3 Ways a 3PL Fulfillment Agent in China Keeps ECommerce Competitive!

3PL Fulfillment Agent

The recent supply chain issues have wreaked havoc on e-commerce companies. Either they can’t get products at all or there is a massive delay in when they can get them, resulting in upset customers, frustrated business owners, and overworked freight companies.

To plan for Q4 inventory, you had to have your orders in place several months ago and now, it’s too late. Fortunately, there is a way for you to solve these supply chain issues, though, and it involves partnering with a 3PL fulfillment agent in China.

Here are the three ways a 3PL fulfillment agent in China can keep your e-commerce company competitive.

1. Shorter Lead Times

When you partner with a 3PL fulfillment agent based in China, they can receive orders from any factory in China within one to four days. This cuts your lead time down from months to days and you can place orders as they come in rather than try to predict which products customers are going to want four months from now. That’s a good way to end up with a lot of stock you can’t sell or have to sell at a substantial discount.

Since a 3PL fulfillment agent manages your entire supply chain, from production to delivery, you don’t have to worry about sourcing your products, storing them, packaging them, and finding the best way to deliver them. The fulfillment agent handles all of that and more.

You simply place your order and they take care of the rest. Your product can be at your fulfillment agency in a matter of days and shipped just as quickly.

2. Faster Shipping Times

This is a benefit that your customers will really appreciate. Instead of having to wait several weeks to months for their products, they can get them in as few as five calendar days when you partner with a fulfillment agent based in China. This is because they get the products more quickly from the Chinese factories and are able to ship them directly from the agency. 

The actual shipping times will vary, of course, depending on the shipping selection you or your customer makes at the time the order is placed. Most packages arrive within 5 to 8 calendar days if you select the fastest shipping method within 1 to 2 weeks if you select more economical options.

Plus, you can ship anywhere in the world and not be restricted by freight companies’ shipping destinations. This is because fulfillment agents work with a number of shipping companies to make sure your orders are met accordingly.

3. Average Cheaper Costs

Not only will your customers be happier with shorter shipping times, but you’ll be happier too because partnering with a fulfillment agent in China lowers your overall costs. This is because you will pay less in holding costs and not have to have as much cash tied up in inventory that you order months ahead of time. Who doesn’t like saving money?


You still have time to make your Q4 plans for inventory and shipping, but you’ll need to partner with a fulfillment agent based in China to do it. If you stick with traditional container shipping, you may be out of luck.

3PL Fulfillment Agent article and permission to publish here provided by Patrick Otto. Originally written for Supply Chain Game Changer and published on October 13, 2022.