Blog Posts

How the Kentucky Derby Has Implemented Technology Throughout the Last Decade!

There are few more exciting sporting events on the international calendar than the Kentucky Derby. The opening leg of the Triple Crown in the United States attracts visitors from across the globe, with Churchill Downs welcoming hundreds of thousands of visitors on an annual basis.

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Brick and Mortar Stores: Stand Up and Unite!

It’s time for the Retail Brick and Mortar Store to stand up and be counted!   All of the talk about the demise of Brick and Mortar stores is premature.

In this age of E-Commerce the vast majority of retail sales are still conducted face to face in a physical store.  Even Millennials shop in a physical store 50% of the time.

The phenomenal growth of E-Commerce is undeniable.  But more importantly we must remember that customers want an OMNICHANNEL experience, NOT a Single Channel experience.

At the intersection of what the Customer wants and what the Retailer wants is the Brick and Mortar store!  This is where the Brick and Mortar Store is uniquely positioned to leverage its significant advantages!

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10 Reasons to Upgrade Your Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) System: EPOS Buyback Programs!

In the rapidly evolving world of retail and hospitality, staying ahead with the latest technology can make a significant difference in your business operations and customer satisfaction. Upgrading your Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) system is a strategic move that can lead to improved efficiency, sales, and overall business growth.

Furthermore, engaging in EPOS buyback programs can offer an economical and sustainable way to make this upgrade. Here are ten compelling reasons to consider upgrading your EPOS system and how POS buy back programs can benefit your business.

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Supply Chain Impacts of a Protectionist World!

A strong political sentiment these days seems to be more about protectionist behaviour and protecting one’s own national territory and interests rather than those of the Global community.

Yet we have for a long time been a global economy with unprecedented levels of international trade and commerce.  Virtually every company and country relies on goods and/or services from countries all around the world.

So how do we manage the Supply Chain in the face of this political myopia?

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IKEA’s IWAY Lessons For Procurement!

My girlfriend and I have a dog, named Charlie.

He’s only one and a half years old and is already, now, rather well trained. Sure, he has an occasional hiccup and puts his paws on a friend from over excitement, or pulls on the leash a bit too much as we approach the lake. But, all in all, my girlfriend and I (mainly her) have done a pretty solid job raising him.

Then again, we didn’t approach this whole dog ownership business with a ‘wilyl-nilly’ mindset.

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Reducing Bitcoin’s High Transaction Fees !

Unchaining Change Leadership

The total fee for a bitcoin transaction is $23. There are, luckily, cost-cutting solutions open. It was just a matter of time. Bitcoin exchange costs and Bitcoin transaction fees are increasing again now that bitcoin is in a bull market, and more consumers are flocking to access the digital currency.

As per tracking service Bitinfocharts, the daily bitcoin transaction fee has been fluctuating between $24 and $31 lately. Higher fees are paid as the blockchain gets overloaded. On the blockchain, a certain amount of room has been set aside. When the lanes are packed, transfers travel more slowly, close to a traffic jam.

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3 Challenges Facing Supply Chain in the Next 5 Years!

We stand at the cusp of some interesting new possibilities for business. As such, we can expect some potentially drastic changes, and with them the need for smart solutions. We’ll take a look at a handful of the major challenges facing supply chain over the next half-decade, and how the industry is approaching these. 

It can sometimes feel as though our commercial landscape is in a constant state of flux. Whether due to frequent changes in technology, attitudes of consumers, or shifts in working practices, this can breed both an exciting sense of competition, as well as uncertainty. Supply chain managers are often at the forefront of these developments.   

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Recruiting Construction Workers – The Ultimate Guide!

Recruitment is an essential part of every business, and construction companies are no different. Construction is a vital part of the economy, and there is always a high demand for qualified workers in this industry. However, it can be difficult to know where to start if you are recruiting construction workers.

There are so many ways to find employees, and each method has advantages and disadvantages. In this guide, we will discuss the different methods you can use when recruiting construction workers, as well as the pros and cons of each approach. Let’s get started.

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The Best Ways to Track Sales Performance!

Keeping track of your sales performance might sound simple, but the details can be complicated without the right tools.

As a manager or leader, you need to have a good grasp of the key performance indicators for your company so that you make logical, insightful decisions for the benefit of your company.

Fortunately, customizable sales dashboards will make your job a whole lot easier.

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How Smart CEOs Leverage Supply Chain!

Being a CEO is tough enough, let alone how difficult it is if you don’t have all of the skills and knowledge needed.. Many CEOs have a background in Finance or Sales and Marketing or Engineering, or are just entrepreneurs. But few have in-depth experience in Supply Chain, let alone understand how to leverage Supply Chain.

The truth is that the overwhelming, but often misunderstood and underrated, impact of Supply Chain’s importance to the success of an organization is missed and unknown to many CEOS.

Only truly smart CEOs get it. They get the importance of Supply Chain and understand that they will succeed or fail depending on how they do, or do not, leverage Supply Chain.

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Factors to Consider Before Redesigning Your Website!

No business can stay afloat in the modern market without a website. Most active consumers are already online, buying products and services via web channels. Thus a website is your strategic source of revenue and brand visibility, which are important considerations before redesigning your website.

Still, as time passes, you might notice that your website enjoys fewer visits. It may also give lower revenue and work with glitches. If any of these pointers are present, you need to prepare your web product to redesign.

Here is a guide on how to get ready for redesigning your website, what factors to consider before doing it, and how to maximize the value of your update efforts. 

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™ – An Interview with Chris Darbyshire, VP Operations!

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action” Interview series at Supply Chain Game Changer. This interview is with Chris Darbyshire, Vice President of Operations.

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How to File India GST Returns Online!

As a newly registered business, you need to acquaint yourself with several new terms and concepts.

As compared to every other term around, GST is arguably the most important one to take note of, not just due to payable nature but due to the fact that GST returns must be filed religiously for the authorities to determine your tax liabilities and the final sum that is to be paid.

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Software Penetration Testing Tools and Techniques!

Penetration testing or software penetration testing is a process that helps organizations identify the security flaws in their computer systems and networks.

The goal of penetration testing is to exploit these vulnerabilities and assess the damage that could be caused if they were exploited by a malicious hacker. In order to do this, testers use a variety of tools and techniques to attempt to break into the system.

In this post, we will discuss the relevance of tools and techniques in penetration testing, as well as the pros and cons of using them.

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Seasoned Leadership in Action™ – An Interview with Drew Morgan !

At Supply Chain Game Changer we believe in sharing experiences and expertise from people in every industry and from across the globe.  As such we have introduced our “Seasoned Leadership in Action™” Interview series at Supply Chain Game Changer. This interview is with Drew Morgan, Director, Global Supply Chain and Procurement at ModusLink.

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