The healthcare industry is experiencing a revolution by integrating modern technology. With our society heavily reliant and interconnected with technological advancements, it’s crucial to advance Healthtech even more.
Continue reading “Healthtech Development in the World!”Tag: Healthcare
All You Need to Know About Telemedicine!
Telemedicine is a consultation with a doctor through social messengers, by phone or video. The most effective method of communication, of course, is via videoconferencing.
In this case, the doctor sees the patient, visually assesses his condition and can rely on his observations, and not just on the words of the patient.
Continue reading “All You Need to Know About Telemedicine!”8 Tips for Becoming a Successful Healthcare Professional!
The healthcare industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. And this is one of the few industries that will never lose its importance regardless of time and technological advancement. So, deciding to pursue a healthcare career can be quite beneficial for you.
A successful healthcare professional career can bring job satisfaction, a higher salary, and added benefits. However, being a healthcare professional can also be quite rewarding and fulfilling. Not only will it allow you to help people in need, but you will also be able to influence many lives throughout your career.
Continue reading “8 Tips for Becoming a Successful Healthcare Professional!”Your Next Medical Assistant Could Be Thousands of Miles Away! Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing!
The idea of having a medical assistant working from halfway around the world might sound a little surprising at first, but it’s becoming more common—and for good reason. Remote medical assistants are transforming how healthcare practices operate, offering benefits that go far beyond what you might expect.
If you’re wondering why you should consider hiring a remote medical assistant, let’s walk through the advantages.
Continue reading “Your Next Medical Assistant Could Be Thousands of Miles Away! Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing!”What Soft Skills Used in Healthcare Can Be Transferred to Business?
A healthcare career is something that a lot of people feel drawn to. It’s a way of helping others that can be extremely rewarding. And it’s ideal for people who want to feel as though they are making a difference through the soft skills used in Healthcare.
Not only that, but there are many ways to progress a career in healthcare, so ambitions can also be met.
It might even be that you want to start your own business in a healthcare-related field. Maybe you want to start your own practice and open a clinic, or perhaps you feel your skills are best utilized in administration and management.
Whatever it is you want to do with your nursing qualifications once you have them, it’s important to understand that you can gain many soft skills through studying for a career in healthcare that can then be used in other areas, namely your own business if that’s what you choose to do.
Continue reading “What Soft Skills Used in Healthcare Can Be Transferred to Business?”Seasoned Leadership in Action™! An Interview with Sandra Ketchen!

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe. As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series. This interview is with Sandra Ketchen.
Continue reading “Seasoned Leadership in Action™! An Interview with Sandra Ketchen!”Women’s Clinic Singapore Shapes the Future of Healthcare!
Welcome to Women’s Clinic Singapore! Our clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive medical care to meet the unique health needs of women. Our team of highly trained professionals offers personalized care to every patient, ensuring that they receive the best possible treatment.
Continue reading “Women’s Clinic Singapore Shapes the Future of Healthcare!”6 Reasons Why Bitcoin Technology is Popular in Healthcare!
Developing nations have put a lot of cash into medical care. The more significant part of rich nations is dependent on blockchain innovation to upgrade their economies. And Bitcoin technology is popular in healthcare.
It will be fit for a broad scope of assignments. It is continually giving safe encryption of patient data to deal with disease and plagues. Blockchain innovation keeps on giving various advantages to the medical services industry.
Continue reading “6 Reasons Why Bitcoin Technology is Popular in Healthcare!”4 Steps to Secure the Healthcare Data Supply Chain!
Data security has become a major concern over the last few years. It’s the responsibility of every sector, including the Healthcare Data Supply Chain, to ensure they secure their sensitive data from cyberattacks and other related issues.
However, protecting sensitive data in the healthcare sector is no easy feat. A healthcare facility must ensure they secure sensitive data while simultaneously delivering quality services and adhering to regulatory compliance.
Continue reading “4 Steps to Secure the Healthcare Data Supply Chain!”The Challenge of Proving Medical Malpractice!
Medical malpractice is a specialized form of personal injury law that seeks to hold medical professionals responsible for injuries to their patients that result from negligence.
The premise of medical malpractice is the same as for any other personal injury claim in that if the injury was the result of another person’s negligence, the injured party should be compensated and made financially whole.
But as personal injury experts at Wagners Law Firm explain, the burden of proof for medical malpractice is significantly higher.
Continue reading “The Challenge of Proving Medical Malpractice!”5 Ways to Improve Healthcare Quality!
Although every sector aims towards constant improvement, the healthcare sector has an emphasized focus on it. Healthcare quality is constantly evolving to ensure that patients have the most comfortable experience possible.
The healthcare sector has gone from offering outdated practices to state-of-the-art facilities that allow us to treat even the most sophisticated diseases. However, that doesn’t mean the work is done.
We still have a long way to go.
Continue reading “5 Ways to Improve Healthcare Quality!”How Remote Patient Monitoring Systems Change Lives!
Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is a way to monitor someone’s health through technology. Without the need to be in a traditional clinical environment, certain information about the patient’s health status is electronically sent to their doctor, who can monitor this data remotely.
Such technologies began to be developed in the 1960s. The first manned space missions required that it be possible to send data on astronauts’ blood pressure and breathing back to Earth.
Today it is no longer necessary to be in orbit to have access to these remote monitoring systems. Let’s take a look at some of them to understand how technology is changing the lives of both patients and doctors.
Continue reading “How Remote Patient Monitoring Systems Change Lives!”The Netflix Effect in the Healthcare Industry!
Healthcare logistics is moving towards an approach that involves more technology and data to bring revolutionary changes in the industry. Just like the Netflix effect – the corporation that has changed the way we engage in daily entertainment, the healthcare sector is set to use data to its advantage.
This can bring a welcome change and make healthcare services more optimized to tackle the ongoing pandemic and other healthcare challenges.
Continue reading “The Netflix Effect in the Healthcare Industry!”Understanding the Different Types of CPT Codes!
Do you want to streamline your medical billing and reimbursement processes? Using Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes is essential. These standardized codes, maintained by the American Medical Association (AMA), ensure accurate documentation and billing for the procedures and services you offer.
By adopting CPT codes, you can establish a common language with insurance companies and other healthcare providers, facilitating seamless communication and efficient claims processing.
In this blog, we’ll explore the various types of CPT codes and their importance. Stay tuned to learn the secrets to improving your revenue cycle management and delivering exceptional patient care.
Continue reading “Understanding the Different Types of CPT Codes!”