What are Verbal Reasoning Tests?

Verbal Reasoning Tests

Verbal reasoning tests evaluate your capacity to extract key pieces of information from dense pieces of text.

In doing so, your comprehension and general capability is tested and potential employers can form a clearer picture of how you think and act under pressure.

We’ve compiled all the important information you need to know on what exactly verbal reasoning tests are, and why they’re so important to employers. 

The Format 

As a rule, you’ll be given a lengthy piece of text to read. Then, you’ll be asked to respond with ‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘cannot say’ to the related questions. The good thing about verbal reasoning tests is that you need no prior knowledge of the content – the answer really is right there in front of you, you just have to learn how to find it. 

Who uses them?

Many different types of companies, from call centres to marketing firms, use verbal reasoning tests as a way of gauging which candidates would be best suited to a role. Traditionally these tests are used in roles which require good communication skills. 

What’s being measured? 

Your English language skills are what’s really being tested by verbal reasoning. But the test also gives potential employers a flavour of your general strengths and weaknesses, judgement and business acumen. 

What skills are needed? 

The ability to extricate the correct answer from a complex passage of text is the crux of what’s being tested. The time pressure you’re under also means that speed is important. 

How do you answer the questions?

Make sure you rely on the information in front of you, not prior knowledge. The point of these tests is uncovering your ability to sift through the text for the information, it’s not an assessment on how much you already know. 

Top tips

  1. Before you start the test, quickly work out how long you have to answer each question. This will help you not get stuck on a difficult problem. 
  2. Practice, practice, practice. Try and take as many practice verbal reasoning tests as you can before the big day so you get to grips with the test format. 
  3. Concentrate on your weaker areas. It’s the best way to strengthen them and give yourself every chance of success. 
Verbal reasoning tests article and permission to publish here provided by Francis Dimaano at practiceaptitudetests.com. Originally written for Supply Chain Game Changer and published on February 3, 2020.

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