Revolutionizing Procurement: Empowering Professionals with Procurement Tactics’ Price Tracker Tool!

Procurement Tactics

In today’s fast-evolving business world, staying ahead of the curve is not just a competitive edge but an absolute necessity. Recognizing this need, Procurement Tactics, a pioneering player in the procurement industry, has introduced its game-changing Price Tracker tool –  an innovative solution that promises to reshape the way procurement professionals approach price monitoring.

Introducing The Price Tracker

On July 25, 2023, Procurement Tactics proudly announced the launch of its groundbreaking Price Tracker tool. This tool has the potential to empower procurement professionals worldwide by providing them with an effortless and precise means of tracking prices across a vast array of products and services. 

The Price Tracker functions as a comprehensive monitoring solution and allows users to input any URL from the internet. Subsequently, the tool scrapes the designated webpage every 24 hours, extracting price data and tracking fluctuations for the specified product.

This dynamic feature ensures that procurement professionals are equipped with real-time insights, enabling them to make informed decisions based on accurate pricing information.

Empowering Procurement Professionals

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, staying informed about price changes is paramount for procurement professionals aiming to secure optimal deals. 

Marijn Overvest, the Founder of Procurement Tactics, expressed his excitement about the launch of the Price Tracker. He emphasized the company’s commitment to equipping professionals with the right tools to excel in their roles.

“With the Price Tracker, we are taking a significant step towards fulfilling that commitment,” said Overvest. “We wanted to create a solution that eliminates the financial barriers and provides users with a seamless and comprehensive price tracking experience.”

Key Features of the Price Tracker

Below are the key features of this game-changer tool:

1. Universal Price Tracking

No matter the product – whether it’s raw materials or electronics – the Price Tracker’s universal tracking capabilities empower users to effortlessly monitor price changes across the web. It’s a one-stop solution for staying informed about the dynamic price landscape.

2. Free Access

In an industry where premium tools often come with a hefty price tag, Procurement Tactics has broken the mold by offering the Price Tracker as a free resource exclusively for the procurement community. This gesture underscores the company’s commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing.

3. Intuitive Interface

The user-friendly design of the Price Tracker sets it apart. Users can simply enter the URL of the desired page and watch as interactive graphs are generated, simplifying complex price analysis and making it accessible to professionals of all levels.

The Way Forward

Ralph de Groot, Co-founder of Procurement Tactics, expressed his excitement about the Price Tracker’s launch, noting that user feedback during the testing phase will be invaluable in refining and enhancing the tool. This commitment to continuous improvement underscores Procurement Tactics’ dedication to providing procurement professionals with the most effective and efficient tools for their roles.

In addition to its impressive features, Procurement Tactics has taken the initiative to track the prices of the top 40 raw materials, giving users an advantageous starting point in their price monitoring endeavors.

Procurement professionals, industry experts, and businesses are encouraged to explore the transformative potential of the Price Tracker. To experience the tool firsthand, visit Procurement Tactics’ official website at

About Procurement Tactics

Procurement Tactics is an educational institute for procurement professionals. With a team of experienced professionals, they develop digital courses and cutting-edge solutions to empower procurement professionals worldwide. By providing free access to essential tools, Procurement Tactics aims to foster collaboration, efficiency, and success in the procurement community.

Article and permission to publish here provided by Procurement Tactics. Originally written for Supply Chain Game Changer and published on August 23, 2023.

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