Preparing for the Storm: How Homeowners Can Protect Their Property!

Protect Their Property

As the old saying goes, ‘It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.’ In an increasingly unpredictable climate, homeowners around the globe are finding the wisdom in this proverb particularly relevant. With predictions of storms intensifying due to climate change, it is understandable that homeowners want to implement measures to help protect their property and their homes from these unfavourable weather conditions.

When storm clouds gather, and winds howl with fury, homeowners face an unavoidable reality: the threat of blustery weather. From torrential rains and powerful gusts to severe winter storms, the impact of such weather events can wreak havoc on properties, leaving homeowners in dire situations.

However, there is hope amidst the turbulent storm. By taking proactive measures and implementing effective strategies, homeowners can fortify their properties, safeguard their investments, and mitigate the potential damage caused by blustery weather.

In the face of windy weather, knowledge and preparation are key. Investing time and effort into fortifying your property can significantly reduce storm risks and safeguard your home against potential damage. Keep reading as we explore the proactive steps and practical measures homeowners can take to protect their properties and weather the storm safely.

Assessing Your Property’s Vulnerabilities

The first step in fortifying your home against severe weather conditions is identifying your property’s potential weak spots. Spend time looking for these weak spots that could lead to damaging results should they not be fixed. It’s crucial to consider your home’s age, design, building materials, and geographic location, as these can greatly influence its vulnerability to storms.

For instance, older homes might not have been constructed with modern safety standards, while certain architectural designs may be more susceptible to high winds or floodwater.

However, location is also influential when assessing your property’s vulnerabilities. Your location can also expose your home to specific risks. Homes near bodies of water might be more likely to flood, and those in open areas may be more susceptible to wind damage.

It could be worth hiring a professional inspector to evaluate your property’s structural integrity and identify areas that need reinforcement. In addition, regularly monitor and maintain the health of your property. By taking stock of these vulnerabilities, you can create a robust protection plan tailor-made for your property.

Inspecting The Roof And Making Repairs

Your home’s roof serves as the first line of defence against the fury of the elements. Its condition can significantly impact how well your property withstands a storm. As such, following on from the previous point about hiring professionals, you may want to invest in having your local roofer come to assess your property’s roof to see if any updates can be made.

Use a site like MyBuilder to help you find a roofer near you to identify potential vulnerabilities, such as missing or loose shingles, cracked or rusted flashings, and weakened spots that might allow water penetration.

Remember to check your gutters and downspouts, ensuring they’re debris-free and correctly draining water away from your home. Any damage or irregularities during these inspections should be promptly repaired to fortify your roof’s structural integrity. Inspecting and repairing your roof adds an essential layer of defence, helping keep you and your loved ones safe during severe weather events. 

Securing The Exterior (Doors, Windows, and Entry Points)

Aside from the roof, you should also look at the external entry points of your home, including doors and windows. These are critical areas to focus on when preparing for stormy weather. They often bear the brunt of high winds and flying debris, so ensuring their strength and resilience is paramount in helping you protect your property.

Begin by inspecting all doors, especially your front and garage doors, for any signs of weakness or damage. Reinforce them if necessary, and consider installing deadbolt locks for added strength.

Windows are a significant concern, especially in high-wind zones. Regularly inspect them for cracks or leaks, repair them as needed, and ensure they are properly sealed. Installing storm shutters or impact-resistant windows can offer enhanced protection in regions prone to violent storms.

Don’t forget about vents, skylights, and other potential entry points – these should also be fortified. By securing the exterior of your home, you’re not only protecting the structure itself but also reducing the chance of dangerous projectiles entering your home during a storm.

Clearing The Surroundings

The surrounding area of your home can become a hazard zone during blustery weather. Fallen trees and airborne garden furniture can cause significant damage to your property. Begin by evaluating trees and shrubs near your house. Remove dead or dying trees and prune branches that could break off and become dangerous projectiles during high winds.

Remember to clean out gutters and drains, ensuring water can flow freely and be directed away from your property. If you have a garden shed or outbuilding, check their structural integrity and secure any loose roof panels or doors. These preventative measures in place help to reduce the likelihood of damage to your home from flying debris and potential flooding.

Safeguarding Against Flooding

Speaking of flooding – you can take several steps to safeguard your home against this risk. The first is to understand your property’s flood risk. You can do this by consulting local flood maps and environmental agencies for this information. If your property is prone to flooding, consider making structural modifications such as raising electrical outlets, installing non-return valves in your drains, and, if feasible, elevating your home.

Furthermore, you can landscape your garden to help direct water away from your property; this could involve creating swales or installing a rain garden. Keep your gutters and drains clear of debris to facilitate proper water flow. It’s also wise to have a flood emergency kit, including essential items such as sandbags, a pump, torches, a first-aid kit, and waterproof clothing.

Remember to ensure that your insurance policy covers flood damage. With these measures in place, you can significantly mitigate the impact of potential flooding on your home.

Monitoring Weather Updates and Local Alerts

Being well-informed about impending weather events is crucial for timely preparation and effective response. With the advent of technology, keeping an eye on the skies has become considerably easier. Use digital resources such as weather forecasting websites and apps, like the Met Office, which provide real-time updates and alerts about changing weather conditions. Many platforms can send warnings directly to your mobile device, ensuring you’re never caught off-guard.

Pay attention to your local meteorological office or environmental agency, which provides region-specific updates and advice. Tune into local radio or television stations for weather bulletins, especially during severe weather. Constant vigilance and staying informed can help you act promptly, safeguard your property effectively, and ensure the safety of your loved ones.

When the storm clouds gather, the resilience of our homes becomes paramount. While the idea of severe weather can be daunting, a prepared homeowner is an empowered homeowner and will protect their property. Remember that preparation takes time and isn’t a task to be done in haste as the storm approaches.

By taking these proactive steps well in advance, you can mitigate the damage caused by severe weather conditions, and ensure the safety of your home and loved ones. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to weathering the storm.

Protect Their Property article and permission to publish here provided by Grace Murphy. Originally written for Supply Chain Game Changer and published on June 24, 2023.

Cover image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay

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