5 Tips for Students: Navigating the Complex World of Supply Chain in Your Dissertation!

Businesses cutting across various sectors have encountered unexpected disruptions, leading to the realization that their supply chains are more complex than previously thought. Such complexities bring in several challenges rather than benefits.

While trying to manage this increasing uncertainty and adjust to the ever-evolving business environments, simplifying these complex supply chains has become an important objective.

But what exactly is meant by supply chain complexity? What are we referring to when talking about the extreme complexity of modern supply chains?

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Shiny New Technology or Back to the Basics? What is Your Strategy?

We hear about all of this cool and exciting new technology every day. Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Drones and Autonomous Vehicles, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, Big Data and more.

As such it’s easy to become enamoured with the prospects of implementing these brand new technologies in your company.

But for many companies they are struggling each and every day just to get the basics right. Ensuring deliveries are on time, making sure purchase orders are placed, changed, and acknowledged, keeping track of and reducing inventory levels, managing forecasts and forecast accuracy, and training and retaining resources are just a few of the basics that companies are working vigilantly to address every hour of every day.

Given pressures to reduce costs, improve productivity, increase competitiveness and increase asset velocity what should your strategic focus be?

Shiny new technology or boring old basics?

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Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Supply Chain Management! (Or is that 4,000 years?)

In 1982 Keith Oliver is credited with coining the phrase “Supply Chain Management”. As I began my career in 1982 I can attest to the fact that the term Supply Chain was not in general use at that time. In fact it would be many years before anyone started to hear that phrase being widely used.

So it is appropriate that in 2022 we look back at the last 40 years. But in reality all of the functions and responsibilities that constitute Supply Chain Management have been around for thousands of years.

Let’s take some time to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Supply Chain Management!

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Digital Marketing and Supply Chain Synergy: Enhancing Online Presence!

In an age where every click, like, and share counts more than ever, industries across the board, including logistics and supply chain management, are turning to digital marketing for visibility, engagement, and, ultimately, business growth.

This strategic blend of digital marketing with traditional industries like logistics isn’t just about staying relevant; it’s about thriving in a rapidly evolving marketplace.

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How to Avoid Supply Chain Bottlenecks!

Unchaining Change Leadership

It’s easy to visualize your supply chain as a river, flowing from one point to another. Along the way, it can branch out into various tributaries and meet various bottlenecks — but like running water, any item in the supply chain will find its way to its destination eventually.

Yet just as a dam can hold back the flow and slow it down, your processes can be encumbered by bottlenecks.

There are many reasons why a bottleneck may develop in your logistics, but the effects it can have are all negative. If left unaddressed, they can cause delays, hurt productivity and waste resources.

None of these is good for your business’s bottom line, which means it’s crucial to know what causes them and how to address them.

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6 Common Causes of Supply Chain Disruptions and How to Overcome Them!

In the multifaceted world of supply chain management, there are numerous variables that can cause unexpected disruptions. From natural disasters and IT issues to fluctuations in global politics, these challenges require strategic planning.

We’ve laid out six common causes of such Supply Chain disruptions along with potential solutions for each one, giving you the means to put your own contingencies in place.

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Interest Rate Increases and Their Impacts on Supply Chain!

The spectre of inflation reared its ugly head in 2022, just as the world was climbing out of the pandemic and looking forward to getting back to normal.

The interest rate increases by banks around the world, designed to reduce the rate of inflation, will continue to have impacts on Supply Chain across several dimensions.

Let’s discuss the various implications of these increase rate increases on Supply Chains everywhere.

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How Blockchain Helps Improve Supply Chain!

Supply chain management has witnessed a growing blockchain application in recent times. Zion Market Research says that by 2028, the market for blockchain technology in supply chain management will be worth more than $3.1 trillion, growing at a rate of 51.3% per year.

This technology could make it easier for retailers, wholesalers, and financial institutions to work together by speeding up product delivery, lowering costs, and making it easier to track products.

Blockchain is thought to have a revolutionary effect and could change how supply chain management systems work. 

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Supply Chain and Procurement in the Digital Age!

If your supply chain is more visible, you can halt minor issues like order mistakes or project delays and react to problems more quickly. If you want to increase the efficiency, reliability, and robustness of your firm’s whole supply chain, having rapid and easy accessibility to that sort of knowledge is essential.

This is the future as Supply Chain and Procurement enter the Digital Age.

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Why Effective Supply Chain is Critical to a Successful ECommerce Business!

To thrive as a successful eCommerce business, you need to manage your supply chain effectively. In practice, this accurately monitors stock levels and ensures the smooth transfer of products and supplies. Combined, these factors keep customers coming back and generate revenue for your company.

Understanding the unique demands of an eCommerce supply chain can be complex. We’ve outlined a few things you should know about managing one effectively in our quick guide below.

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5 Top Reasons Why It’s Important to Study Supply Chain!

Supply chain refers to the process of delivery of a product to the customer, involving all the necessary steps. These steps include procurement, logistics, warehousing management, forecasting, etc. Each of them is essential to delivering the final product or service.

Due to the heightened demand for the delivery of goods, the supply chain across the globe has been disrupted. This has resulted in a slowing down of transit. The shortage of workers has also affected the process. Every business depends on supply chain management, and any disruption can cause loss to a business.

This is why businesses need to realize the importance of skilled supply chain management. If you are interested in this topic, you should consider learning more about supply chains.

In this article, you can find the top 5 reasons why you should study supply chain. 

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Understanding the Process of Supply Chain Management!

Businesses act as a large ecosystem. They are composed of several smaller elements that work together to create a whole. The backbone of this system is the process of Supply Chain Management, the handling of the production flow responsible for every step of the process, from manufacturing a product to customer experience and profitability.

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Refael Edry’s Life Lessons for Today’s Supply Chain Leaders!

It’s 2023, and a recession is lurking around the corner. Tech giants, including Amazon and Meta, have already implemented mass layoffs to adapt to the impending economic downturn. Commodity prices, interest rates, and inflation have been steadily heading north.

Across the globe, business owners are working hard to stay on top of these changes and keep their companies afloat. But supply chain leaders have been struggling with these challenges long before any signs of a recession emerged.

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Case Building for Supply Chain Risk Management!

An effective supply chain is the ironic link that every business requires to join together a well-developed product and the market. Everyone knows that, though not everyone takes the time to properly assess the difficulties of their respective markets. 

When examining the risks of entering a new market, there are things to look out for that hint towards difficulty. It’s therefore imperative for businesses to ensure they have properly planned how to get into a new market successfully.

Only after that can a good plan be put into action. 

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Procurement Terminology is a Mess!

From one Procurement organization to the next, Procurement language and terminology differs.

Of course, it’s impossible to expect that every company would work within the exact same framework of understanding and messaging, but the lack of being able to communicate can sometimes be the difference between success and failure.

Procurement is a function, that is undergoing transformation; technologically and ideologically.

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