How to Choose a Cleaning Company!

Cleaning Company

Nothing stands still, including services. Over time, more and more new systems of economic and other services appear, the need for which is dictated by the market.

Cleaning is one of these relatively young services. In the usual words, cleaning is cleaning. But the cleaning service is professional, using special chemicals and technical devices. Special vacuum cleaners, floor polishers, pressure washing equipment, special sprays, absorbent solutions and disinfectants – this is not a complete arsenal of cleaning company tools.

The provided service consists not just of traditional dry or wet cleaning, but of the whole complex of measures to clean up office or residential premises. This includes the cleaning of facades, and washing windows, both inside and out, and snow removal in the surrounding area, and garbage disposal.

Thanks to this universal approach, the activities of organizations such as will always be in demand. It remains only to find more info and decide which cleaning company will be able to provide the most complete range of services?

An ideal option is to hire the cleaning professionals to give an excellent clean outcome.

Step One

To get started, select a few companies that provide relevant services in your city. The first selection is most often made over the Internet. Therefore, pay attention to how saturated the site of the cleaning company is with information: whether it is indicated what types of services are provided, whether there are those that you need among them.

For example, dry cleaning of upholstered furniture and carpets, polishing granite floors, cleaning the surrounding area, working at height if you have an industrial building in which windows need to be washed, and so on.

In addition to this information, check for feedback from customers. Of course, they must be “live”, that is, real – this is indicated by the length of the comment, the mention of the types of cleaning that the company performed for the client, an indication of any errors in the work being done, an assessment of the ratio of the quality of the result and the cost of services.

After the first correspondence acquaintance, make several calls to the organizations selected from the list. Remember: not a single reputable cleaning company will tell you the exact final amount for their services at the first conversation.

In the best case, this will be the cost of cleaning a square meter, and the final result can be calculated only after a full and accurate discussion of the types of work to be done, the area of ​​​​the room to be cleaned and the degree of pollution. Do not be surprised by this approach, often the price of a one-time cleanup after   room of the same area.

Step Two

Meeting with the manager of a cleaning company is the most important moment when choosing a service provider. The specialist will assess the condition of the premises, the area of ​​surfaces that need special cleaning – glass, stained-glass windows, facades. \With him or her you will discuss the need for dry cleaning of textiles – carpets and upholstered furniture.

Washing racks, counters, showcases, cabinets, blinds, even ceilings – all this is negotiated and discussed in detail. You can choose both a comprehensive cleaning of the premises, and its individual types, or combine both options. For example, daily wet cleaning, weekly carpet cleaning and monthly window cleaning.

Do not worry that you will forget about some insignificant, in your opinion, trifle. Experienced cleaning service staff will tell you what exactly in your room needs cleaning and thorough cleaning.

Ask the manager how the garbage is collected after the work has been done. Sadly, but this point is worth a separate mention. Therefore, it is imperative to clarify whether the company itself cleans up after itself or whether garbage disposal outside your territory should be carried out separately.

After discussing all the subtleties and nuances, the signing of the contract follows. Be sure to check it for a clause on compensation for damage caused both during the provision of services and as a result of their improper conduct.

For example, if a window is broken during cleaning or a couple of days after using especially aggressive cleaning products, the upholstery on upholstered furniture will spread. Of course, in cooperation with experienced companies, this risk is minimized, but additional insurance has not bothered anyone yet.

Of the special cleaning services worth noting a few. For example, many companies offer disinfection of surfaces – this procedure is especially relevant for cafes, restaurants, beauty salons. There is a seasonal service for cleaning and removing snow from the adjacent territory and the roof of the building. And of course, cleaning and removal of household waste.

It is easier to entrust all this to one cleaning company than to hire different services for each type of work.

Cleaning company article and permission to publish here provided by Martin Findy. Originally written for Supply Chain Game Changer and published on May 11, 2022.

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