected vehicles should garner interest from other sectors such as shipping, logistics, and transportation management.

Leaders in these industries would be wise to plan for a future where AI and the IoT transform transportation management.

Here are five possible applications to consider:

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Our 2022 Top 10 Articles (Part 2)

As 2022 draws to a close it is interesting to reflect on the fact that while many of the restrictions put in place during the pandemic are no longer in place, the Supply Chain disruptions caused by the pandemic continue to persist.

These continued disruptions reinforce our belief that Supply Chains continue to be structurally weak. They fall far from the ideal of having much more robust and resilient Supply Chains.

On that note it is important to take the time to reflect on our top 10 articles for the second half of 2022.

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What is 5G? And What Does it Mean for Supply Chain? (Infographic)

There was a time not that long ago when there were no cell phones or smart phones. Now they are literally billions of smartphones and cell phones. This doesn’t even include the number of desktops, laptops, tablets, and all other internet enabled electronic devices.

The latest technology that will be driving this massive infrastructure is 5G. Much as with all of the technologies before it the latest generation of technology will lead to profound advances in capabilities.

This will invariably impact the Supply Chain of the future.

What is 5G technology? And how exactly will it impact Supply Chain?

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The Industrial Revolution from Industry 1.0 to 5.0!

The history of Industry 4.0 tracks the manufacturing industry from the industrial revolution to the digital transformation and beyond.

Each new stage represents advancement of the industrial revolution in the manufacturing process that has changed the way we think about and work in the industry.

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How Shipping Software Innovation Led FreightPOP Into Freight Management!

Have you ever been extremely frustrated with a process at work? That was where we were six years ago. Our technology business, Horizon Technology, was being hindered by our shipping processes.

Our outdated manual methods were wasting a lot of time and money, which we attempted to solve by subscribing to a transportation management solution; however, we were sorely let down by the lack of customization. We couldn’t make existing shipping software work for our business, at least at a cost we could afford.

So we had to develop our own. As a technology company, we had the resources and experience. And we were so satisfied with the results, we brought our solution to market with a start-up known as FreightPOP. 

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What is Big Data?

I remember manually plugging 16kB (that’s right “kilobyte”) memory chips into an original IBM Personal Computer.  The crunching sound they made was unforgettable.  I was ecstatic that I had increased the total memory to 128kB, and then to 256kB … WOW!   At that time that was a lot of memory.  Who could ever need to store that much data?  That was “Big Data“.

Let’s fast forward to today.  The memory on your handheld smartphone and other devices is measured in Gigabytes (GB).  Over 2.5 quintillion bytes of information are generated every day.  Every move, every transaction, every image, every event and every location in everyone’s  lives are recorded.

That is Big Data!

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Digital Procurement!

Navigating the complexity of the global supply chain as a procurement professional can sometimes feel like taking a walk through the Amazon without a compass, or entering into outer space without an oxygen tank, especially when considering digital procurement.

It’s important that procurement teams take into account the new risk reality and challenges that face them, their organizations and their value chains. As the world around us continues to put the pedal to the metal within the digitalization of business solutions, procurement can’t decide to slow down for every speed bump.

At the same time, it’s never smart to punch the gas if you haven’t packed a spare tire. You never know when you might run into something sharp along the way.

Finding the perfect balance between preparation and action can be tricky.

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The Guinness Book of World Records for 3D Printing!

Technology and creations go hand-in-hand. The former is fundamental in building anything that can impact development, lifestyle, and economy. Take for instance, the 3D printing technology and how it rewrites the Guiness Book of World Records.

Though it was introduced three decades ago, it is recently that its impact is felt in industrial and manufacturing sectors. It has paved ways for testing and trying many things that has changed the traditional manufacturing methods.

All that invention and creativity that went into it, have enabled in developing many “worlds first.

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