Introducing Lean In Retail … Start in the Backroom!

The Retail company I had just joined was undergoing a massive transformation.  Fundamentally the new merchandising strategy was to curate a dramatically different set of products from that which was carried historically, but in addition to what was carried historically.  What did this mean for the backroom in every store?

This meant that an enormous number of the business processes had to be transformed to support the new product set because management of the new merchandise required much different capabilities in all aspects of running a retail company.  Not only did this transformation require new capabilities but it also required  improvements to productivity and efficiency throughout the company.  And overall this meant a need for cultural change.

I decided that I would introduce Lean process improvement techniques to this company.

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Supply Chain Optimization Techniques to Achieve Your ECommerce Goals!

Supply chains are central to optimal eCommerce results. The supply chain includes everything from ordering raw materials from suppliers to ensuring products are delivered to consumers in the best condition. Needless to say, any issues in these intricate processes and lack of Supply Chain optimization leads to customer dissatisfaction and a poor reputation.

Supply chains are an intricate collection of processes. Issues in one portion of the chain will disrupt every downstream process. As a business owner, optimizing your supply chain for efficiency will reduce these issues and help you build strong customer and vendor relationships.

In short, if building a robust eCommerce business is your goal, you must optimize your supply chain.

Here are 3 ways to achieve Supply Chain optimization.

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From Click to Ship in 4 Minutes! Ultimate Principles for World Class Fulfillment!

The capability we had in E-Commerce order fulfillment was rather basic.  We had employees manually pushing carts up and down standard warehouse racking aisles picking goods off of shelves.  And when they had completed an order or a set of orders they would then push the entire cart back to a centralized order packing station.

As a Supply Chain Services company we needed a dramatically better capability if we were wanted to have customers trust their growing E-Commerce business with us.  Pushing carts around a warehouse is both inefficient and lacks innovation.

We had to go back to the drawing board.  But in doing so we would end up with a World Class solution!

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How Near-Field Communication Technology Improves Your Business Performance!

Near-field communication technology (NFC) is an increasingly popular solution offering wireless connectivity, enabling seamless communication and data exchange between NFC-enabled tags or devices.

It’s a type of radio communication that allows for two-way interactions, wherein one device transmits an electromagnetic field to another nearby.  

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