2020 will be remembered for one thing, if nothing else, the Covid-19 Coronavirus global pandemic.
While you previously would have occasionally heard about the potential of a pandemic most of us could not have comprehended how disruptive and catastrophic a full-blown pandemic could be. The personal, professional, and economic impacts to every aspect of our lives and society have been unprecedented.
Even when an effective vaccine is discovered and distributed it seems clear that the Coronavirus will continue to wreak havoc on our lives for some time to come. It will be quite a while to get back to any semblance of what we used to consider normal.
Through it all the Supply Chain has been, and will continue to be, front and center. Every industry has experienced every combination and permutation of supply disruptions, demand spikes, factory, store, and warehouse closures, customer loss, the need for new services (e.g. e-commerce shopping and delivery), job cuts, inventory aging, product delays, shifting to producing healthcare products, and much more.
We began to record our thoughts on the state of the Supply Chain in the midst of the pandemic throughout 2020. The result was a large number of articles chronicling the experience and our musings.
“Supply Chain Gone Viral. The Pandemic Diaries” is a compilation of those articles. As you read these articles you will get a sense of how the extent of the pandemic exploded throughout the year. Our earliest chapters declare, what we retroactively look back to be, low numbers of the spread of the virus. As of the publication of this Ebook in November, 2020 we have almost 50,000,000 cases worldwide with over 1.2 million deaths. Further the advent of a second wave of the virus in much of the world suggests the horrific exponential growth of cases and deaths before we are able to get this virus out of control.
We ask everyone to take every necessary precaution to stay safe at work and at home. At some point we will look back on this point and time and hopefully we will learn from this experience and take steps to mitigate the impact of the next, inevitable, global pandemic. In this spirit our book includes a lot of content reflecting on what we need to do in the future to ensure we are better prepared through the implementation of the measures needed to create much more robust Supply Chains.
Thank you for your interest and enjoy “Supply Chain Gone Viral. The Pandemic Diaries” presented to you by Mike Mortson and Supply Chain Game Changer.
Now available on Amazon!
And be sure to check out our other Ebooks, also available on Amazon.
Copyright © Mortson Enterprises Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Originally published on November 24, 2020.