Don’t let that joy of being shortlisted for an interview fade away because you didn’t secure the job. There could be many reasons but let it not be something you did wrong during the interview. Here are Job Interview Do’s and Don’ts tips from Writingjobz.com to look out for during the interview.
How To Dress
Ever heard of that adage, ‘Your dress your choice?’ Well, that works against you here. What you wear for the job interview speaks volumes about you. Check this out:
Do: You need to get acquainted with the companies values and culture before the interview. Dressing code is part of that; therefore, check out its social media pages to see how they present themselves. The information you get will help you dress according to the company’s customs, presentation, and culture.
Don’t: If you are not sure about the code the company prefers, it would be lousy to dress down. You could go the conventional way and dress better than you think it is.
When and How To Act
Disclaimer!!! Stay Calm because one interviewer is going to through you that unexpected or even irrelevant question.
Do: The sole purpose of interviews is to see your reactions. It would help if you, therefore, stayed composed and relaxed before answering any question. Incase that unexpected question is thrown your way, engage that flexibility gear, remain calm, and be as engaging as possible. Also, request a second or two to think before replying; it won’t break any bone.
Don’t: Once you say something, it’s hard to take it back, more so when it’s a bad answer. Therefore, you need to slow down, take your time, and relax before you give the response. Never show any sign of panic when asked a tough or unexpected question. Just relax and think.
What To Say Without Actually Speaking
This checks on your non-verbal cues and your body language. Look out for what to do and what not to do.
Do: Show confidence by sitting up straight, slightly bending forward, and keep eye contact with the interviewer. Also, wear a smile, and you could even nod as you listen.
Don’t: Do not cross your arms; rather, keep your arms in an open stance. It would help if you also projected a positive body language that shows interest and that you are in the interview.
Remain An Interviewee
Remember that you are the interviewee, and you should not take the lead or be in control.
Do: Keep an environment that the interviewers feel in control and on the lead. This is because they are looking for certain aspects from you that fit the job description.
Don’t: Don’t be afraid to ask questions in as much as they lead the conversation. Your job is to help them gather as much information as they want regarding your job fitness.
How To Bring In Your Past
Do: You should only bring up your previous successes where necessary. As you do so, remember to keep the success relevant to the position you are applying for at the moment. Show the interviewers the value the past achievements add to the job post that you want.
Don’t: Don’t focus the past endeavors to the point that it becomes irrelevant. Keep in mind that your past success should only give you experience that translates to added value for the new job you are hunting.
How to respond to your weaknesses
Do: This is the chance to be honest about the skills you don’t have, the gaps in your resume, and even the experience you don’t have. You can use this opportunity to leverage the interview back to your strengths and achievements.
Don’t: Don’t lie about what you want to be or what you don’t have. Just remain truthful about the skill you have since it will give you the courage to talk about what you have and what you have achieved.
How To Conclude And Leave
Do: How you begin and end your interview is very important. Ensure to give a firm handshake and thank the interviewers for their time. Also, tell them that you are looking forward to hearing from them soon.
Don’t: Don’t rush to leave as the end part matters a lot. It is also good to leave a good impression and let that ‘Is there any reasons you wouldn’t recommend me’ slip off.