4 Inventory Management Tips for Construction Companies to Lock Project Success!

A part of a construction company’s success hangs by the thread of inventory management. This industry’s inventory includes all materials and supplies needed to complete a project. Examples would include tractors, screws, heavy machinery, power drills, and more. 

In 2023, the US construction sector was valued at $2.3 trillion. Going forward, it is experiencing a growth rate of 4%. Maintaining an up-to-date inventory can help contractors enjoy greater shares of the industry’s revenue. 

It will also enable them to deliver each project on time with little to no glitches. In this article, we will discuss four inventory management best practices for construction enterprises. 

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What is Demand Sensing?

Understanding more about the needs and wants of customers through demand sensing can help supply chain leaders make informed decisions, improve inventory management, and increase profitability.

In recent months, conversations about how to improve forecasting in the supply chain have focused on a subject: demand sensing.

However, what is demand sensing?

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AI-Driven Inventory Management: Reducing Costs and Maximizing Efficiency!

Effective inventory management is crucial for businesses of all sizes and industries. Balancing supply and demand, minimizing carrying costs, and ensuring adequate stock levels are just a few challenges faced by inventory managers. 

Traditionally, manual inventory management processes were labor-intensive and prone to errors, resulting in inefficient operations and increased costs. However, the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized inventory management, empowering businesses with smarter and more efficient solutions. 

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of AI-driven inventory management and how it can help organizations reduce costs and maximize efficiency.

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5 Key Benefits of Just-In-Time Inventory Management!

In today’s fast-paced environment, businesses continuously strive to improve their processes in order to maximize productivity and customer satisfaction. Depending on the type of business, there are many areas that can benefit from leaner systems and quicker turnarounds.

For manufacturing businesses, efficient inventory management is essential and just-in-time inventory management has been increasingly adopted over the past years. This system ensures that production is closely tied to demand, synchronizing the production of goods with orders.

Adopting a just-in-time (JIT) inventory system has numerous advantages for a business, so read on to find out the key benefits.

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10 Small Business Inventory Management Tips!

Many overwhelming strategies, processes and techniques will come your way if you have to learn and perform inventory management. It can be hard to make sense of the overall framework you need to use for any of the small business inventory management tips and techniques.

But it’s certainly possible to deal with them with some of the trusted practices in the industry.  Large businesses have already pushed limits to minimize human error, and it’s high time you build solid inventory management for growing your company.

Let’s look at our highly recommended small business inventory management tips!

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The Supply Chain Detective™ and the Inventory Turnover Mystery!

The company I had just joined went to market declaring that it was a world leader in Distribution and Logistics. That was a clear contradiction to the Inventory Turnover Mystery I was about to discover.

As I settled into the job and started learning, and studying, the various Supply Chain metrics I was surprised when I looked at the Inventory Turnover performance of the company.

Looking at recent and historical Inventory performance I could see that turnover always stayed around 5-6 turns with little variation. Everyone seemed content with the situation and unmotivated to make it better.

For a company that declared their world leading capability I was astonished. 5-6 turns? True leadership in this areas would require double digit turns.

I needed to figure out what was truly going on and get this Inventory Turnover mystery solved. This was another case for the Supply Chain Detective™.

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4 Reasons the Apparel Industry Needs an Inventory Management System!

Due to the intense competition and quick pace of the apparel industry, it’s no surprise that new apparel trends and styles appear with each passing season.

This essentially means that companies that operate in the apparel industry must be able to quickly change and update their latest apparel collections to stay relevant to their prospective customers and remain competitive. 

And in order to achieve that, companies in the apparel industry need to have a dependable and efficient inventory management system in place to stay one step ahead of their competitors in a market that moves so swiftly and places such high demands on its participants. 

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How a Temperature-Controlled Warehouse Can Boost Your Supply Chain!

While certain products like fine art, pharmaceuticals, and food require a temperature-controlled environment to ensure they maintain their quality and stay safe for consumers, storing any product at all in a temperature-controlled warehouse is a great idea.

