Online Freight Forwarding: Easing International Shipping for SMBs!

With more customers ordering goods online than ever before, the margin of error for mistakes in shipping and logistics has become that much smaller. Simply put: A poor delivery experience will likely lose an SMB their customer.

Logistics operations are notoriously difficult and expensive to set up, especially for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Margins are low and resource needs are high, both stumbling blocks for the average SMB. Thankfully, digital freight forwarding is presenting SMBs with a unique solution.

Here’s how online freight forwarding is easing international shipping for SMBs.

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™ – An Interview with La Chang, CEO at TGL!

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series. This interview is with La Chang, CEO at Think Global Logistics (TGL), an international freight forwarding company.

Since the inception of Supply Chain Game Changer our mission has been to share experiences and expertise for the benefit of everyone. One of the supporters of Supply Chain Game Changer has been La Chang and his team at TGL.

Here is our interview with one of our great colleagues at Think Global Logistics, La Chang, Chief Executive Officer.

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3 Most Common Freight Forwarding Scams (and How to Avoid Them)! (Infographic)

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As most transportation of cargo and goods, whether in international waters or air space, involves multiple transit destinations and ports, logistics can be a complicated industry. Hence, it is always necessary to have a freight forwarder that can help in carrying out logistic operations. Find Freight Forwarder Perth here.  

A freight forwarder is an essential service provider, mostly for companies that are importing and exporting their cargo. This agent or company specializes in logistics and organizing shipments in place to transport goods. 

However, the rise of competition amongst freight forwarding companies also gave emergence to fraudulent individuals who would take advantage of the situation. Freight forwarding has both good and bad sides, just like any other industry. 

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