How to Safeguard Your Cryptocurrency Wallets!

Recently, bitcoin increased its value, and it reached the all-time highest price in November. However, it was 2021, and there were a lot of swings in the different digital cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency wallets throughout the year.

Due to these fluctuations in the prices, it attracted investors and some cybercriminals. Since the inception of 2009, multiple hacks have occurred in the cryptocurrency space and cryptocurrency exchanges.

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Get Ready for Holiday Now: Make It Boring (From A Supply Chain Perspective)!

The Holiday season finished recently.  And the next Holiday season may seem far away.  But in the area of E-Commerce Fulfillment it will be here before you know it.  Now is the time to begin implementing the improvements and strategies you need to make this coming Holiday season more successful than last year.

Having gone through the ups and downs and stresses of several Retail Holiday seasons myself, one January I gave this direction to my team.  For the upcoming Holiday our theme was that we were going to have a BORING Holiday season … from a Supply Chain perspective.

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You are Connected Everywhere! Why isn’t your Supply Chain Connected?

Have you ever tried to drive in a blinding snowstorm or when the rain or fog is so thick that you can’t see in front of your car?  It’s not possible!  And it’s risky to even try!

So why is it that the Supply Chain in so many companies is being run without the end to end visibility needed to even function, yet which we have in our personal lives?

In this age of exponential growth in digital connectivity the time has come to ensure you have End to End Supply Chain visibility.  If you carry a Smartphone you can be tracked anywhere.  So why don’t you apply this technology to your Supply Chain?

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How POS Data Improves Supply Chain!

Supply chain management involves the conduct of the movement of goods and services. It involves all the procedures that metamorphose raw materials into finished products. It entails the efficiency of a business’s marketing activities and use of POS data to maximize the value of customers. 

POS data improve supply chain management by providing a free flow of communication at all levels during the production of products – from manufacturers to end-users.

In this article, we have accentuated the ways POS data can improve supply chain management. 

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The Most Common Cryptocurrency Scams!

When you start getting involved in the digital monitoring mechanism, which is new to the whole world of cryptocurrencies, it is not going to take a long time for you to recognise that it is not free of risks and cryptocurrency scams.

When you make transactions, you expose yourself to the digital world, and this is the place where you are most prone to the threats of getting your money stolen.

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Reduce Labor Costs Without Cutting Back on Safety!

As the price of production continues to rise, industrial manufacturers are looking for ways to reduce expenses where they can. One area of operations where leaders reduce labor costs.

As it accounts for a significant portion of an organization’s balance sheet, reducing labor costs is often an essential step in eliminating superfluous spending. Below are a few approaches manufacturing heads can take to help save on labor expenditures while still maintaining a high level of safety.

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Digital Wallet Safety Measures!

The digital wallet and digital wallet safety is one of the essential roles in bitcoin investment, and if you think that anyone can save your investment, then this is the only thing. We all know that every investor can buy crypto without a digital wallet.

But some people still do this, and these people face a lot of problems in future, and if you don’t need any problem, you should buy a digital wallet. Every investor of this digital crypto is not aware of the digital wallet, and it is only due to a lack of knowledge about the essential things that you need to grab at the time of investing.

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How to Trade Ethereum! Everything You Need to Know!

Ethereum, as we know it today, was “conceived in 2013 by programmer Vitalik Buterin”, and has an infinite supply that currently sits at around 120.52 million.

In a short span of 5 years, it has become the second-largest cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization and is often compared with digital silver.

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Top Landscaping Projects to Increase Your Home’s Value!

The housing market is still hot and even if it is slowing just a little bit, it’s still a great time to sell your house. But, like any seller, you want to get top dollar for your property and first impressions really matter when it comes to your asking price. According to the experts at GTA Landscaping, here are the top landscaping projects to increase your home’s value by improving your home’s first impression.

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Online Casino Craps Strategy – Basic Strategy with Free Play and Betting Rules in BetVision88!

Craps is one of the most popular and simplest casino table games that newcomers often find scary to play. Well, we couldn’t blame them for feeling this way because the craps table has many betting options that may overwhelm new players.

But actually, craps is one of the most straightforward casino games you can play at BetVision88. And once you learn the basics of how to play the game and learn some strategies for it, you are all set to play as if you’re a pro in no time. 

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How Business Insurance Can Protect You!

Business insurance is essential. Businesses, like landscaping for instance, need several types of insurance coverage to make sure that they protect themselves from claims made against them due to negligence, poor quality, contractual failure and many other possibilities.

Here are the different areas in which insurance is vital for the protection of a business. 

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Tail Spend: The Hidden Procurement That’s Hurting Your Bottom Line!

In the fast-changing world of strategic Procurement, certain categories of spend get all the thunder: IT Procurement gets to help drive a company’s innovation. Business Services Procurement gets to restructure a company’s operations and drive competitiveness. Travel Procurement gets to look at pictures of exotic destinations all day (just kidding). But what about tail spend?

And most large companies are well aware – by now – of the cost savings and strategic advantages of being more strategic about the way you buy things in an organization. For the most part. For most of the stuff a company buys.

But there’s another sort of spend that never gets any love, a sleeping giant that’s actually costing companies millions of dollars and opening them up to risk: Tail Spend.

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What is Blockchain? And How Does it Work? (Infographic)


What is all the fuss about?  It’s a word that was rarely used or even heard of in Supply Chain not that long ago.  But now it is very common to hear about Blockchain.  Further it is often used in the context of being a necessary and integral part of any Digital Supply Chain Strategy.

Most companies do not yet have a Blockchain strategy.  More importantly  most people do not even know what it is.  How can you have a strategy for something if you don’t know what it is?  So, as with anything, let’s start at the beginning.

What exactly is Blockchain?

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Micro Fulfillment in Store!

Decades ago a customer could call their local grocery store and order the goods they wanted, for either pick up at the store or for home delivery. This option for order fulfillment had been adopted by some in the intervening decades. However this Micro Fulfillment has only become a more pervasive and dominant option due to the pandemic, which has shut down or restricted traditional retail in store selling.

Ship from store and Pick up in store last mile delivery options have been understood for some time but there have been reasons, pre-pandemic, which have inhibited their adoption.

Let’s explore in store Micro Fulfillment in more depth.

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Types of PC Programming Errors and How to Fix Them!

It is likely that part of your day already depends on your PC running effectively without delays. Whether you use one at work, for gaming, or to socialize, it can be extremely frustrating when your computer is out of action for seemingly no reason due to programming errors.

You will be pleased to know that not every PC fault happens at random. Most of the time, a computer malfunction is caused by a programming error. There are several types of programming errors that your PC can face, so let’s look at what they are and how to fix them so you can get back to using your PC without any issues.

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