5 Ways CNC Machining Can Help Manufacturers!

CNC Machining

Every manufacturing business would love to explore the possibility of increasing its production volumes, time, accuracy, and so on. CNC machining does just that, and during the years it has been around, it has evolved in different ways, from automated processes to multiple axes, among others.

One of the most popular innovations is CNC Prototyping, which is responsible for designing and creating accurate and precise product prototypes. This is done using a computer-controlled machine that carves out the product model from a solid block made of metal or plastic.

What is CNC Machining?

If you have never heard of the term before, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) refers to automating machine tools using computers to execute pre-programmed sequences of machine control commands.

CNC has garnered decent traction over the years because it is efficient in increasing production volumes, saving time, and being accurate, among other things. An increased demand for custom parts and components is the other reason behind its popularity.    

Ways CNC Machining Benefits Manufacturers 

All manufacturers today have embraced CNC Machining, regardless of the industry they are in, for at least one of the following reasons.

1. Products Are Of Quality

Tasks in CNC machining are carried out by pre-programmed machines, and the design from AutoCAD is linked to the machine. This means that there is no possible room for human error, and consistency is guaranteed in terms of product dimensions and structure. CNC machining also handles complex designs with ease. 

While some people opt for the conventional method, CNC is still better suited for mass production courtesy of its repeatability and high-end accuracy. The machines are also programmable to do quality control checks as production is ongoing. This helps reduce the risk of defects and ensures high-quality parts. When a product comes with quality assurance, it improves customer satisfaction and the reputation of the brand. 

2. Low Cost of Production

Unless you are producing custom components or small quantities, CNC machining will actually lower the cost of production. This is especially true in terms of labor, as little to no manpower is needed to operate CNC machinery as opposed to conventional machining, where high-level expert workers are required to operate the machines. 

The fact that it is high-speed, accurate, and precise also helps reduce costs. This is by ensuring the products are of good quality and that more and more products are completed within the given time. The machines are also operational every single day, 365 days a year, meaning with regular maintenance, the production never stops. 

3. Safe Workplace

Money aside, there are other benefits that come from consistency and convenience. CNC machining plays an important role in allowing for a safer workplace. Conventional methods come with punches, drills, manual lathes, and many other tools that come into direct contact with the operator.

Meanwhile, CNC machines operate at a safe distance. They also come with safety features that not only protect the operators but also reduce the risk of accidents. 

Having machines in close proximity to employees can result in accidents or injuries in the workplace. CNC machining is considered safer because it results in fewer accidents and happier employees. 

4. Less Material Wastage

Sustainability is very important when it comes to production of every kind, and with CNC, it is a top benefit any manufacturer will enjoy. The machines are programmed to do specific tasks with very tight tolerances.

There is no room for material wastage because every task works as per the desired specifications and scale. Lowering the scrap rate ensures the efficient use of natural resources and saves you some money on raw material purchases.    

The entire process can also be considered more subtractive rather than additive, as unwanted parts are eliminated in various methods, thus saving you on costs and rework. You would also save on other additional parts like drills or sanders, as CNC doesn’t require them since everything is already there in the main body.  

5. Produces Complex Textures And Shapes Easily

There are limits to what we humans can accomplish. No matter how gifted an engineer is, there are certain things digital software can produce that he or she couldn’t possibly pull off. CNC machining allows for the production of textures and shapes that aren’t possible in conventional methods and machines.

The accuracy is in the thousandths of an inch, thus making them incredibly precise. When used together, advanced design software and CNC machines are capable of really great and complex creations. 


Choosing between conventional and CNC machining can be tricky since both of them work toward getting the same result. They each have their merits and downsides, and because of that, each may be ideal in certain cases.

If you are looking to produce smaller quantities, then CNC might not be the most ideal option. However, for mass production, CNC takes the lead, and in addition, you also get to enjoy precision, accuracy, consistency, and fewer human errors.

Article and permission to publish here provided by Dina Summers. Originally written for Supply Chain Game Changer and published on July 29, 2024.