5 Important Uses of Technology in Modern Teaching and Learning!

Modern Teaching and Learning

Technology is revolutionizing the modern classroom, but also the educational sector as a whole. The COVID-19 pandemic has sped up and popularized a trend that has been on the rise for years with the advancement of digital technologies and online learning, and nowadays it seems that eLearning has become an integral part of modern teaching and learning.

But that’s not the only way that technological advancement is changing the way we teach, and the way students approach the learning process. For example students can buy a powerpoint presentation, which helps to save their time and make their education easier.

There are many ways in which different tech solutions and tools can help teachers and students succeed in their endeavors, and many ways that learning can become more fun and engaging for all. Some technologies are simple enough, like video conferencing tools and collaborative platforms, but others are more advanced and are set to transform the educational sector in the years to come – such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. 

Let’s take a closer look at these technologies and talk about the important uses they have in modern teaching and learning, along with essay writing service with native writers.

1. Facilitating synchronous and asynchronous learning

In the post-COVID-19 world, the majority of students will return to the physical classroom, but that doesn’t mean that online learning will become any less popular or prevalent. In fact, we can expect eLearning and online classrooms to prevail in the years to come and rise in popularity as the remote learning and teaching model continues to deliver better and better results. 

If there is one thing that digital technologies in education are good for, it’s for facilitating seamless synchronous and asynchronous learning, meaning that the student has the freedom to learn alongside their peers and on their own. Because all the classes and learning materials are recorded and stored on the cloud, a student who has missed a class or wants to hear the lecture again can easily gain access to the whole thing and start consuming the materials at their own pace. 

This opens up numerous opportunities for the teachers as well, and allows them to convey their lectures in a more engaging way. As the technology continues to evolve and more and more students continue to join in from their computers, we will see a rise of blended learning (online and traditional) in developed countries around the world.

2. Artificial intelligence and machine learning may assist teachers

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are two very popular technologies that are nowadays in use in almost every industry in the world. Even though we are just barely scratching the surface of their true potential, it’s safe to say that AI and ML will completely revolutionize the educational sector in the decades to come, if implemented on a broad and regulatory level. 

When integrated into the classroom, machine learning can over time start to assist the teachers in optimizing the lectures for the specific needs of the groups, but even more so for the needs of the individual.

One of the key benefits of AI and ML in education is that it will be able to fill the knowledge gaps, including essay writing, that the individual might have by identifying their potential weaknesses and recommending specific steps and supplementary materials they can use to catch up with the rest of the class. 

3. Online learning platforms supplement the official curriculum

While artificial intelligence and machine learning are yet to find their way into mass use around the world, online learning platforms are currently impacting the education industry in a big way. Online learning platforms serve to supplement and complement the learning materials that the students are already using, and they cater to all academic levels. 

In Canada, for example, students can now find online study notes from past university students, and even the comprehensive McMaster unofficial transcript that has all the subjects and many of the learning materials they need to supplement their official learning material. This is just one example of how online learning platforms can transform the way students approach the process of studying and prepping for their exams using free online resources.

4. AR and VR technologies can enrich the classroom

Augmented reality and virtual reality have been around for quite some time now, but for the most part they have failed to find their way into the modern classroom – but that is going to change as these technologies become more accessible. For the most part, AR and VR will soon find more use in online and remote learning rather than the traditional classroom.

Because more and more people have access to these technologies at home, they will be able to enjoy a more interactive learning experience in a virtual classroom.

The possibilities and applications of these technologies are numerous, and they can help teachers create a more engaging learning environment for all generations of students. LSAT tutors at TestMaxPrep, for example, leverage simple yet efficient video conferencing tools to provide one-on-one tutoring to law school aspirants.

5. Gamification can make learning more engaging

Speaking of student engagement, it’s important to note that gamification is making waves in the modern, tech-driven world. Businesses are gamifying their internal and external processes, marketing, and sales; people are enjoying games on their computers and smartphones more and more – all of which points to the fact that gamification can help teachers create a more enjoyable learning experience as well. 

The modern student might not have the attention span or the willpower to sit through a lecture, but they may be willing to learn and pay attention if they interact with an educational gaming platform. But gamification also comes in more traditional forms and doesn’t always require the use of tech, as the teacher can manually gamify many processes and introduce elements of gamification in the curriculum like leveling up, building a compelling narrative, and more.

Over to you

Technology will continue to change the way we teach, and the way students approach the learning process in the years to come, and it’s important to know which technologies will make the biggest impact. The tech we talked about today will enable teachers and students to thrive and reach new heights of success in their respective fields and drive modern teaching and learning.

Modern teaching and learning article and permission to publish here provided by Elaine Bennett. Originally written for Supply Chain Game Changer and published on July 22, 2021.

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