4 Steps for Establishing Healthy 3PL Relationships!

The key to establishing healthy 3PL relationships starts with quality of the information that is provided at the time the request for a proposal (RFP) is submitted.

If you ask any 3PL service provider you will find that the lack of quality information provided in RFPs is one of their greatest frustrations.

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Make Freight Sourcing More Efficient!

The Freight sourcing team and procurement are critical components of the whole supply chain and is crucial to the success of the business. Whether you are a BCO (Beneficial Cargo Owner), Freight Forwarder or NVOCC it is essential that you get this critical component right.

In order to achieve maximum efficiency in freight sourcing and procurement, you need a strong team to handle the requirements.

These are the must-haves for any effective freight sourcing team.

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The Importance of Value-Added Services in Logistics and SCM!

The goal of supply chains is to add value to the manufacturing and distribution processes. Supply chains can be differentiated based on characteristics such as price, time reliability, and risk, and value-added services provided depending on the markets and value chains they serve.

There have never been more product choices in the marketplace than there are now, thanks to globalization and technical developments in supply chain management. 

Furthermore, whether purchased in a store or plucked right from their doorstep, buyers want to receive their products immediately and in excellent condition. That indicates that having popular products isn’t enough to guarantee success.

Today, they must also arrive swiftly, effectively, and in perfect condition, or you risk losing customers.

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3 Most Common Freight Forwarding Scams (and How to Avoid Them)! (Infographic)

The Link Business Directory

As most transportation of cargo and goods, whether in international waters or air space, involves multiple transit destinations and ports, logistics can be a complicated industry. Hence, it is always necessary to have a freight forwarder that can help in carrying out logistic operations. Find Freight Forwarder Perth here.  

A freight forwarder is an essential service provider, mostly for companies that are importing and exporting their cargo. This agent or company specializes in logistics and organizing shipments in place to transport goods. 

However, the rise of competition amongst freight forwarding companies also gave emergence to fraudulent individuals who would take advantage of the situation. Freight forwarding has both good and bad sides, just like any other industry. 

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What’s the Difference Between a Freight Forwarder and a Customs Broker?

Understanding the nitty-gritty of the supply chain process, including the difference between a freight forwarder and customs broker, is extremely crucial to succeed in the international trading industry.

Regardless of how big your business is, knowing the entities that will bring your shipment to its intended destination efficiently is imperative to maintain efficient supply chain operations and meet the time requirements of your clients and the market.

For many import and export businesses, there are basically two entities involved in moving your shipment from Point A to Point B, which are freight forwarders and customs brokers.

While seemingly fulfilling the same role, both satisfy different requirements of trade businesses, and each delivers advantages which their clients would not be able to achieve in other ways.

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What’s the Difference Between Freight Management and Logistics Management?

In business it is not uncommon to hear the words “Logistics Management” and “Freight Management” thrown around interchangeably.

“Logistics” and “Freight” both conjure up imagery associated with the movement and transportation of goods whether by truck, car, rail, ocean liner or any other form of transportation.

But for those who are professionals working in the Supply Chain field there can be very unique distinctions in this terminology. This is extremely important when you consider the tasks at hand, the skills required, and how to fill these types of jobs.

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What are Ecommerce Shipping Zones?

Carriers such as FedEx, UPS, and USPS use shipping zones to determine the shipping cost of a package. Zones relate closely (but often not exactly) to distance traveled. In the continental US, most carriers break down the country into seven shipping zones, (numbered 2-8).

ECommerce businesses need to pay attention to shipping zones. Zones affect your fulfillment costs and delivery time.

A clear understanding of shipping zones should inform your fulfillment strategy. When you use zones to your advantage, you can reduce shipping costs and even offer free shipping.

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IMO 2020 is Here. Are You Ready?

The IMO’s (International Maritime Organization) new Sulphur regulations, IMO 2020, will have far-reaching consequences for the global trade community. During the 17th session of MEPC (Marine Environment Protection Committee) meeting at London on 28th Oct. 2016, International Maritime Organization (IMO) took a landmark decision which will enforce a new regulation from 1st of Jan. 2020.

According to this regulation, the marine sector emissions in international waters will be slashed even outside the emission-controlled area: ECAs (Emission Control Areas; The Baltic Sea Area, The North Sea area, The United States, Canada, and the United States Caribbean Sea area).

The ships now have to reduce their Sulphur emission by over 80% – 85% by switching to Lower Sulphur Fuel.

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Featuring Our Top 16 Articles on Freight and Logistics!

Not much happens without transportation. And transportation does not happen without management. More specifically, that is, Freight Management and Logistics management.

Even though we are increasingly immersed in the information age and the proliferation of digital technologies the movement of goods from point A to point B, any where in the world is the drum beat of our lives.

The combinations and permutations of transportation modes, routes, carriers and resources is infinite. As such the ways in which all of this is managed also has innumerable approaches. Given the importance of this aspect of Supply Chain we would like to spotlight our best articles on this subject matter.

Here are our Top 16 articles on Freight and Logistics!

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When to Call for LTL Trucking!

 LTL, or less-than-load, is a shipping method that involves using only a portion of a truck’s available space. Those companies who choose LTL trucking pay only for the space they use and the distance the product needs to travel.

Are you wondering if your company can benefit from LTL?

If so, keep reading.

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How to Lower Your Ocean Freight Costs!

Freight forwarders and shippers/BCOs are on a constant quest to have a better understanding of their ocean freight costs and ultimately have larger margins.

The cheapest quote may not always provide overall cost savings.

Both the suppliers and shippers will need to monitor market conditions and costs on an ongoing basis as they enter carrier rate negotiations. For the shipper, in particular, the use of freight cost benchmarking, market movement analytics and global container tracking will also be important to achieve additional insight and a better understanding of overall costs.

Freight costs are considered by many forwarders and shippers to be a major part of their total shipment cost.

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How Does Air Freight Work?

Nowadays, the economy has become global and interconnected. Thus, businesses often need to ship their goods efficiently and rapidly worldwide. Air shipment is a suitable solution for it. But what is air freight, and how does it differ from air shipping? Still, these processes have similarities, they serve different purposes in logistics.

We review the aspects of freight by air, compare it with other transportation models, and provide a guide on understanding when air freight is the right option.

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The Vaccine Distribution Supply Chain!

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

As the Covid-19 Coronavirus has wreaked havoc with everyone’s lives all over the world there is great hope for a vaccine to allow us to get back to normal. While all of the social distancing measures are fine to help mitigate the spread of the virus only a vaccine holds the promise of really preventing it’s further spread.

Over 7.8 billion people, the entire global population, will need the Covid-19 vaccine, whether people choose to take it or even have access to it.

With such an indiscriminate virus at work how do you efficiently and quickly get a vaccine to everyone in every country around the world? It is an incredible task that won’t happen without careful and well thought out planning and execution of the Supply Chain.

What is the Vaccine Distribution Supply Chain?

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What is Drayage?

SC Viral The Pandemic Diaries

We live in a multi-modal world. Before a product arrives on your customer’s doorstep, it has probably traveled on several different modes of transport. One of those was undoubtedly drayage.

Though you might not be aware of drayage, it’s a crucial link in the supply chain. Drayage provides the connections that make multimodal freight work. 

The better you understand your supply chain, the more efficiently you’ll be able to manage it.

Here’s everything you need to know about drayage.

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