You might wonder why you should invest in a temperature-controlled warehouse if your products aren’t temperature sensitive. Well, here are the experts from Cargo County to explain how a temperature-controlled warehouse can boost your supply chain.

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Strategic National Stockpiles and Sourcing for the National Interest!

The decision by President Trump to tell 3M to stop shipping masks to Canada and Latin America is astonishing given that all of humanity is facing the same crisis.

Supply issues started with chronic shortages of toilet paper, hand sanitizer and food goods of all kinds. Store shelves have been emptied of the most basic items that we all take for granted.

And then it quickly evolved to shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for our Healthcare professionals. The very people whose tireless efforts and personal sacrifices on the front lines of this pandemic don’t even have the basic equipment they need to do their jobs while protecting themselves and their patients.

I never knew what an N95 mask was, nor did I know that there were actually national stockpiles (now proven to be insufficient) of these masks and ventilators and other PPE.

Trump’s action with 3M raises questions for any country about what their Strategic Stockpiles should be and whether future sourcing decisions and actions should be based on parochial nationalistic needs or magnanimous global needs.

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Mastering Inventory Management!

Ensuring your inventory management processes are streamlined and efficient is key to the success of your business operations. Having your customers receive their products on time should be one of your biggest priorities as an organisation. 

In this article, we’ll be discussing how best to navigate the complexities and challenges of mastering inventory management and how to ensure timely and accurate order fulfilment.

Whether you’re a small business looking to learn the ropes, or you’re transitioning from a small warehouse to a larger facility, we’ll be highlighting the importance of effective inventory management.

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11 Inventory Management Best Practices! (Infographic)

Supply chain leaders are continuously looking for inventory management best practices, and the role of technology in the supply chain offers significant advantages.

Instead of relying on traditional, outdated inventory management best practices, supply chain leaders should follow these 11 steps to leverage technology and improve inventory management at last.

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What is Inventory Management?

Inventory makes the world go round. Stockpiles of raw materials, components, sub assemblies, finished goods, returned goods, and reclaimed and refurbished materials enable all aspects of industry to function and all aspects of the economic engine to run.

Trillions and trillions of dollars of inventories exist all over the world in every conceivable form and in every conceivable channel. Inventory levels will determine whether any company will survive or die. Too much inventory can result in cash flow problems that lead to bankruptcy. Too little inventory can result in an irretrievable loss of business that can lead to business failure.

Given its incredible importance we’d like to explore what may seem to be a simple, yet complicated and truly strategic, question.

What is Inventory Management?

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Inventory Management Beyond the Mystery (Ebook)

Inventory is everywhere you look.   

Everyone and every company has inventory of some kind or another.  In your cupboards and closets, attics and basements at home you have an inventory of goods.  At your place of work, whether that be in an office, on a manufacturing floor, or a warehouse, you are surrounded by inventory.  And certainly, any store you go to, whether in person or online, has shelves stocked with inventory.  

Inventory makes the world go around.

That is why we’ve created “Inventory Management Beyond the Mystery“, our Inventory Management Ebook, to help you learn how to make game changing results using real life techniques.

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MRO Inventory Management: An Essential Element for Operational Efficiency!

In a world where competition is fierce and operational efficiency is paramount, businesses often seek ways to streamline processes and reduce costs without compromising on quality. MRO inventory management, or Maintenance, Repair, and Operation inventory management, plays a pivotal role in achieving these objectives.

Understanding and effectively managing MRO inventory can be the difference between a seamlessly running operation and one riddled with delays, unnecessary expenses, and operational hiccups.

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5 Inventory Management Mistakes to Avoid!

A very important part of many businesses is managing inventory. Companies in all different industries need to have inventory in stock in order to remain afloat and deliver their products to customers in a timely manner and avoid inventory management mistakes.

Managing this inventory is very important and should not be underrated or ignored by businesses. Having good inventory management can save your businesses money and make sure your fulfillment is acceptable.

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