Automation in the Food Industry!

A shortage of qualified workers makes the idea of adding robots and automation to the factory line an attractive option for companies large and small.

Amid the “Great Resignation” that has forced companies across industries to scramble to maintain staffing levels, members of the food industry need to take a closer look at automation in the food industry. Doing so can help them avoid errors and boost safety while reducing operating costs.

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Collaborative Robots: Making Manufacturing Jobs More Valuable

First, a “Prime Objective” of the Shasta EDC is job growth in the manufacturing and technology sectors, including the use of collaborative robots. This is our key focus. However, the recruitment, retention, and expansion of our companies is equally important.

There is obviously a symbiotic relationship between employer and employees. However, from time to time there are talent gaps that emerge and technologies that force us to rethink our approaches to business.

Data shows that the number of manufacturing jobs are declining, and the jobs that remain are shifting to a mixture of the traditional and tribal knowledge around manufacturing and a blend of technical knowledge that helps to augment current manufacturing with the practical application of emerging technologies.

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Machine Learning in Warehouse Management!

Machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, has already been used across many industries to improve efficiency and productivity.

The technology has been in development for some time, with the uptake being slowed down by some industry’s reluctance to adopt it.

However, machine learning development companies are now helping many businesses, including logistics companies and retailers seeking help for warehouse management.

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Automation’s Ripple Effect: Benefits and Challenges in the Automotive Supply Chain!

The automotive supply chain can be visualized as a complex network of intricate and interconnected arteries, pulsating with the lifeblood of materials, parts, and services essential for vehicle production. This system strings together suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers in a tapestry of mutual interdependence, cooperation, and competition.

Central to this intricate network is the incorporation of workflow automation, a technology that underpins the orchestration of these numerous moving parts. 

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The Guinness Book of World Records for 3D Printing!

Technology and creations go hand-in-hand. The former is fundamental in building anything that can impact development, lifestyle, and economy. Take for instance, the 3D printing technology and how it rewrites the Guiness Book of World Records.

Though it was introduced three decades ago, it is recently that its impact is felt in industrial and manufacturing sectors. It has paved ways for testing and trying many things that has changed the traditional manufacturing methods.

All that invention and creativity that went into it, have enabled in developing many “worlds first.

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Evolution of Warehouse Scanning Technologies in the Digital Era

The Warehouse is a central part of Supply Chain Management in any organization. The majority of companies where physical warehouse operation forms a bigger component of the total labor cost are primarily concerned about achieving the dual goals of warehousing cost optimization and the improvements in labor productivity.  Automation, such as scanning technologies, is a boon to achieve these two important goals in any warehouse operations. 

Over the years, warehouse automation has seen huge tectonic shifts, especially in the recent era of digital modernization. Scanning various labels on the products and materials during receiving, storing, picking and shipping processes is witnessing a tremendous technological changes over the past decades. Scanning is considered as the most labor intensive operation in the warehouse. 

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Are We Facing the End of Supply Chain Management?

A new article in Harvard Business Review has been generating some automation-related controversy in the Supply Chain Community, as well as lots of buzz and interesting conversation. Naturally, we want to weigh in and the end of Supply Chain Management.

Titled, “The Death of Supply Chain Management,” the article discusses the way that automation, AI and big data are transforming the industry.

It raises the alarm that the function will soon cease to exist, only to – as these “X is dead“ articles often end up doing – assert that it will still exist, just in a very different form.

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