Every day there are individuals and teams all around the world who are making a difference. They are driving transformational change in their jobs, in their Departments, in the Organization and in their Companies. And they are achieving amazing results that defy what they previously thought possible.
We want to hear your stories and we invite you to share those stories on https://supplychaingamechanger.com so that we can all applaud, and learn from, your tremendous efforts.
We started Supply Chain Game Changer with the objective of sharing experiences and expertise. Shared learning has the ability to show others both what is possible as well as informing them so that they are enabled to make even greater changes.
Starting this blog itself has been a phenomenal learning exercise. But as we have shared in our blog posts we always “Embrace the Possibilities!”. Things that were previously considered impossible have been achieved because of the unrelenting focus on transformation and change and leadership by people like yourselves.
Submitting your Game Changing Project Story!
There is no need to be intimidated by writing a blog. We have a “Guest Blog Form” on our site:

As you complete the form and tell us about your Game Changing activities we ask that you consider the following guidelines:
Supply Chain Game Changer Guidelines:
- Articles should be at least 1000 words long
- Content should be consistent with that published on Supply Chain Game Changer
- Content should be original and ideally written as a story
- Please indicate the Name of the Author(s)
- Please ensure full attribution is provided for any content or imagery as appropriate
- Please credit and reference all sources, facts and figures
- Please include your email address.
We will publish your stories and share your remarkable achievements. It is an incredible opportunity to shine a well deserved spotlight on your activities, you and your teams.
Thanks for your continued tremendous support!