How to File for Trademark Protection!

Trademark Protection

Trademark registration is straightforward if you know what you’re doing, but it might be overwhelming if you have no clue where to begin. To register trademark USA with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), you must first determine your trademark’s distinctive name and class, then submit an application to the USPTO, and finally get trademark protection and keep it in good standing.

In other words, what exactly is a trademark?

A trademark is a tool for your business, brand, or logo, like a chef’s knife. You may rest easy knowing that your reputation and possessions are secure from profiteers.

Copyrights, patents, and trademarks protect different property. USPTO defines a trademark as “a term, phrase, design, or combination that distinguishes your products or services, separates them from others’, and specifies their source.” A trademark protects a brand’s name, slogan, or packaging design.

According to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), patents are given for “novel, original, and business-applicable technological advances” This safeguards a product, not a brand.

The Importance of Trademark Registration: What are the Benefits?

Trademark registration is beneficial in many situations. A trademark may boost brand recognition. Copycats are discouraged, and customers are more confidence in their purchases. Registering a trademark protects your brand legally.

A registered trademark protects you against a competitor exploiting your name in a market halfway across the nation. A trademark protects you or your firm against trademark infringement, easing expansion.

Here are the necessary actions for registering a trademark: 

1. Perform a trademark search

First, do a thorough trademark search. This search shows whether a product name or logo has already been trademarked. The USPTO refuses to register generic or descriptive phrases as trademarks.

Avoid getting emotionally connected to a possible name while searching for the ideal one. It’s good to come up with many prospective trademarks in case the one you want is taken or too similar to another.

When completing a trademark search, consider your proposed mark’s potential. A made-up or fantasy brand will have the finest trademark application. Apple is a benchmark. The appealing brand name has nothing to do with the company’s products. Random marks are strong, but they need client education and an artificial link between the mark and the item. Nike’s logo requires the same effort.

2. Get your paperwork together and submit it.

Submit your application online via the TEAS (TEAS). If you wish to sell worldwide, you must register with the ICS and pick International Classes. Choose the classes that best define the goods or services your brand will sell. Choose courses that best explain what you do or wish to offer.

Filing options include TEAS plus and TEAS basic. TEAS+ costs $250 each school. This is the lowest option, but it provides the fewest services and goods. If you utilize TEAS plus, you must pay all application fees beforehand and check your USPTO email regularly.

The TEAS standard application is simple yet pricey each course. The basic package doesn’t limit you to email or International Classes.

3. Preserve your registration

It’s easy to neglect trademark upkeep. As long as you own and renew your trademark, you’ll be protected against infringement. After registering your trademark, you must watch for infringement, report it, and keep your records current. Ensure trademark protection and do not neglect your trademark. If you discover an infringement, you must seek legal advice and take action. In most cases, a cease-and-desist letter is enough to end this kind of infraction.

Registering your trademark protects it against infringement and boosts customer loyalty. Despite its complexity, the USPTO’s trademark registration application procedure is crucial for protecting all trademarks in use today. You may register your trademark swiftly if you know how to describe your goods and services and what’s needed.

For assistance in registering a trademark in the USA and or a company in Cyprus (, please contact Fintech Harbor Consulting.

Trademark protection article and permission to publish here provided by Alex Henderson. Originally written for Supply Chain Game Changer and published on December 3, 2022.